Has watching porn made you gay?
Has watching porn made you gay?
god i want the boy on the left to suck me off
>posts three girls
Mmm fucking no other then Americas Sweetheart Bailey Jay!
If it made me gay I'd be fapping to bears and Chad's not cute girls
If I was gay I wouldn't think that these girls are hot.
I dont think those are girls user...
This, OP let's see their boiclits please
Trans girls are girls you bigot
No, but using discord has certainly done something to that effect.
The one on the right has to be a girl (female).
she's a girl, just not that type
>mr skeleton hands
you're not allowed to bully
Fuck off. Pretending that wearing a dress and acting submissive makes you a "woman" is misogynistic as fuck, in the same way that painting your face black and acting like a "nigger," for lack of a better word, makes you black is racist as fuck.
Trans people only perpetuate the gender binary they claim to be against, and narrow the acceptable range of gender expression. Being a feminine man is absolutely fine. Being a masculine woman is absolutely fine. But reducing gender to a feeling ignores the fact that gender is a social construct imposed on us by society, not something you can just pick and choose. Additionally, it rejects the fact that patriarchy, and the systemic oppression of women, didn't happen because a bunch of men thought it would be fun, it arose due to biological differences between the sexes, and exploitation of women's reproductive and emotional labor.
fuck off terfroast
Technically yes, because I now have fapped to trap porn and I would like to fuck the one on the right, and yes fapping to traps is gay no matter how you try to spin it.
I have a dick lmao
terf roastie, terf whiteknight, not all that different
What's wrong with a materialist analysis of gender? Better that than sitting home all day jerking it to sissy porn.
i know you love being a radfem but turn down your autism
Oh yeah over exposure to porn and sex everywhere is making people bored with heterosexuality.
Trust me, I've been going on Jow Forums since I was 12 (for 11 years) and I'm a tranny now.
actual tranny here. lived as a woman for 3 years now, only worn a dress once, i wear normal clothes for a girl my age, and only do natural makeup. those you describe i legitimately dislike because they give trannies an even worse rep. so many of them overcompensate for their lack of feminine features by doing that shit
No, but it's made me nearly as weird and disgusting as a gay.
What do you think makes you a woman?
Those are cute traps I would let them all top me
i dont think what i wear makes me a woman, but how i act and feel. sure i cant compare how it feels to be a woman, all i can say in that regard is that it feels right. how i act, look, talk, etc ive been told is like any avg girl. like the tranny specialists in the healthcare system cant find anything that suggests im not a woman, only my medical record does.
i know ill never be a true woman in that ill never be able to have a period or birth a child.
what do you think makes some one a woman? im genuinely curious
chaser bottoms deserve death, y'all gross
Oh my god. Crawl back to ResetEra you utter faggot.
yes i do believe watching other people have sex.
and you never get to have sex will turn you gay.
why do they all look mentally ill
I think gender identity is a mix of things. A definite part of it is resulting from biology, such as having periods, pregnancy, and being (on average) physically weaker then men. Most of it comes from socialization I think. Men and women are raised differently, and treated differently by society.
How is saying "I act like a woman, and feel like a woman, hence am a woman" not sexist? It presupposes that men could possibly know what it "feels like" to be a woman, to have been raised since birth as a woman. It suggests that "women" act a certain way, tying stereotypes of femininity into being a female.
Can I ask what, fundamentally, separates you from an effeminate gender non-conforming man?
ay yo bitch dat tha same way dis nigga rite here feel about bein black.
like what deh fuk breh, just cuz my skin is white dats not even fukkin relevent. I feel and act like a reel nigga so I AM a nigga, feel me?
I want to cuddle with her so fucking badly
like i said, how i act is what others have said is female, i never changed how i acted. and like you said, i cant say how it feels to be a woman, because i never was one and will never get the full experience. all i can say is that after i began transitioning my life has improved so much. my family and friends cant put a finger on it either, but they can see that it was the right thing for me to do
i dont like the stereotypical idea of a woman either, which i discussed a lot with my gender therapist, as their protocols pretty much said that if i wasnt in the role of a 50's housewife then im not trans
what i think seperates me from feminine non conforming men is that i want to live and be considered a woman, i always prayed id wake up as a girl one day. i dont feel like the role men has in society, which is imo much more established than the women role is today was the one for me, i hated myself, my body, and where and what i was supposed to be
idk if any of that rambling even remotely answers your question user.. id be happy to try again, but damn those questions are hard to nail down a concise answer to
Hey man, calm down.
Quit being a faggot because no-one cares that much
Take 10 away from the keyboard real quick if you need to
shiieett if u feel bad/off when you act white, you're black in my book
what a cutie, can you even pretend you're straight if you wouldn't date this?
some ftm on a chat site, dont got a skype acount. can someone get nudes
that's hella gay
As gross as traps honestly.
traps are cute and pure and deserve love
Straight people are weird
sorry, mancunt just isn't for me
No but I think it gave me yellow fever from watching too much JAV