What are your daily struggles fembots? why do you visit this board?

What are your daily struggles fembots? why do you visit this board?
> vocaroo.com/i/s0BMRJYP0FKS

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Other urls found in this thread:


Only fucked 5 guys this year. Lost virginity late, was already 17. Only had 4 serious relationships.

fembots don't exist you need to either specify femanatrons or trapanators or you'll just get replies from vibrating mechanoman

There are femanons just listen to OP vocaroo related. some of them might even be qts

gnuclues leading u to teh trues

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Why do the women sound so fake? Every 'fembot' here sounds the exact same with the cookie cutter vulnerable nervous cute voice. Sounds so forced. Can these girls not even do a good fembot impression? The more terrible it is the more we know you're nowhere near a real socially anxious girl.

I'm pretty sure that was a real fembot who recorded this

"Only" fucked 5 guys this year?

Wtf? How big of a whore are you trying to become?

What kind of guys do you typically whore youself on?

5 is literally shit tier for modern women.
For average looking slut its ~20
For stacey easily 50+
There are not many women over 21 left who have had less than 100 cocks in them
if they give you any number less than a few dozens they are lying
t.chad insider

Tits or gtfo
>Tits or gtfo
Tits or gtfo
>Tits or gtfo
Tits or gtfo
>Tits or gtfo
Tits or gtfo
>Tits or gtfo
You all know the fucking rules, now follow them.

my dad told me they used to have a rule on this website called "tits or gtfo" to any user that claims they are a female.
I wonder if they still enforce this rule

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That can't be possible. That's just a fucking absurd number of people.

>I'm pretty sure that was a real fembot who recorded this

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You're either not in college yet, or from a 3rd world country. College girls in US, these numbers is 100% true.

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my penis is inflated; i don't know what to do

wibble wibble woo woo; wibble woo loo loo

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>Only fucked 5 guys this year.
>january 25
>one every fifth day
>For stacey easily 50+
>2 every day
Oh no!

Average slut fucks two different men on weekends. Fri-Sat nights, and has a "boyfriend" on top of it.
So actually real numbers might be even higher, because they like to "go see friends" in other cities (codeword for fucking that selective 1% of men there)

I don't have any legs and its a hassle to stroll around in my wheelchair so I just stay at home and browse all day.

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50 a year is not two a day, you dumb dumb

I am in college but I honestly have no idea what the mainstream student body does because I'm cut off from them socially. Back when I was in high school, the average girl seemed to fuck like five guys per year and very few had numbers higher than that.

I wish I was back in high school.

i can offer to school you on getting high

bongetta greene

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Lmao, I've already gone to that school and am planning to go back soon.

>live in poverty, can't hold a job, coworkers always turn on me eventually, company throws me under the bus
>doesn't even matter that I can do my job well and rarely make mistakes, I prefer to keep to myself so that makes me literally hitler
>I'm also incredibly attractive so all my roastie coworkers and managers get salty and think I'm a snob because I'm quiet, when really I'm just thinking 'bout Salinger or Dazai
>no friends, prefer to stay inside and browse the net or work on things or read
>have never fit in anywhere and no one has ever wanted me to be their friend
>not into normalfagshit, only read literature (no genre fiction) and study history (Leonidas is best boy) and watch anime
>don't enjoy the company of others, greatly prefer to be alone

>Tits or gtfo
>>Tits or gtfo
>Tits or gtfo
>>Tits or gtfo
>Tits or gtfo
>>Tits or gtfo
>Tits or gtfo
>>Tits or gtfo
>You all know the fucking rules, now follow them.
apparently you don't.

much like with the vocal synthesizers, modern image/photo editing and 3d rendering tools are so sophisticated that it is trivial to fake a signature on the skin of a model in a photograph.

it requires knowledge and capability/skill for sure so not just any idiot could do it, but it does not require a whole lot of time/effort such that it would make it unprofitable for a typical con or troll (outriggers bitches!) job

so the whole "tits or gtfo" thing was always actually just a way to get the women using the site to show tits. these days if you want to see THE VERY SAME WOMEN THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN HERE AND PROBABLY WERE, we have shit like pornhub which is a similar type of con (although some of them make some money for sure.)

it's like a con spiral that just leads into a whole other con on and on and con and con

always was, is, always will be

downriggers, outriggers, fatniggers all the same shit they all float or sink lures

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This image makes me irrationally angry. You won't really understand or relate with any of the feels BR2049 has to offer maybe other than K's reaction to joi getting crushed.

