
Who else here is good looking?

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In my opinion I'm beautiful and ugly at the same time.

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i'm fairly certain i'm fugly, but recently supposed "fembots" have called me a chad

does this mean i'm ugly but i get laid a lot? haven't gotten laid. fembots reject me for "being such a chad".

very confuse.

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Succubus told me I looked like a young Johnny Depp once. I just "y-you too"ed and walked away.

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>told literally average dozen of times per year i look like justin timberlake

Its objective at this point, ive never given a shit because it only invites people to be shitty to me outside of a few select dynamics

All my features are great separately, but they ended up looking like shit together.
So i am just average

I used to think this about myself but then I realized, no, they really aren't that great.

i think i am up until the point i take a selfie and it reflects the image, which ends up looking nothing like what i see in the mirror

>humongous skull and neck
>strong brow ridge
>thick brows and trimmed beard
>high cheekbones
>defined jaw
what did god mean by this? i wouldn't have been a virgin

>21 years old turned good looking when I turned 20 (eating healthy, working out, caring about hygiene)
> solid 8/10
> have terrible social skills that plague me because I was a literal fatty 2/10 most of my life

What is the most accurate image of yourself?
The mirror or the camera?

I'm always call handsome, but I'm never invited out and can't find a girlfriend.

I can fuck girls, though. Pretty easily, too.

is it normal to jerk off to your reflection in the mirror

>camera mirrors selfie
>attractiveness instantly drop 3 points

Fuck I thought I was the only one who gets pissed off by this.

Also I think I'm about a 7 or 8. I've got I consider becoming a model quite a lot. I got 4 dates in the first 2 weeks of january

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Been told I should be a model, don't think I'm THAT good looking, I'm just above average

i dunno, the camera is the orientation that people see me at, but then again it has a very tiny lens so the face asymmetry gets amplified and the face perportions/angles are inaccurate
i guess its somewhere in between

I am according to most femanons cute but I keep convincing myself I am ugly.

21 year old incel here. I have a chubby face but I've never been overweight. I limit how much unhealthy stuff I eat because whenever I look at myself in the mirror I always feel as though I'm overweight because of my face

I am actually somewhat above average when it comes to appearance (or at least I was, before my hairline started receding) but looks don't matter when you're too autistic to hold a conversation.

Just wanted to tell all of you to GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BOARD

>negative canthal tilt
>big nose

Hhhmmmm I guess not.

>chaddish bone structure on my jaw and cheeks
>baby face

I am.
But I'm rotten in the inside.

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I certainly class myself as a "mentalcel" if that's what you call someone who can attract initial interest from women but blow it when you finally have to talk to them.

Prove it incel

completely honestly, fucking kill yourself you are a disgusting person.

>tfw born with good facial genetics
>tfw have no sense of style and have to wear thick glasses so might as well be ugly

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but I'm gentle and kind and work for charity

A cute girl called me handsome today. Does this count?

That's god mode, user.
t. femanon who loves shota/babyfaced boys

>femanon who loves shota/babyfaced boys
I'm willing to bet money you're overweight and/or smell bad.

glasses are in now a days user, use them to your advantage

also for the style thing, just look at what zoomers are wearing and add some mature touches and all the daddy issue girls will flocc