So fat my scale no longer accurately assesses my weight

>so fat my scale no longer accurately assesses my weight
What is the secret to losing weight? How do skinny people do it.

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diet is half of the effort in weight loss
you don't have to only eat grass, but only eating burgers doesn't help either
do 30min of random exerciser per day in your room
that's already enough to stay at a good weight

>do 30min of random exerciser per day in your room
I walk around an hour a day, is that okay?

something that actually makes you a bit sweaty and out of breath

I've always been quite skinny, just never really eat a lot.
No junk food, no soda. Get used to feeling hungry sometimes. The secret is a calory deficit

Skinny people are skinny because they never learned to cope with stress by eating.

You don't have to exercise, just diet. A few small meals a day and that's it. It's that easy. Junk food is fine too as long as it's in a smaller portion. Have some chips with your sandwich but don't eat the whole bag. Eat a few scoops of ice cream but not the whole pint. Drink a can of coke, just don't have it with every meal.

Aim for 500 calories per meal and you'll drop the weight easy. If you're hungry and it's between meals drink some water instead of snacking.

I just don't eat, but I'm really unhealthily skinny. You gotta diet and exercise, just keep in mind that it requires persistence and willpower

>The secret is a calory deficit
basically what he said
spend more calories than you take in and you'll lose weight over time

Seriously, all you have to do is track your calorie intake. You can whatever you want as long as you don't go over and and you will lose weight. I used an app on my phone for keeping track of it for a while, but now I just estimate in my head.

I've lost 30kgs in about 6 months.
I did a BMI test, put in all of my information, got the amount of calories i need each day with 0 exercise to maintain my current weight.
I then took 500-1000 calories a day off of that and I've been steadily losing weight ever since.

If you are serious about it you will keep to your intake each day, regardless of whether you are hungry or not.
I cant count the amount of times I've been hungover and gouged on fast food in the morning and not let myself eat until the next day.

I hope this helps user. You don't need to do exercise. It's all about controlling what you put in, not about wasting time working it off.

>you can't eat whatever you want
Maybe if he just wants to lose weight. If he wants to be healthy, he'll have to get all the vitamins and nutrients that he needs.

become vegan, user, you can eat as much as you like and still keep it in shape

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You make a good point.
I was thinking about taking vitamins for a while, but after losing most of the fat, I just started eating healthy meals most days of the week.

don't trust that keto/only meat/look at me I'm dying of a heart attack in my 30's diet

The thing most people don't get is that you can't just go on a diet for a couple months and then once you're thin go back to eating shit.

You need to change your lifestyle around who you want to be. The most difficult part about that is being happy, if you go on a fad diet you'll be miserable and you won't see it through - on top of this, you'll go back to eating like shit every day even if it does work for you and put all the weight back on

The biggest thing that helped me was - Do something you enjoy.
It doesn't have to be a sport or exercise-related, it could be a hobby or a job or a college course. If you like going out and doing something you'll have less time to sit around the house and eat out of boredom.

Basically - eat better foods, but don't force yourself to eat stuff you don't like. Do something you really enjoy, that motivates you to get out of doors.

And slowly but surely you'll become a healthier, happier person.

this is why i dont trust people who post cute anime girls

Firstly, count your calories. Calories-in/calories-out is the cornerstone of weight loss. Look up cronometer for a good desktop calorie tracker, or use MyFitnessPal for a solid mobile app. Calculate the amount of calories you burn per day here:
This will also tell you how many calories to eat per day to teach a particular weight loss goal.

Now it's time to adjust your diet to meet the goals you just set. Cut out the obvious stuff first:

These are straight up wastes of calories. You get very little if any nutrients from the, and they don't really fill you up (with the exception of beer, but that's largely from carbonation, and you'll be hungry again shortly after).

Then include more vegetables in your diet. They fill you up for very few calories and are full of essential vitamins and minerals.

Drink more water as well. Many people feel that they are hungry when really they're just dehydrated. Your body's catabolic processes (e.g. fat burning) are also dependent on water as a substrate.

Truth be told, you don't need to do anything exercise to lose weight, especially if you're overweight. Dietary calorie deficit is all you really need. That being said, exercise is good for your health, and many find that it helps keep you honest on your diet.

Remember that at the end of the day, the biggest weight loss red pill is sustainable lifestyle changes. Fad diets like keto and crazy cleanses are largely bullshit. Yeah, they do work, but most people can't realistically sustain them. Be content with gradual, consistent results. They will last longer.

Also, this. Veganism is phenomenally healthy and quite sustainable. Just be sure to watch some YouTube videos on it before jumping in. There are some important things you have to know about before starting, like vitamins you need to supplement.

>Drink a can of coke, just don't have it with every meal.
If there's one thing you should definitely drop it's soda, there's so much sugar in it. Even if you drink the sugar free ones it'll still play into your sweet tooth, which isn't good

It's 140 calories in a can of coke. They're empty calories but who cares? It tastes good. Just don't drink too much of it.

sorry to hijack OPs thread, but i try to eat less. i haven't made any big changes to my diet, but i'm trying to avoid sweets and soda, but still haven't lost any weight. why so?

Track calories. Learn what you are taking in and cut back from there.
It takes time and adjustment, don't feel bad because it's not happening straight away.

Eat more less. Like. One or two small meals a day. Small means small. An apple and a cup of yogurt is a small meal. A bowl of oatmeal is a small meal. A hotdog with mustard is a small meal. Small.

literally just take in less calories

That's really small, are you sure i won't die or something?
Also, is drinking more water useful?

this is all i eat and i'm muscular, 6' and 160 lbs

It's a little small. Your problem is probably in what you think of as a meal. Lots of people think it's this huge portion heaped with food. Try thinking from an evolutionary, primitive perspective. What were people eating? A couple pieces of fruit. A handful of berries. A fish or small game. You really don't need much food.

Another shift in mindset that can help is your idea of what being 'full' is like. Don't think of it like "stuffed and satisfied," think of it as not being hungry. Only eat when you feel hungry, and only eat until you stop feeling hungry. Don't stuff yourself or have a meal just because it's mealtime. Water helps a lot when it comes to stretching out time between meals. It fills your stomach and stops you from feeling so hungry, but yeah you do have to eat eventually.

Again, aim for 400-500 calorie meals totaling 1200-1500 calories daily. Calorie counter apps can help if you're new to weight loss since they have an easy index of foods to help you get an idea of how much you're eating. Some stuff can be vague if you aren't actually weighing it with a food scale.

>dieting is ONLY half of the effort in weight loss
>30 min random exercise randomly is the other half.

Guess how I know you're a skinny fat manlet DYEL? YO OP diet is 100% what makes you either a fucking fat faggot and an anorexic mongoloid. eat LESS than you EXPEND and you WILL lose weight. Fuck exercising, learn to count your calories, also don't ever eat foods which are calorie dense, it'll not only make it harder for your cut, but you'll get WAAAAAYYY more prone to get hungry. Check out Jow Forums's sticky if you actually give a shit.

It's not about the calories, it's about the huge amounts of sugar in it, sugar matters far more than calories when choosing to eat something

Ice cold water is more refreshing than any other beverage when you're thirsty. Drink more of it robots.

1. Be on a caloric deficit for your weight.

2. Drink a lot of water to keep the hunger at bay.

3. Profit.

I really don't understand how obese fucks exist.
I also like food and eat a bunch, but i go to the gym so that i can afford to do that.

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E p h e d r i n e is pretty good. Live in the US? Get some Bronkaid.

No trick beyond not eating as much. You just need the will to not be a fat fuck. I lost 40 pounds in a summer by just not eating as much.