General mental illness. Inability to hold down even a shitty fast food job because of my weird ways. No friends, family dont really contact me.. I kinda just sit in my house all day, sometimes I post nudes online for validation and just to make people contact me. but i know im disgusting anyway so its meaningless. I just wish I could get and hold down a job, but the combination of my awkward anxuis behaviour and needing days off because i cant face getting out my bed... well, nobody wants me. Even on the offchance I get beyond interview stage with sheer bullshit, my real nature soon comes through.
I've been on Jow Forums a long time now, its my only real social interaction. Its just better than nothing even if its mostly hate I get here.

Im also probably about to become homeless as my housemate has been arrested (long story) and may lose his job. Im faced with the prospect of moving home to my parents couch, with my violent mentally disabled brother and emotionally abusive stressed mother. And again no friends, but this time in a deadend bitchy cliquey middle of nowhere shithole.

should further clarify, i cant afford rent on my own. I would also have to give up my dogs which are my only joy in life.

You do sound like a bit of a cunt though. I was with you up until the "incredibly attractive" part. How can you fail so much.

Objectively speaking I'm gorgeous. Which means, for a girl, that all other women hate me, and it's always been this way. I'm probably on the spectrum and can't deal with it. But I'm hotter than them so they get catty and drag me into their bullshit, when all I want to do is do my job and then go home to watch anime in peace.
Does that make me a cunt? You're not a girl so you don't understand it. Women are MEAN. If you're more attractive they feel the need to jump out of the woodwork to attack you and try to tear you down.

I'm probably going to kill myself soon.
And I don't know why I visit this board, I do like when robots say mean things about fembots though

The sluttiest girl I know has a body count of 45.

>objectify me speaking

don't mind if i do

"oh no onii-chan, i'm not on the pill you can't!"

>feel the need to jump out working their wood

don't mind if i do

>try to tear you

omg this is so hot i love when a girl cries it's not sadism it's just hot

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>The sluttiest girl I know
she's just a thirsty one nothing wrong with being thirsty

imagine if you did role reversal with the incels here on Jow Forums


I like robots, I wish I could hug every one of you and tell you it's all going to be ok

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>You're not a girl so you don't understand it. Women are MEAN.
I think that user already knows that some women can be real cunts, and that you're one of them.
It's evident in the way you tell how "unfair" things happened to you just out of nowhere because "people hate that you look better than them".

>people hate me for "no reason"
>no friends
>"never fit in"

No one wants to be friends with someone who is a cunt or lacks social skills to be bearable in a conversation. There's always a reason, and you might spend the rest of your 20s and early 30s alone if you keep being a cunt.
change your ways before you inevitably hit the wall and regret not having children.

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I am actually a girl. Just understand people are every bit as mean and even worse when you are ugly ever thought you might actually be a bitch and its nothing to do with how you look

yeah this. I lack social skills and looks but I have at times in my life managed to have friends. Its never any body elses fault if you have never managed to relate to people. as an attractive person, that should even help. see how hot girls gravitate to each other. and to suggest that is very telling if her personality

Then find other really attractive girls to befriend. Or, alternatively, get yourself a beta farm that will worship you.

I haven't been to this board for years but I'm here because I'm a retarded sperg and I might as well hang out in one of the worst boards of Jow Forums since I want to kill myself so much anyways. People can write some interesting things about their lives and I like reading them. Seeing other perspectives to things is fascinating as well as hearing about experiences I can't experience. Helps me understand people better.

