What are we to do about the woman problem?

What are we to do about the woman problem?

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It makes sense that women feel this way. All cultures usually put women at the bottom since, outside of making more people, they're useless. When you're useless, you get treated as such. No woman wants to be treated as a worthless baby machine so they try to fight for their rights, not realizing that they're actually destroying their own tribe in the process.

>All cultures usually put women at the bottom
This is a myth a women have always been valuable, like how you always hear in movies "save the women first".

I don't think that's all there is to it, but good assessment. So, a part of the solution should be to make women less useless. Hold them to the same standards as men, and through eugenics create evolutionary pressure on the female gender to become as capable as the male. This is a much more reasonable approach than what the sandniggers and similar subhumans do, where they simply gave up and just keep women locked forever. Their societies are even more garbage than ours.

>Hold them to the same standards as men, and through eugenics create evolutionary pressure on the female gender to become as capable as the male
This is basically what happened to asian women and america will become that too. Women don't want to work and they were happier on average when they weren't allowed to.

>making more people
When did that idea got so spread out? It's literally the most important thing for any living organism biological programming.
And you're not supposed to just make them, but also raise them. Why the fuck would anyone think it's easy?

Yes valuable because they make children, mostly male children. Because we need more men to keep society running.

Making children is useful but if women aren't doing that, they have nothing else that they can do. They can't fight wars, they can't hunt, they can't build. Imagine how you'd feel if all of the men around you were traveling, hunting, building, keeping you safe, providing for you, mapping out the land around you, learning and the only skill you had was bending over so a guy could cum in you.

and outside of working or fighting males are useless. women can both have kids and work. A man can only work. That's why men are better at literally everything.

A world where all men are gay

Holy shit, you're retarded.

>Hold them to the same standards as men, and through eugenics create evolutionary pressure on the female gender to become as capable as the male
Why the fuck would that ever happen if they have completely different body than men? And I don't mean genitalia, but completely different structure made for bearing children.
The only way for women to become as capable as men is to artificially make humanity one big cesspool of hermaphrodites. Evolution doesn't want women to be equal to men, it wants them to sit at a kitchen and raise kids.

>This is a much more reasonable approach
To wait a millennia or two without any guarantee of success or artificially make humanity an abomination. What the fuck kind of a degenerate are you?

>women can have kids without men but men can't have kids without women

Men are useless, you could have a tribe of 50 people with only 1 man and it would survive because the man could impregnate all 49 of the women in a week. If you had 50 males and 1 women the tribe would die out. And bullshit women can't work, there has been women leading and provoking wars for centuries.

>if women aren't doing that, they have nothing else that they can do
Did you time travel from 19th century or what? Thanks to all the jew propaganda women can now pursue any career they want instead of having kids and be miserable because of their biological clock going crazy.

>women can both have kids and work
They cannot. Modern society is proof of this. When they work (poorly) they take away time from the child they're raising. This results in fucked up kids and way too much pressure on the mother. Even women today know that they have to choose between a family and a career.

I was referring to more traditional human times, before modern civilization. Think of the first humans. If you're a woman living in East Africa around tribes of people who want to kill you, giant monsters who want to kill you, food that runs away, heavy things that need to be lifted in order to keep the village running, etc, what use do you have outside of letting ancient Tyrone fuck you? Now that you have his kid, he provides for you, protects you, makes sure you have a place to live, you're now respected.

A women is capable of working just as hard as a man, they aren't willing to do it but they can. She can also have kids. They have way more options.

For starters discipline women around you, your gf, your sister , your mother etc..If we all do that the problem is solved.

Nah, mate. A more likely scenario is 49 male tribe beats the shit out of and rapes the 49 pussy ass tribe making it one big tribe under the name of the first tribe, while no one ever remembers that there was ever any other tribe.

Produce more kids and raise the ones they already have?
Tyrone from traditional human times ain't gonna stop at one or two.

>A women is capable of working just as hard as a man
??????????????? What the fuck have you been smoking

Actually in places like Africa the women don't need a father for her kid because food grows so easily and there are no predators she needs to worry about. Africa has the highest single mother rate then pretty much anywhere

>food grows so easily
>no predators
What the fuck?

And that's why the only thing Africa produces is more lazy niggers.

So if an army Invadrd your city today, you're gonna rely on the women to fight them off? I work a job that requires a ton of lifting. I'm not a big guy, I'm actually a fucking lanklet. But watching the average woman try to do the things I do is sad. No women have my job because it's too hard on them physically. They quit within a week or two. Again, you don't have to be particularly strong to do my job.

We put them in pitch black chambers where all they will hear is the Game Dude theme until they starve to death.
It will be glorious!

It's a very important role but women just aren't satisfied with it because it's not as glamorous as being a warrior or the guy who built boats to go out in the river or the guy who hunted down a lion.

it's year round growing season compared to Europe where you can only grow a few months of the year. And there are no real predators that are a threat to humans in Africa besides a few small national parks

>no predators
Even the fucking bees kill you what are you on about

Where did you learn all this from?

1, people eat more than just okra. Ancient Africans weren't going to be satisfied with rice every night
2, do you think when the original humans were around, they were building fucking national parks? We're not talking about modern day Nigerians in the big city with office jobs user.

Yeah but it doesn't require any skill or training, it's not an accomplishment.
A man who manages to lead a company or become an army general is way more impressive and important than woman #5419843 who managed to become preggers.

>women just aren't satisfied with it
Yes, they are. Have been for centuries, except for a very small minority. Until big corporation thought that they can double their work power and cut wages in half by siding with that minority and giving women equal rights. And now here we are.

You're seriously downplaying their role and their sense of accomplishment in raising a general.

if anything humans were the ones doing the hunting not being hunted

not talking about a war I'm saying you dropped those 50 people in a spot somewhere the group with the most females has a better chance of surviving

No one is downplaying the importance of having children. It just isn't something people think is special because it's not. Egyptian men were building the pyramids while the women were on their hands and knees getting banged. This is the height of female accomplishments, getting fucked by great men.

The females would have a better chance of surviving because the males would die trying to build some sort of civilization while the women watched and got fucked. That's why more men are born than women.

Stop being stupid. You don't think humans were in any danger of an attack from a giant cat at any moment? You go down to the river to get some water and you end up there with an angry hippo? Let's take it out of Africa for a moment, how scary do you think it was when humans first saw a mammoth? Do you think women would've been able to take one of those down, skin it to create clothes and cut out the meat to eat?

men are born more because we are more likely to die

>It just isn't something people think is special
Which of the modern society's problem. Having a non-dysfunctional family and properly raising a kid is pretty fucking special in our day and age actually.
You think an army general has time to teach all his dozens of kids math? Who do you think does that? Women played very important part in making those great people, until we send them off to job market working shitty jobs they'll never get any fulfillment from.

They were in danger, thats why in Africa all the women are ugly cause they are forced to fuck ugly men, or they'll die. In europe the women are hot because the men got to choose who they fucked

And why are we more likely to die? It's almost as if nature intended for us to go out and fight and hunt and conquer and risk our lives while women stay at home and get fucked. This is why more men play video games and watch porn. We still crave the feeling of doing traditional man shit so we get those experiences through killing and fucking through a screen.

>You think an army general has time to teach all his dozens of kids math?
Teaching has traditionally been an old man's job. You can find this in every continent. In older times, teachers were always old men, not women.