
Vicki Pipe edition


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Anyone want to go to a pub sometime and have a beer while I fuck your mom?

hit me up at YeahItsMe#8257


really bad stomach ache from parachuting some cocaine

Imagine waking up to this fish faced tranny

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l have sex every day

>new The Underachievers, Bring Me the Horison and Foals
>got some pringoles
>gonna get ciders and mcds later
>qt smiled at me when I went to pick up an exam paper
Have a nice friday frends
why would you do cocaine sitting inside your house?
t. druglet

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>watch 'comedy' movie
>it's about a guy whose mum dies and then he goes through a messy divorce

cuz i enjoy the feeling but i'm awkward around people and do regretful things

BMTH stopped being good years ago, and they were never all that good tbqh

So do I
With my wife
In my dreams

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>jean butt
>doesnt show her butt

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i used to take e and shit with my wife but we got divorced 2 years ago. i have a new gf now and she doesn't even know i do drugs.

>had a dream last night about my ex girlfriend from 10 years ago

oh yes its gonna be one of those days today now

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fair enough lad, hopefully tummy feels better soon
>thinking I would give sofilets such as yourself the hot images

have you been out for a walk today lad?

havent been anywhere since i got up about an hour ago lod


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what's with the IPs

Don't know much about history
Don't know much biology
Don't know much about a science book
Don't know much about the French I took

But I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me, too
What a wonderful world this would be

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>talk to a girl loads
>she asks me what porn I watch
What did she mean by this?

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>addicted to league
how are you addicted to a game that shit
I've played it since season 2 and stopped last april because it just gets worse every season and their balance team is divided up of fucking mongrels

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At least make your greentext fables marginally believable

It's when you save an unsee

>I'm so happy user, today was a dream come true. Will you take me to bed now and finally make a woman out of me?

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Don't worry, just tell her you're into scat and vore

I used to see some of the cool nerdy kids from school playing that on steam every now and again

I agree the balance team is retarded. They went full pepega and reworked the jungle on day on of the season. Still though I find myself pulled back to it no matter how much I dislike it

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it's a site called Unsee.cc you can post pictures and they will delete after a set time, whoever clicks the link can see the pictures and there IP so you cant screen cap without giving yourself away. unless you have a VPN like me wahayy

The only reason i have a feeling of playing lol again is to play 3v3 because i enjoy it a lot more than 5's but the meta is the exact fucking same hyper-carry bullshit it has been for a year now because riot don't give a fuck about it

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>little heater wont stop making noises

think it might be ready for fucking up desu

SP are you here itt? I need a fren

Why do girls think this is healthy or attractive. She is fucking giant

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Told her I watch literally everything. Japs, black girls, bdsm shit. She thought I was obsessed with Hentai but I told her I only watch it occasionally.

Hi lad, what's up man?

Nothing lad, just fucking bored. What are you up to?

anything that isn't 5v5 rift the balance team don't give a shit about unlucky fren

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because of media propagating that the bigger the ass the bigger the sex appeal
it looks ridiculous

Being the youngest person in the office by 6 years.

Everyone has kids or married

Barely having idle chit chat

I'm slient from Monday to Friday

Is this the adult working life

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I know the feeling. Might try and have a drawing session later after I go and get food but otherwise just rotting in britfeel like the rest of us.
Do you have anything fun planned for today?

Gas is cheaper

I inherited some money from my grandfather and spent a portion of it on a private detective to investigate Poleaboo.

He has just come back with the dossier and the results are shocking. I need some time to get all the evidence into a form I can post without breaking the rules, but here is a recap.

- Attempted rape of a child

- Was a member of a radical islamic group

- Daily reddit poster

Expect more facts to emerge soon.

Meant to be working not chatting m8

so i'm making half a normal loaf of bread but it hasn't risen that much
i'm pretty sure i used cold-lukewarm water and the yeast was sealed...

No, you are probably quite mediocre so you've ended up in a mediocre position in life with other mediocre people.

if this was true, which it isnt, why not provide screencaps and actual evidence, etc? not trying to stick up for poley, id just love to see it

No lad, just purchased 8 cans of tennents and might play some warframe but I can't even into vidya right now. Was supposed to go home to mum's for dinner, but no-one is answering the phone so will just leave it. I'm still planetarily inspired after last night, so might find some comfy documentaries about Mercury to watch

>daily reddit poster
come on lad...

I explained why in the post mate.

What happen last night then

no caps at all even with certain details blanked out to make them safe to post? nothing what-so-ever?

