Born female

>Born female
>Born ugly
>Fail only societal expectation and free pass to my entire life
>Unable to make it up with smarts or personality because those are overshadowed by how awful I look

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You're not a robot, fuck off whore.

I bet you're not actually ugly like you think you are
I bet I'd think you're cute if I saw you
Actually I bet you're a shitposting guy

Someone post the pig woman to show this roastie that even ugly abominations can get free food/sex and relationships

If you're not fat I'll be your bf to prove you wrong

can i suck ur ugly buttgina?

>be born manlet
>girls find me cute but definitely not hot
>burn half my face off
>some girls still find me cute
>still manage to get laid every once and a while
lets see how ugly you are

>Like.. I'm so ugly.. I'm so depressed..

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Somebody post the Eggman tinder collage. You know the one

hey i am a girl too but i wear kimonos so i feel japanese and i have way more easier gething bfs maybe be weaboos but they are the nicest men i ever met

You're probably not nearly as hideous as you think you are. Even if you are ugly, everyone gets points for effort. If you care that much then put in a lot of effort into good make up, clothes, and fitness, and you'll at least get some of the benefits.

But remember a pussy pass lasts only as long as you are hot and young. No one cares about you or respects your wrinkly 40 year old face.

Don't waste your life being a thot. Have some kids, help out in your community, contribute to society, or do something respectable with your life instead.

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>picks someone out of her 4000 friends to message
>like oh my gosh karen, like, for real, like, literally, i feel like, so like, uglyyyyy y'know

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us ugly girls gotta stick together

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>Meet fembot
>Behaves the same
>Try to console
>Get thrown out
She wasnt ugly either. Fembots are schizophrenic.

desu even butt ugly bitches can get laid if they have a decent personality
work on your self instead of crying on Jow Forums

I don't look anything like either of those girls and I only have three friends, two of which don't message me online.
>Implying I would be capable of being a thot
Tfw men act like they've never seen any kind of witch skull, weak chin, huge nose or early wrinkles/creases on a woman, ever.

I'll be your friend and talk to you online maybe

I'm literally the same, but male version.
You should hit me on

Can I comfort you and take care of you? Please let me do something for you.

Implying women can't just paint a new face on and bump themselves up 4 points. sure long term relationships won't really be viable but almost no one is doing them anyway, not without fucking each other over and cheating in some way.

>Born female
>Born ugly
>Born mean
>Born mentally ill
>Born stupid
>Got fat
>Stayed fat
>Still actually get by pretty well, have very pleasant life relative to others
I dunno what to tell you, have you tried B-ing yourself?

Take care of my boipucci.

>burn half my face off
Fuck. How?

Post pic so I can give you the attention you want so much

1. Makeup makes any girl look good
2. You have never tried tinder, or you would know by now that you still have unlimited male suitors

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Ugly girls should become doctors.

Uglier people legitimately are stupider, so that's a fucking terrible idea.

>witch skull
The only bad thing about those is the nose and that can be surgically changed
>weak chin
Is a feminine feature and I see nothing wrong with it
>huge nose
I highly doubt you have some really crooked and huge nose. If you're actually right and not just talking out of your ass, see the first reply.
>wrinkles creases
I have literally never seen a guy who has turned down a woman because she had wrinkles and/or creases wtf

All in all 4/10 bait, had me reply.
Seriously tho any woman no matter how ugly can score a guy because there's always gonna be guys that are so extremely thirsty that they would drastically lower their standards. Ugly men on the other hand cant do that because women are generally not interested in anything below chad or brad

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Post a pic you picky bitch

>tfw wish I had beautiful female friends more than I wish for male sexual attention
no sappho though

I'd be happy to comfort you with my penis, fembot. I'm sure your face isn't that bad, and if it is we can just tie a piece of cloth around it like 2b.

If they pass the tests they must be clever enough.

Stop crying and get surgery bitch, you've still won the lottery compared to 99% of this board.

The most horrific looking women do not struggle with men.
Tutorial mode gender. Shut up.

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You have 3friends at least who don't view you as ugly and enjoy your company,

At least you beat me and most of this board.
All I have is multiple incel sites full of autists and chadlites for company.

