I love her so much.
But im afraid to tell her
I love her so much.
But im afraid to tell her
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Go do it user, it's better than staying at home and crying about it. Even if she says no, you will find comfort in the thought you told her.
I was infatuated with a girl and I asked her she wanted to go out sometime. I got rejected and felt like shit but it gave me closure and made me feel good that I at least managed to try.
Its just that she is in my class and everything would just be akward
No she isnt a roastie
Just go ask her out. If you get rejected, you might feel shit for a while but it's better than not trying at all
how old are you? 16?
you don't tell a girl you love her, either you flirt and she reciprocates or not
I'm in the same position, user. There is nothing more depressing than talking to a girl you have feelings for, every day as a friend, knowing that you don't have the courage to tell her.
Im 18, had a gf once when I was 13
No experience
I just have to keep smiling at her
Jokes on you i fell in love with a girl when i was 15-16 and years later she still haunts me
I miss secretly having crushes on girls. Somehow it made me feel alive.
My last crush was almost 3 years ago, I think she knew but I was a coward and never confessed.
Im over her, but I have given up on love aswell. My upbringing was horrible and Im an autist, relationships are not meant for everyone.
You should man up and tell her. You will regret. Always having crushes secretly on someone will consume your soul eventually.
Same user, we are in the same class so I dont know if saying "hey want to hang out with the just two of is" is the right thing to do, she will definetly understand that I am interested in her but we have a good friendship going on, and if she would reject me its going to be so fucking akward and sad for me because we still meet regulary with other friends.
You shouldnt have female friends.
I got a couple though, but not because I am good looking or something. I can be kind of funny and a nice guy. I guess thats why, girls can be fun
Eugene was happiest with Abraham around
You had what you wanted and weren't happy. You have what you want and aren't happy? What happened?
I know her almsot 4 years by now, we graduated together and stuff and were in the same classes.
At the graduation party we both got pretty drunk and had oral sex. I have to say, I regret everything. Things just got akward
I think I fixed everything now and I dont want to fuck up again. I love her for 3 years from now and its driving me insane
Sorry for bad english im a kraut
>There is nothing more depressing than talking to a girl you have feelings for, every day as a friend, knowing that you don't have the courage to tell her
There one thing, actually: talking to a girl you have feelings for, every day as a friend, AFTER you have told her how you feel, because it doesn't matter that you have the courage to do things if are an ugly neckbeard.
And then she stops talking to you because your presence grosses her out.
This is actually what I fear is going to happen, and I am to scared to tell her. I plan on getting a bit drunk and ask her, or maybe I will have the courage in the next few days. I really want to ask her in person but I never have the chance to
Luckily I'm still in the "not having told her yet" fase. So i still have a chance if i don't fuck it up.