How do I stop fantasizing about getting my boipussy destroyed by a bwc?

How do I stop fantasizing about getting my boipussy destroyed by a bwc?

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Actually get dicked by one

come over to my place and feel the real thing baby

Can you be my boyfriend? It would be nice

imagine this post without anime
it loses its punch

By killing yourself, obviously

i dont know any white guys irl
Im a pretty cute brown femboi tho
D-dont be a meanie

Where do you live? Please be in EU!


get out of here you monkey, unless you're caramel skinned you're only good for getting colonized

Ive posted pics before and people think im cute so watevs

post them again then you little faggot

>post them again then you little faggot
Oh-ok heres one of the old pics I took

Attached: 1543432307324.jpg (1432x866, 679K)

You know this is against the rules right?
I'm going to have to take you to the nearest police station for a thorough investigation

Cute bum user!

OP do you want to be my e-bf? We can roleplay and talk as much as you want.

Originally reported, have fun in boi jail dont forget to drop the soap

Damn, why do all the good ones live so far away. Im in burgerland but can be certain you're in some bumfuck nowhere land

At least it's not that bbc meme

Not great. Do more cardio and squats, drink more water and invest in some skincare products.


It's the anti bbc

By fantasizing about having your boipussy destroyed by the bbc instead.

What state are you from

I hope you get lynched you tranny, god, my finger twitches everyday to kill fags like you

How do you know he's a tranny? Some boys are just cute

W-why do you hate me?
I only want to make other men happy by servicing their cocks
True im not even on hrt or anything like that

>W-why do you hate me?
Because you stutter and you are not straight
>I only want to make other men happy by servicing their cocks
Fucking disgusting, go fuck women instead

Spread your butthole faggot

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You're acting like a territorial chimp

thanks for the boner fag, how does it feel to know that you won't be able to enjoy playing with it?

Is this the same user that has been posting the past few days about getting their first wig and totally giving up on their masculinity...etc?

Anyway nice bussy OP would smash and ejaculate into vigorously and repeatedly until I died from cardiac arrest/10.

No that was an Asian or Hispanic user. He posted a pic

Is this the assposting thread?

Attached: me1.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

Please shave first. Unacceptable.

Just for you. Give me a few minutes

>Fucking disgusting, go fuck women instead
I dont like girls tho
A little sad but altleast I can imagine im playing with it
Im hispanic, did you think I was black or something?

Not him but Oregon

>I dont like girls tho
Go to straight conversion therapy then, you will like it

Yeah I actually
I thought I recognized that ass

your butt cured my depression and nofap
thanks babe

>straight conversion therapy
Those have never worked, the only success statistics is by people who didn't want their family to continue harassing them

Take TRT
Get those abs and swole arms

Gay's and even transexuals before HRT have normal male testosterone, so gays and trannies aren't simply caused by low T. Hormones don't typically affect your brain that much.

Shitty webcam makes every spot bigger than it is. Sorry, sir

Attached: me2.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

Im in the state down south..
Yep, not black
Yw sweetie

post tummy, goblino

Please be in michigan so you can sit on my face

This, only the most dedicated traps have flat tummies, it's the true test.
You've posted here a few times recently, you should keep updating us in the future on your sissy adventures

Please be in Texass

They should have a little tummy, so you can tease them over it

>no brown gf(bf) to sit on my face
Please be near me

Attached: 1547931597580.png (1920x800, 751K)

Im not at home rn so I cant take a pic
Im in cali
>You've posted here a few times recently, you should keep updating us in the future on your sissy adventures
ok I will!

>ok I will!
You at least have to tell us once you get a guy to take your boypussy virginity.

Are you the same Hispanic trap who used to go by a trip?

Should I make a trip so you know its me?

Sure, if you don't mind attention whoring like that. Would make you more identifiable

Ok, I wont use it much tho

Get fucked soon so we can hear your greentext

I swear to god if I lived in cali I would've been balls deep in you by now

Thats not opee.

Dude go on Grindr and let anyone of them fuck you like a sissy

Come to me user and it won't be a fantasy but a reality

nice butt would spank a few times

>tfw no Serbian anons like this

This, grindr is a good choice unless you live in some bumfuck nowhere town in the midwest

T E X A S.

fr tho hmu on snap: thatsmyfetaish

pedercino lol

Where's that anime pic from, out of curiosity

Nananas buried treasure originally

pls add me so i can harass you for pics flarg#5036

>Im in the state down south..

find a bwc and get it destroyed.
make sure you lose your hair, tone that butt and don't lose too much of your curves, and learn not to fight back and make sure your hair is as floppy as possible.

nice, could use a bit more size to that booty, do some squats.

Where do you live that has no white people.

Theres some white people but I rarely leave my house

What about APC?

Either way you are hot. Best of luck.

Asian puny cock?