Yeah all the people in office are single mums and late 20's. I don't really speak to them and just sit on my phone. Approaching 3 years of being a wagie I don't know how I'm gonna cope for much longer. Guess we're all in it together

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If u leave a job after 1 week cause its too shit, do u get paid the full amount? Fuck call centres

Nothing just watched a programme about Jupiter and I think it might be my new favourite planet, but I'd like to learn more about Mercury before I make any decisions

That is coming but it will take time.

SCEA is home from work early today.

The not even motivated enough to play vidya phase sucks. That's sad, hopefully someone gets back to you.
pls link if you find anything linkable, planets are the ultimate comfy.

>Honarary white poleaboo in a radical Islamic group

Bros my stomach is all fucked up

i literally have 40k in my bank rn. grabdparents both dead. inheritance.

will any of this have ot go to repay my student loan?

I'm not feeling sad or anything, just a bit meh I suppose. I always get sucked right into Warframe when I start playing so I need to just actually..do something lol. I text my one irl m8 that might have gone to a pub with me but he's working. I'll have a look, I think it's a Mercury day. Going to just have a nice night with the lads i suppose

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He has changed his opinions ShipAnon. He has always been radical, but he used to be radical the other way between the ages of 18-20. You can ask him yourself.

No. Only taxable income is going towards your student loan. That money is all yours.

Go and see an independent financial advisor.

>tfw your family is poor and I have absolutely no inheritance from anyone
Slightly pisses me off that my grandparents saved stuff for my parents and my parents expect me do everything myself

The boomer meme is real. They had everything handed to them on a silver platter and call today's young people everything from "special snowflakes" to "lazy bums".

thanks friendo. I'm just going to put it into an index fund I don't wanna wasted any of it paying towards accountaints and stuff.

Aye Mr. jewinstein

>He gone take ma money

We are still snowflakes but they has easier than us now financially

An independent financial advisor will cost you 150 quid and save you that much in tax in the first year, let alone in years to come.

40k isn't really worth it

really? i had an accountant once and i was paying 800 a year, didn't realise advisers were much cheaper.

since you seem to know about this kind of stuff, you've probably heard that mutual fund managers rarely beat the market, so it's going for index funds like FTSE 100/500 or the Russel 3000 is safer and usually yields better results

I'm not confident with the opposite sex

Legit they are late 40's and still go to mummy for money. I love my parents but they have always been terrible with money. Legit I had to pay every bit of travel and food to college when I hit 16.

im confident they dont want me h..haha ;_;

guys watch 20 seconds of this video starting at 2:30


I'm sure that's not true pal

I'm perfectly confident speaking to girls and spending time with them but anything more than that I have a meltdown. Imagine being 21 and not knowing how to kiss someone. Luckily for me no girl will touch me

Unless you're used to dealing with money in that kind of amount, it's 100% worth it.
Yeah you don't need an accountant. It's less about an advisor being cheaper and more the fact you only need a few hours of their time.

Yeah I'd never invest in mutual funds, because even if they do beat the market your profits will be eaten by management fees.

Putting 100% of it into a mutual fund won't be the most tax efficient way to invest it though.

Sorry I mean putting 100% of it into an index fund isn't going to be the most tax efficient way.

*sips* back in the day it wasnt fully true but it is these days, least i dont have to save up for valentines day though

Yeah 21 too. I never know if they want tongue or not but luckily I haven't kissed anyone in nearly three years so don't have the problem wahey

>not getting mummy a nice bunch of flowers for Mother's day

I get so fucking jealous when my mum shags my dad.

Cheers, had no idea.

I have access to ShipAnon's full anonymous post history on here and...wow. The creepy little fucker.

I find him to be extremely interesting

Of course, when your mum gets shagged by your dad it's because she wants it

Of course you find yourself to be extremely interesting. I find your post history extremely interesting.

Haha wtf you're a nutter m8

Why would you even save up to buy a girl something for Valentines day? Seems like a bit of a meme

>if I read your post history, would I cringe?
>it would be extremely interesting

Bump please: eururiiri

because they might give you a blowy init m8

i see. i know that dividends/interest are taxable but i doubt they would be high enough to worry about.

You forget about compound interest and the fact that taxes are yearly. "Not high enough to worry about now" could be a massive difference in 20 years time.

So if I go and buy some Valentines day presents for girls I might obtain oral sex from them?

Guy came to fix the washing machine. Young lad said 'cool' and 'dude'.

I wonder how ShipAnon feels knowing that I'm watching him and I have had full access ever since the meet.

yea thats pretty much what happens, i mean there isnt a 100% chance youll get a blowy if you buy someone something, but theres a 0% chance youll get one if you dont get buy them anything

Id give you a bj for free lad