How do you only have 3 friends?if you're a female that's so weird,are they also "fembots"?

Yeah. You can literally dispel the idea that an "ugly" woman can't get guys by downloading Tinder on her phone. Instant full inbox of matches. OP would get laid tonight by 10 different men if she did that. Proof that when a woman says she's lonely, she's not lonely enough to try the world's most popular and well-known dating app. It boggles the mind

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>Born typical female
>Try to imply to males on Jow Forums that you're not like other girls

Really makes you think

>getting fucked cures loneliness
Ugly girls are basically fleshlight, you don't date your fleshlight, you fuck it out of desperation and then you discard it, full of shame, once you're done with it

op in one pic

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It does though. Otherwise you've never been truely lonely. You can have guys cuddle you all night every night. Most of them will come back for more.

And I wasn't exaggerating when I said 10 different guys every night. If a girl can't befriend one of those guys so that he hangs out with you more, the problem you have is really not ugliness...

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>dude pretends to be girl
>gaggle of fucknuggets seriously reply
I hate this place.

OP is spreading misinformation. It doesn't matter if he's clearly a sweaty neckbeard irl, I'm still going to point out that his point are factually incorrect

>not like other girls
All my qualifiers are the most common attributes of a female in my country of origin.
Other than being white, I'm pretty much the exact average American girl.

dude who the fuck made these non-wojaks, jesus christ. women are fucking ruining this board.

Tahlia is that you? Originally

No, sorry.
>> Literally every user who is saying I would still have a flock of male orbiters
Every time I've asked someone out I've been rejected. You see ugly men with models. They can work on their careers and get a girl, a really, really attractive one. Meanwhile, it's statistically safe to say that ugly girls receive less sympathy and promotions and jobs. Don't ask me, just use your preferred search engine.
I have lowered my standards time and time again to the point where just before this post was made, I decided to ask someone on Discord if he wanted to have an LDR with me. We had Skyped once and it was like he wanted it to be over as soon as possible, I just passed it off. I had been confident enough that day to show him my face, after weeks of talking to him, listening him talk about his Overwatch waifu and joking around with him. I asked him over text, he blocked my skype immediately.
>> "Get off my board" anons
>> "Just use makeup" anons
I actually did get good at it. I was wearing makeup during the Skype as well, but I can still kind of remember what I now think was a visible cringe from the guy. No amount of makeup is going to unfuck my abnormal facial structure.
>> "Get surgery" anons
Medical complications right now. The game was rigged from the start.

I'm so sorry femanon. Being an ugly female is a curse, no man will ever want to reproduce or even actually love an ugly woman. Your only hope at this point is a very good plastic surgeon in Korea or Beverly Hills once your body is healthier. Don't ever tell a man you got the surgery either, you don't want to risk losing them.

you're probably overestimating how ugly you are, and also definitely overestimating how important it is, you need to cultivate a healthier headspace and quit feeling sorry for yourself.

>>Born female
>>Born ugly
Yep, nothing worse than being an ugly female. Everyone treats you like utter trash.

>implying any female that looks like that would ever browse a site like this.

Ya and your a fucking whore.

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Hate to say it user, but they are no such things as femanons.

ITT: moronic incel betas can't differentiate between sex and love. Ugly girls are aware they can have their bodies used by some desperate loser. They want someone to love them...

It's almost like men are incapable of love and only thing with their dicks.

you are male
stop thinking u are a woman
do you have a penis?
fuck off retard

What's wrong with your face/body OP?

>be female
>be ugly
it's almost as being a man.

Girls that look like this are unironically ugly.

>born female
>was at one point cute but then severe mental illness kicked in and now no one wants to be around me

why even fucking live

Look up pigwoman experiments. If you have a vagina you CAN NOT lose at life. Just put yourself out there. You'll find a beta supplier in less than 20 seconds.

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I feel your pain op :"((
Ugly kissless virgin here

I wish I could just be hold someone who'd let me love them

Been here since this boards inception, never seen this picture. Someone please post it!

just get into obscure male-dominated hobbies like anime, bumps you up

read you just dont get it, jfk all you men care about is sex