Robots, aren't you sick and tired of arguing?
It's all so tiresome. What even is the point.
I am so tired.

I have not been happy in 9 years.
I have last felt comfortable in my skin 9 years ago.
Why did it have to be this way?

Suggest some melancholic songs to fall asleep to, please.
Something like this:youtube.com/watch?v=X_DVS_303kQ

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Are they? I don't know, I've never been social like that, I thought they were just being mean to me. The only women who haven't been total bitches have been pretty attractive, so I assumed they weren't threatened by me like the average and uggo girls were so they had no reason to be catty.
I don't think guys are mean to each other like that. Women are total bitches. I just want to be left alone and they go nuts.

>Helps me understand people better.
uh oh...

just my opinion of course but i feel Jow Forums offers a sample of the dumbest of the dumb. this is like going to a trump rally and expecting to learn about the observed effects suspected to be correlated to global warming on climates in the far north (alaska, etc)

>I'm a retarded

oh well nevermind then that's okay it'll just come naturally you'll fit in just fine


im not talking about being social. im talking about in school, in the workplace. People. you are delusional to think attractive people aren treated better in everything, and if you've failed even without being ugly then you really need to take a good hard look at yourself.

>I don't think guys are mean to each other like that.
They are, but not just because of looks.

Ugly people of both sexes are treated as subhumans, and you should be genuinely thankful that you've escaped that horrible fate.

>only ever known one chick that was in a wheel chair
>she was an absolute cunt and I fucking hated her
Is that you? You went from Cunt for about 6 years to ostracized loser in a week.

You guys are acting like I go out of my way to be a cunt. Fuck you. Here's my daily life
>go in to work, say good morning
>sit at desk, do my work
>wave goodbye when clock hits 5
>go the fuck home
Where in that do I deserve to constantly lose my job due to "not fitting in"? Go ahead and point out my sin.
If any male user said that, they'd get understanding and sympathy. "Yeah man most of a job is about being a normie they like to hang out with." But I'm a girl so you all say "oh well you must be a cunt."
Fuck you, it's not a sin to be quiet. I don't know why I bother coming to this board anymore.

I'm not here to learn, but with anonymity people can feel more free to really speak out their mind and it's more interesting than talking to a new person face to face. And of course I don't apply what I see here to every person I meet or anything. Besides the site does have a very wide variety of people from truly delusional to actually down to earth types. I've talked to a lot of 4channers outside this site, some of them are way more stable than you'd think. Too much loneliness can still affect people even if they have their shit together otherwise.

>I don't know why I bother coming to this board anymore.

Are you a python programmer?

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you dont lose your job over shit like that. How people treat you is a result of how you treat others. Unless you are immediately repellant to them in some obvious way. You arent exactly coming across as nice even here to be frank.

and again I am female. If you hate the views ot he males here so much then why fucking bother. you know you cant change anything. Even I know attractive females have an advantage over the average male here.

Find a more male dominated workplace. I've seen retard women keep decent jobs based on the virtue of their looks.

>Fuck you, it's not a sin to be quiet
For normies, it is a sin, regardless of your looks. Also, if you're both attractive and quiet, people might think you're snobbish. Attractive girls seem to usually be fairly social.

all true and i agree, but i wouldn't ever say it's safe to look at this place without being extremely aware that things are heavily biased toward stupid anti-social and hateful points of view

i think those people were attracted to the satirical behavior we put on all the time (nigger, slut, whore, baby rapist, etc) and so they felt like they were right at home in the smokescreen putting their hatred on display blaming everyone for their own faults and issues.

definitely people when you get to talk to them tend to be a lot more stable... but i think that's because the unstable ones tend to back off when they realize the smoke is starting to clear before they end up exposing themselves for what they truly are. they know they're unwelcome and that they need to grow up, but i'm certain they just blame everything on others...

the freaks come out at night.



they took this from us

there's no way back

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I visit this bored because I like the people here
And cuz too ugly to have a bf

>too ugly to have a bf
you can be my bf it's not gay if you pretend ur a girl we can fap together du leik 2 play soggy biscuits???

