Can you relate to Neon Genesis Evangelion?

Can you relate to Neon Genesis Evangelion?

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maybe in the sense that we're both shit. it's a shit anime and i'm a shit person

Yes, I am a pertinacious and like to believe I am so deep with le depression.

You are overly specific in your implications. There are many things in many characters that I feel resound in me and help realize things about myself I wasn't able to before. It's possible to relate without associating with a specific character.

Yeah, I can relate to Shinji and Rei. Not so much with the rest of the cast, but I stil understand their motivations so it was a good watch

Absolutely shit anime. Only people who can unironically derive utility from it are pseudo ints with meme depresshun on Mongolian basket weaving forums.

Kaworu and Ryoji were the only characters I could relate to desu.


>muh spam reply
>muh opinions are facts

Evangelion is overrated there is much better stuff

Nice proxies

And those would be?

Used to be able to when I was a kid. Now the only reason I care for it is bullshit nostalgia.

no i succeed in running away from my problems

>imagine being this angry at what people watch

I think I am a lot like Rei, except I'm an ugly neckbeard instead of a cute anime girl.

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I used to hate Shin. I saw my own weakness in him.

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>start to watch evangelion
>think shinji is a pussy
>as the show goes on realize ur exactly like him


I swap from shinji to asuka because I"m a bipolar fuck

Yes but only if you replace every character wih Carl from aqua teen hunger force

Way more than I'm comfortable with.

For some context, I first watched it when I was 14 and living in a foreign country for the first time in my life. So I felt sort of estranged no matter what, and watching NGE was an extremely cathartic experience for me - yet at the same time, it fed my teen angst, even though I couldn't fully understand what was happening, because NGE is a convoluted mess in terms of storytelling.

As the years went on, I rewatched it multiple times and it grew on me even more. In a way, it was kind of therapeutic as it helped me notice my own shortcomings. I'll be the first to admit the show has awful issues, but it's still my favorite thing ever. No other piece of media has ever had this sort of impact on me.

Sadly, understanding my issues doesn't necessarily mean I can fix them, so I'm still a fucking coward Shinji. I try not to be, but it's just how I am.

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Same as this man said. Banana

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I want posts more like this. Usually when discussing Evangelion people get into various technicalities leaving out personal deficiencies that the show wants you to learn of. The series is not useful for those who seemingly don't have issues, but for those that do it's more important to talk about them rather than focus on the presentation. The show inspires to learn about oneself in unexpected ways.

In my case it's all about being unable to open up and because of that not forming any relationships when the opportunities were clearly there. Though it also allowed me to see how others weren't able to communicate with me, specifically when it came to romantic feelings. In the end it all left me friendless and unable to even hold existing friends any longer. I guess I feared them getting too close, learning things about me I couldn't even write on paper. I fear those people now because however far they ever were they still got too close to me.

One other realization I had was towards seeking happiness. At a certain time I abandoned drawing, something that kept me through a solid decade. It's too personal and yet too displayful that I would start to find uncomfortable when there was left no privacy. Allowing anyone else into it wasn't what I ever wanted. I never intended to stop drawing, but during those years that I did, I think I lost something. Watching Evangelion made me realize my happiness was there, while drawing. I never intended to abandon it but now I think it's time to reclaim it and use it against the sadness that I am experiencing. At work when I'm alone I get drawn into filling a piece of paper full of sketches now, every corner marked in something. While there is some sadness in having to throw it out, I now know that I will draw more the next day. I want to improve as well.

>understanding my issues doesn't necessarily mean I can fix them
Indeed, but the outlook is more varried now rather than a gray window.

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Hoping for more experiences.

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I relate to Asuka the most by far. Hate the other two. I used to be a lot more like her as far as the self hatred and immaturity go but not so much anymore.

but where is my rei gf?

Dude that was what I was going for in