>tfw your waifu turns out to be an NPC
I hate this.
Tfw your waifu turns out to be an NPC
Other urls found in this thread:
>OP is a waifufag AND trumpfag at the same time
Why does it always happen? Why are alt-righters invariably pathetic weeb-ish nerds?
All women are virtue signaling brainless drones.
I'm not "alt right", the way she talks and repeats retarded sjw talking points ad nauseum just makes her seem like a vapid brainless whore.
>using "sjw" unironically
>dehumanizing her instantly because she said something you didn't like
yep, far-right incel virgin confirmed
every single time
>far-right incel virgin confirmed
t. Crispy
Seduce her and show her rationality with your affections and dick
didn't she admit to obsessively checking this board at one point in one of her videos?
she's asking for it imo
>a goblina spic that's had her 15 minutes of internet fame and is now closing in on the wall, the whole internet now aware of just how ugly she is
Were you really surprised OP? Really?
Girls just say this shit whenever they don't have other things to talk about, literally none of them actually care about it Irl
I have hung out with tons of these weird activist girls who go to NPC meme protests and I say nigger and call them retarded all the time, it has never once hindered my ability to have sex with them
I still think she's cute desu. It was her vulgarity that turned me off the most. She used to be so feminine and cutesy and now she's some man hating nonbinary dyke with the mouth of a truck driver.
That's Crispy, yeah? You know she's a muff diver, right? I dropped her when I saw how she looks and sounds like a little Latino boy.
what did she actually mean by this
I guess this is my wake up call. No girl could ever be as perfect as what she originally presented herself as.
>dehumanizing her instantly because she said something you didn't like
>yep, far-right incel virgin confirmed
Are you a fucking idiot?
>complaining about people using sjw unironically
lol nigger are you lost
Whenever girls use small dick as an insult it means they love huge dicks. If you have a huge one you can send it to them and they will praise you
Not saying dick pics work on all girls but I have enough experience to know this is a green light
All women are NPCs, period. Don't expect anything out of them beyond what you would expect from your 14 year old self.
>everyone I disagree with is an NPC
who the fuck is this
Post pics
She was supposed to be different.
They're all the same user, sorry.
It's not that she has a different opinion. It's that her stance is literally "HE'S ORANGE AND RACIST AND HAS A SMALL WEENIE HURRRR"
What would be a legitimate anti-Trump opinion to you?
Pretty much anything based on facts rather than virtue signalling drivel.
If you think women have opinions you're a beta cuck
Seeing as how you are waifucuck who puts women on pedestal you're probably the kind of cuck that takes women seriously when they claim to be trad and claim to have conservative opinions
Women don't know what they're saying you fucking retard
People who don't agree with me are npc's
>not already knowing she was an npc from the time she posted her chart
>I didn't have sex in 3 weeks since chad dumped me I have like no sex life I'm like literally an incel forever alone xD
i'm libertarian, divorced, and have slept with 14 girls altogether
Is there a more NPC position possible? Jesus christ, at least admit that for leftism to work you need an authoritarian state.
I mean, I think his point is still valid, but damn this is a legendary self own lol
desu that's NPC af
>teehee im so different guise!!11
what a fucking loser, lmao. the most original loser of them all.
how. how was she supposed to be different, user.
how do you retards get these ideas. serious question
She was really cute and down to earth in her curiouscat answers and when she used to interact with anons. Plus she had an unconventional beauty and was a virgin.
wait wait wait, i think i get it, its
she was supposed to be different = i had no reason to suspect she wouldnt turn into a gremlin but since shes so perfect i pushed the thought out of my mind until it happened and now im crying
also where to i find pictures of this supposedly godly woman? does she have a tumblr? i would love to see some before and afters
>not knowing who Crispy is
anyone who uses twitter to vent their political shit is retarded I don't care which side of the spectrum it is
you're actually a retard
Imagine gouging out her eyes
What? Fuck you and fuck donald trump, nigga.
Most women are NPC's user.
>I have hung out with tons of these weird activist girls who go to NPC meme protests and I say nigger and call them retarded all the time, it has never once hindered my ability to have sex with them
Whatever you say man
>remotely giving a damn about a woman's politics
the vast majority of them don't know what they're talking about and just do it for attention anyways
Sorry dude. But you missed the whole "le anti-sjw" bandwagon years ago. Now it's just cringe
I agree, but in all honesty most men are fucking boring too. I should know because I am one
>Jesus christ, at least admit that for leftism to work you need an authoritarian state.
