Planning to migrate off to Jow Forums, Jow Forums and /leftpol/ soon, this board has gone to shit, end of.
Soon to be Jow Forums migrants thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Is it the traps?
Yes, but others
The gays, the sissyfags, the heterophobes, the futafags (see r9futa) and the Jow Forumsmigrants
If he's going to /leftypol/, he was probably one of the retards spamming them in the first place
>he was probably one of the retards spamming them in the first place
I don't
I hate those mentally ill freaks
Besides, the USSR put gays in the gulag
that's funny i was thinking about posting in those exact same boards
Bait is bait
This original
whatever helps you sleep at night dude but remember i'll always be there posting even if im not posting my dick pics
just as soon as you think you're safe though bam another girldick right in your face
Okay then retard
Have fun missing out on superior pussy
Good bye, when you start lifting you won't know if you got hot or not. Girls will flirt with you not know it. I'm a robot, not knowing if I'm hot or not.
Why not leftypol
You're the only one missing out here I like both
Jow Forums is just Jow Forums with muscles, Jow Forums is just r9k with guns
Your not migrating to new boards, your just going to the same board with more limited topics of discussion
>Why not leftypol
You can get banned for shit reasons
I can handle enough, fuck off faggot
We should all migrate to /lgbt/ and get cute sissy bottom bfs
>We should all migrate to /lgbt/ and get cute sissy bottom bfs
Sorry, I'm straight and would prefer the genocide of /lgbt/ thank you
>Migrating in 2019
>Just now
Should have done it in 2017
came here to post this. Wanting to be part of /leftpol/ yet complains about the sate of this board.
Just migrate off a tall building instead, commie nigger.
You too fashie