What would you do if you find out your a magical girl??

What would you do if you find out your a magical girl??

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i would not do anything because just because she exists and I found her doesn't mean shit

I was asking if you you were magical girl baka

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do good with my magical powers hoping to not get found out so i dont become a CIA human experiment. also wear cute dresses.

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>tfw no other options so have to make a less compliant poppy

fly around and cause mischief

What do you think you would do as good magical user? Your dress is really pretty

I'd magically fix my joke of a life.

probably kill a bunch of jews/bankers/politicians.

I would usr my magical girl powrrs to create a hitler government but that doesnt discriminate

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Commit mass genocide in a ghetto until my soul gemu overflows with impurities and ravage the ghetto even further as a witch.

aren't ghetto brothers fucked up enough? lmao

Space communism

>make a death note, the mask, genie's lamp, monkey's paw, pick of destiny, lance of longinus, and ring of power
>teleport them in random locations on the planet
>watch the madness ensue

Magical girls arent supposed to be bad be a good magical girl like

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a righteous person could grab one of those things and use it for noble reasons

I would never forget the promise we made...

I would give myself a benis

Im gonna do my homework mum lay off... Jeez

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I guess I'd see what a mahou shoujo henshin looks like pov. and see what my body was like after said transformation.
actually no I wouldn't first I'd ask whatever weird ass alien cat gave me this power if the transformation would permanently change my base form.

how would i not know if i was?

you will never be a real girl. realize this

>tfw you're already a witch and ""reality"" is your barrier
what was i like as a magical girl
pls someone tell me

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kill other mahou shoujos and fuck their corpses

Incels like you are disgusting you will never be a true magical girl

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1. I'm not an incel
2. That's good, I feel comfortable in my body of man

I would start wrecking shit and go on rampages just for the fun of it. Also use my magic mainly for personal gain and sometimes kinky stuff.

Also jumping around in pink frilly outfits while beating the shit out of degenerates sounds awesome.

Right I think the frilly outfits are the cutest and most amazing thing in the whole world

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Fighting monsters would be fun. Then I would get depressed when it isn't fun anymore.

Train every day I could and flunk out of college probably, but if it is for the safety of others it would be worth it

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