Mods, ban Americans please
Does paul have a girlfriend? He has the gayest face i've ever seen.
Please stop. You're not a freethinker, you're just retarded
>using "incel" unironically
why are you even here
I don't get this image, what does this tweet have to do with crispy?
Looked at this twitter, even without these tweets, it's obvious they'd be like this. Everything about it screams bleeding liberal lesbian
sjw is a good albiet played-out word and they unironically still fucking suck
she retweeted it.
The point is that she didn't used to be like this.
Theres a game about npcs now
wtf? I love transgender kids now
I want to beat you
>using psyoped terms that CIA infested NPIs invented like alt-right...
wow you are retarded. No one defines themselves as alt-right and its thus a meaningless term.
I dont really care enough about politics for it to be a deal breaker normally. But girls in general are going to be left wing since it supports their interest and typically how they were raised. her opinions would probably changed as you guys date
but who am I kidding youre an autistic faggot
Have you heard of Richard Spencer?
wait this is crispy were talking about, lmaoooooooooooo
>using "sjw" unironically
Kys faggot
My wife supports Trump. Have you tried not having a shit waifu?
Again "Richard Spencer" is an NPI with parents with connection in the CIA. He is a fed and controlled opposition or a psyop.
Educate yourself you tool.
100% correct. Leftism relies on violent enforcement by nature as otherwise nobody will listen to their retarded ideas
>will be forced to sic CPS on the massive number of normal people who don't want their 5 year old to transition over a single conversation with a whacked out kindergarten teacher
>has to catch businesses to prevent sub-minimum wage jobs from existing, regulations to be followed, etc.
It only gets more and more authoritarian until you end up with a full blown secret police force to prevent the massive amounts of product diversion that have historically happened under command economy models. Markets can only be considered coercive if you disbelieve in property, which even hardcore marxists implicitly believe in due to their belief in personal belongings, which is a form of property.
Conservative girls are ugly.
Yeah dude it's hip and cool to be an authoritarian pedophile. Whatever you say my jude
This anons right. As much as I disagree with them, most attractive women are liberal. Only because it's in their interest though
That's interesting, because even the MSM has repeatedly published studies showing that right-wing people are naturally more attractive.
Have fun with your trannies
Crispy is left wing and she is the most attractive girl.
Cringe, this is exactly what I was referring to. Go back to 2016
Liberalism do not make women more beautiful
>le 5D chess kremlin pawn
>if you aren't an authoritarian who's in favor of phasing out sexual selection in favor of some artificial hive-like structure of reproduction, you are a drone
double talk, double talk!
spoony is clearly a spic and you're all brainlets if you think she's going to have pro-white political opinions
She likes the black boys
Lord Farquaad lookin ass dood
As a pine tree traditionalist im sorry but i have to agree with you dude. Women that i find cute usually hold very obnoxious political beliefs. But i guess women and politics/philosophy don't mix.
what a basic little bitch
holy fuck that's a shame
you sure you don't want a dude with a vagina? i'm a white knight nice guy and what it comes down to is women are by nature blue pills. you take the warmth of social cohesion away and you're either left with someone weak, unintelligent, uncreative, and cowardly, or ((((enigma.bmp)))), and she only fucks chad.
wtf nooooo how can this be happening??
you realize she's probably like 12 right unless that's your goal
this is the kind of twitter account i had when i was 13 and lonely
Isn't she a Mexican? Does she even live in the U.S.?
She's 21 lmao
Cmon, us observers are here to laugh at the retards. Talking to them is bad form
Just leave it all behind. It really can't be helped.
t. someone who had his gf and entire group of friends ghost him after finding out he wasn't a lefty
He didn't day anything far right or even right wing at all though. But we know you're a retard now at least.
don't even know what you're talking about, i'm happily married and this girl in question is simply nuts
>still meme'ing Trump
He cucks his base as a hostages to get some shitty wall built and the result is a further cucking. What a faggotry "president" he turned out to be. Couldn't even beat a roastie.
3dpd /=/ waifu
another shitty thread died for this garbage
You don't have to be a Trump supporter to see how much of a screeching retard she is.
that sounds like something someone with a small dick would post
This sounds like something a blown out roastie with no arguments would post.
wanna erp about it?
lmao trump supporters are the biggest NPCs there are unironically voting for a guy because of some empty slogans, can't get more NPC than that
>Imagine actually having a "waifu"
>Imagine obsessing over some random internet thot that doesn't even know you exist
Fucking hell OP, you deserve it lmao
>posting a youtube thumbnail
can you underage tourists fuck off
Ok orbiter