>Sit on the toilet for 1hour trying to drop the log
>finally say fuck it
>take the levative pear and injected full bowl of hot water into my strained ass
>instantly go oh fuck mode
>sit on toi and start streaming
>the shit clogs the hole preventing water from flying out
>feel like im about to explode
>insert two fingers and let water run out
Plan b
>take a lot of vazeline and rub all my insides
>bend over washmachine standing and shake my ass up and down for 10minutes while continuing browsing here
oh shits im about to deliver
>its already sliding down and i have no time to sit on the toilet
>swing my ass so it doesnt drop on my feet
Fuckng pain
Here are some things for comparison
This one is even larger than the last one i posted
My shoe size is 47
Anyways im glad im alive
>shits on the Floor
>takes pic
Godspeed op, you got your priorities sorted
smells delicious *moan*
I'm not expert or anything, but you probably need fiber.
He's also likely got some form of bowel or stomach cancer based on the color of the top of that shit.
So how do you plan on getting rid of your creation OP?
holy shit nigga eat more fiber and take probiotics
I just took whats left of toilet paper and grabbed it gently and carried to the bowl (fucking run out i didnt notice)
Bitch snapped halfway and landed on the floor again
I used the empty roll to scoop out the soft one and mopped the floor
Noone will ever find out
Smooth criminal
Can you tell me the exact method you used and link the products. Because I hae had severe constipation the past few days and I feel like my bowel is going to perforate if I don't purge myself soon.
I have considered enemas a lot but I am worried about bleeding and shit. Are they really as effective as people claim?
If you want the better enema you can buy the kit in drug store. Warm some water but it cant be hot the just fill the thing and insert in your ass. Let it run slowly and try walking around and try to hold for atleast 15mins. Then go take a shit. You can also make some camomile tea and use it as water when it cools down.
Also you feel super empty and light after enema. almost like a girl teehee
I just filled the sink with warm water and used the pear thing to suck some water
What if I use cold water?
Did it hurt coming out? Do you end up with haemmorhoids after?
how long were you constipated for
>not putting it on a plate and move it to the freezer
Son, am disappoint.
Jozy, is that you?
I tried it once and my belly hurt for like a week so i advice aganst it
Also the magic lies in the warmness. You need the heat to melt of the poo of your factory walls
Food like spinach and meat produce different colored poo.
My ass was swollen so i assume yes, i feel like have grapes down there now
1week, probably ate too much chocolate
I used to do that when i was younger. I also remember pissing in plastic bags and throwing it at cats from veranda. Pee posicles were fun too.
Im too old to bee doing silly stuff like that now,
>bend over washmachine standing and shake my ass up and down for 10minutes while continuing browsing here
You fucking twerked with lubed ass and a turd sliding out while browsing Jow Forums.
Your ancestors must have laughed so hard while watching this scene from hell.
is this a girls poop?
a question of fapability
what's wrong with ur diet OP? are you drinking enough water?
Someone screencrap this
on the 25th of January, 2019, OPs constipation became so great he was forced to new levels of degeneracy.
After shaking his ass up and down for ten grueling minutes while browsing through the amount of sissy threads on R9K, he birthed a shit around the size of a febreze can on his floor.
OP, being the reasonable man he is, then decided to take a comparison picture of his shit and post it to a board of random strangers.
Godspeed OP, godspeed.
best thread on this shithole right now
dude eat cereal
Now THIS is what I call life-saving, high-quality OC!
I hope you didn't flush. You should have put it in a plastic bag and froze it or something while you called for a doctor's advice.
Truly god has abandoned us.
yep, that's gonna be a based for me.
Dude go see a doctor, red shit might mean blood is in your shit. That can mean various things that are not fun.
Yes. This should have been saved for future generations.
ufff tatusiu
Bright red like that just means blood near the anus. Probably a tear from straining. It's dark blood that is concerning and indicates internal bleeding. Should look like coffee grounds.
Of course you are italian
Looks like there's some blood on it
user get checked out
why is it 2 different breeds of shit ? mixed
How many days did it take to build this?
an actual fucking chad of our time.
Just drink shit tons of water you imbecile. Keep drinking and drinking, on an empty stomach, until you feel like you need to throw up. Then, hold it all in until you feel like your bladder will explode. Finally, once on the toilet push with all your might. Profit. And as a bonus, your body has plenty of water reserves to keep you nice and healthy.
I mean, he sat there pushing shit out of his ass for an hour, there's going to be some blood on it. It's red blood so it's not dangerous.
Most likely he just tore his asshole a bit while pushing.
>it's a friday night and i thought about giving medical advice to an user based on the picture of his literal shit
What the fuck is your diet? Break it down for me