What are you doing with your life currently? Why do you think you are too ugly?

But I am a real girl :(

>THIS year, you bigger dummy.
There have been but 25 days in 2019, THIS year.

"femanons" are usually mtf trannies

>Why do you think you are too ugly?
Because she looks in the mirror?

You sound passable, may I fuck your boi puscci?

yessssssss septum septum let's watch nana together this is a sign

that's what she said tho


first time i watched this anime through it was on mute so their voices seem so weird to me

There's no such thing as a fembot, I visit because I feel nostalgic about being a shithead teenager on 2010's r9k.

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Nobody is too ugly to have a bf. I can promise you that. However its the resulting mental issues and low self esteem that really fuck us over.if youre ugly and have no personality or self worth you are basically screwed either way.. you have to have something going for you

>Find a more male dominated workplace.
I think that's my problem, my field is like 95% female.
Unless you unironically think I talk IRL how I post on Jow Forums
And yes, there was "no problem with my performance" but I "wasn't fitting in." Never said a mean word, only ever tried to look nice and friendly, if they wanted to talk I let them come and talk to me about their stupid boring shit and did the fake smile and nod shit and tried to be friendly. But it's not enough, if you don't eat their shit up every day like it's birthday cake, if you want to just go in and do your work, it's a cardinal sin.
Why can't they go to a club or something after work and socialize there and leave me the fuck alone. The only things I can make conversation on are Joyce or the Greco-Persian Wars. What am I gonna talk to normies about?
But apparently if I don't go out of my way to spend 5 hours a day gossipping with them about television, I'm "not a good fit to the company culture."

Been here since I was around 16, 24 now. Have a bf but so what? I have no friends and am borderline agoraphobic. I'm an alcoholic and have a bad/distant relationship with my family because I am ashamed of myself. I was bullied so long and hard I'm basically afraid of socializing, especially of other women. I'm fucked, I thought I was on the track to normalfag-hood in college, I had my bf and the girls in my classes were actually nice and I made a friend from Jow Forums but since summer 2017 I've been a shutin friendless depressed anxious wreck. Sometimes I feel like I just exist to get fucked up and shitpost. I'm just sad and lonely but too scared to make friends or even reach out to my little brothers. Enjoy replying to me with vitrol I've heard it all before, you're nothing to me

>I'm "not a good fit to the company culture."
You're objectively not though. Either start watching the kardashians and listening to pop music or stop whining.

Your autism creeps them out.

No, some words on a screen arent entirely reflective of someones peraonslity in the real world. But when something comes across so strongly, it certainly hints at it being the case. I mean fuck even now you are coming across as a stuck up bitch. genuinely why cant you see this. are you autistic or? serious question

You know what... I'll believe this Fembot's had it rough, that it's not a cake walk for her. but I'll continue to swallow that blackpill that a girl of this status can still get a boyfriend.

How did you meet? Did he approach you and decide he wouldn't let your anxiety stop him?

>too ugly to have a bf.

you have to be careful because it's actually impossible to judge yourself. whether you think you're hot or fugly as shit, you're definitely not making accurate judgments about it.

if you enter in mental illness or depression you even have delusions to contend with.

the best thing to look at is i think this:
>too ugly to have a bf.

change it to:
>too ugly to have a friend who is male

now now, "there is no such thing as a male friend because sex and attraction", no that's not true. yeah you can end up being friends and develop a sexual interest (one sided or not) and that can complicate things, definitely.

... but i mean then you have a bf right?

so try to make friends instead of just being all grouchy and delusional trying to judge yourself.

i'm fugly too but the thing is: it doesn't matter what i think, it only matters what other people think of me and i can't decide for them!

unlike a tranny who believes they can decide for everyone "i'm a woman" no the fuck you're not, you're a male taking hormones, a "woman" is just a sexist gender stereotype.

women are awful anyway. i want a human being, not some weird ass 17th century stereotype..

sounds like me only no bf. I always thought it would help but im not sure pinning my mental issues on someone is fair. Actually it would be fucking selfish. Doomed to struggle alone.

