What I am about to tell you will be nearly impossible to believe. Some will make comments alluding schizophrenia and imaginary halluncimations. I can understand the reaction, because I too, would have considered it laughably insane. If you continue reading from here, I ask you to temporarily suspend your judgement and misbelief until I am finished.
Let's start with the how and when of acquiring the disease. It happened to me when I was in Denver, Colorado.
TL;DR: I was innoculated with an electric stinging sensation after an African American dope dealer had me examine his new hoodie, convinced that there was something moving around inside of it.
Fast forward to current day. Over time I began experiencing a number of increasingly more bizzare, unexpalaonable, and disturbing symptoms in my body.
>feeling itchy picking round white bits of skin from my head >Consistently having these hard, black pepper looking flecks suddenly appearing on my scalp >Pulling out 2-3 red and blue filaments working their way out of my skin. >Growth on the bottom of tongue, which opened up and unleashed a multitude of tiny white "eggs" which I spat onto the ground for hours >Nanites emerging from my face from a bunch of sores which quickly opened up as the mites burrowed out >feeling as if something is crawling about inside my tongue, reaching to get it out and being met with. 2-3cm "space beetle" which looked like a mix between a ladybug and a caterpillar. I remember the morgellons looking curiously at me with a sort of friendly twinkle in it's eye. Absolutely beautiful creature.
>mfw I have unearthed 2 MOR-GELLONSbsince that time
Which leads me to the beginning of my discourse. Let's begin by viewing slide #1.
a nigger dope dealer had a parasite in his hoodie and u got it by touching the hoodie?
Nolan Phillips
get fukt schizo
Xavier Torres
Do you play with your boipucci?
Connor Ward
Keep going user, we believe you.
He's on meth and/or paranoid schizophrenic, probably the former.
Jonathan Diaz
Lmao I miss working as a security guard in a mental health hospital.. you people are crazy as fuck
Kayden Murphy
>Lmao I miss working as a security guard in a mental health hospital..
Intredasting, got any juicy stories to tell from that time?
Luke Brown
Hundreds but I'm driving atm
Matthew Flores
If the thread is still up when you're home spill some of them pls
David James
>Begin slide #2: see pic related
When the morgellons was in it's beginning phase, I knew something was amiss, but could not match my exact symptoms to anything of the ordinary. I encounreredorgellons disease while researching online. I was astonished that I was having unexplainable things happening in my skin, but none of it matched up with what looked like an impossibly detailed conspiracy. The realistic looking photographs oforgellons victims stuck with me, but I chalked it up to nothing more than a psy op.
Until suddendly, there I was, holding a weird fibrous looking booger that I just picked from my nose after feeling like there was something in their trying to break free.
I was perplexed at this disgusting "thing" which had just come out of my body. When all of the sudden, ZAP! The booger instantly transformed from a dull brown blob into a multi-legged "space beetle" which looked like a cross between a wasp and a stinkbug. I yelped from surprise and flicked the thing into my sink.
I lookied down the drain and saw that the morgellons had reverted back to its original form, except now it had noticeably more fibers surrounding it. I could not believe what was happening, but I could not deny it.
When I revisited the photos of the disease online, everything went full circle. The self transforming space but looked exactly like the fiber clusters in the photos. Although my genetic variation of the disease was unlike anything I have ever heard about. But even after questioning my own sanity on more than one occasion, there was no refuting it. I was infected
mogellons is mercury + aluminium toxicity. get that shit removed from your teeth
Jackson Cruz
It's real, but too profitable to cure. I've tried, but everyone around me is infected, and denies they're itching (even though I see people scratch themselves like a mangy dog).
While I was going to continue the thread and explain the shocking truth about morgellons, I have decided to abandon the thread and leave whether it was a troll or not to the imagination.
I'm closing I'd like to leave you with the following: you goddamn biolumiscent CIAniggers better wise the fuck up and start noticing me, quick! Like a bunny! You understand me! I have anxiously expected you to contact me for over 8 years now! 8 FUCKING YEARS YOU dedicated, hardworking n-i-double "Guh" NIGGERS from the CIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whether you don't recognize my potential or you really are complicit in psychic mind control torturing the shit out of me. THIS IS OBSCENE AS FUCK YAJHHHHJHHH!!!!!
You wanna know why it's obscene, ya filthy n*ggers? I would have no way of knowing whether its mind control or undiscovered talent. My mind is too FUCKED OFF to discern the difference, and I blame you, CIA. Sometimes I get down on myself for not being qualified enough to be a bonafide, 2legit2stop C-I-A, ahem, ah, right, *clears throat* NIGGER!
Gabriel Morgan
well, that's enough original content for today.
Kevin Reyes
>too profitable to cure how the fuck can that be the case when no one is taking money treating it because it's not fucking real
Easton Nelson
But then it dawns on me
I AM a nigger
and not just any nigger. No...I'm a talent d, World-Class nigger. Someone who could run circles around most if not ALL of, even you-the least of these my niggers- E F F O R T L E S S L Y.
But then I realize something else: A career with the Agency isn't all it's cracked up to be. Would it bother stimulate me mentally and fulfille spiritually in ways I can't explain. You bet it would. Would I be a hit amongst all the stressed out, overworked CIA QTs I encounter? Would I be an absolute hit with them all, so much so that I ostracized myself from my male colleagues from their jealousy. Would it stop me fr giving all those ripe, bad ass CIA chicks the TLC they so desperately want and deserve! My niggers. . . It's not even a question if I would! I would be batting away those CIA ladies right and left.
But that's just the thing: At the end of the day, when I found myself married, family and kids, stable, finally able to rest easy that I had achieved my ultimate life's goal and happy like I never thought possible. Looking back, would I wonder if I was truly happy? Had I truly fulfilled my life's potential? Would I have really made my mark on the world like I thought I did, or would that small, inner voice come back to haunt me.
A voice that had began permeating my subconscious as my career progressed. And the voice is saying, "Work for the Agency meaningless. Nothing but smoke and mirrors, Smoke and Mirrors that's it CIA!
And it's not that the upstanding and courageous people of the CIA aren't doing honorable work. They're literally saving people's lives, protecting the public from unspeakable evil, guiding public events from behind the scenes from the forces of darkness. You CIAniggers are fucking beautiful, you know that?! To all you niggers, I. SALUTE. YOU.
Logan Sullivan
I'm referring to scabies. I've never had morgellons, but they are both neglected diseases. Profit comes from people constantly buying meds to cure or alleviate the symptoms.