I've got all of my relationships from the internet. I posted what I wanted in an ideal mate thread and he added my Skype, he was an hour away, met up, eventually moved in together
I was lucky to meet him when I was still going to college, had a job, was semi-functioning. I've basically degraded into a complete loser since then, idk why he stays, probably sunk cost and comfort. We can't even go on a date without me sperging out and needing to go home half the time because there are too many people around

d-does some fembot here want an e-bf?

>im not sure pinning my mental issues on someone is fair. Actually it would be fucking selfish.
lmao you're a retard.

A ton of people have savior complexes and don't mind dealing with mentally-fucked partners as long as the sex is good.

you what? i think you're getting your anons mixed up. Im judging myself as ugly because I am, I also know this isnt why i dont have a boyfriend. im at peace with it. why do people on here think a woman of a certain age cant judge her own appearance. We all have to be shy insecure stacey with glasses on here

I think people who go for damaged people are just as bad. its not for someone else to fix you, you have to sort your own shit before you bring misery to someone. Have no never dealt with someone who is truly mentally ill? It is draining, and not everyone can handle that. and nobody is obligated to be a crutch for me.

and Im the retard.. for having a sense of fairness and trying to take responsibility for my self. wewww

>as long as the sex is good.

typical robot, women are objects to stick your dick in.

>on Jow Forums
>are you autistic
where do I file for neetbux

Are you saying youre the user who posted the voice clip and im 2 ugly

More like, sex is the requirement to be viewed as human. Just like looks, height and a job are for a man. Only after that are you subject to the equally brutal judgement of who you actually are as a person.

I dont want someone to be with me purely because they can stick their dick in me. What a horrible shallow excuse for a relationship that would be. im not sure what point you are trying to make here. And im not going to start debating this but I know plenty of short and ugly guys who manage to have partners purely for being genuinely good people to be around. Something robots (and myself) cant manage. and that is the crux of the issue

>why do people on here think a woman of a certain age cant judge
nobody can accurately judge themselves in another's eyes. that type of thinking is sociopathic.

you can try to estimate how people will see you based upon your personal experience and by averaging out the opinions you're aware of... but this has severe limitations.

ultimately how people feel about you is completely subjective and 100% in their minds, not yours. you have no control over this because it is determined by their past experience combined and interwoven with their experience of you.

when you try to judge yourself you only get your view biased by your own experiences... and what exactly are you judging? are you trying to estimate the average or typical perception others have of you?

so you see the concept in and of itself is not valid to start with.

it's important to acknowledge and accept that everyone has a unique point of view and different opinions.

>What a horrible shallow excuse for a relationship that would be.
Tough shit.

If you stop putting out, any relationship you have will die. This is a fact.

I am not judging by my own eyes. I am judging by how people have treated me. People who have shouted "youre fucking ugly" at me from windows. Guys in highschool asking me out purely as a bully tactic. Even now in the workplace, I hear guys joking about me being hot and "haha user, he fancies you" granted they are immature teens.. but it still counts. im 26 years old, if i didnt have a realistic view of my looks by now I'd be a fucking retard.

I know im ugly. im a 4 on a good day with saggy tits. I also had a mild stroke a few years ago so im way uglier than i have been and only getting worse.

its just being realistic. Dude, i dont even care if im ugly these days. it is what it is. but dont try and tell me I cant possibly know this

>born too late to explore the world
>born too soon to explore the space
>born just in time to live in the century where acne is a common thing to have


I dont know. you sound like a piece of shit if you think sex is everything. Its not even relevant to the discussion. relationships are built of more important things than you getting your dick wet.

I was trying to argue that for the rest of relationship to exist, you have to have a sexual relationship as the foundation. With that in place, you can now view the person as a person.

I don't think this should cause butthurt to anyone.

>I am judging by how people have treated me.
by how you interpret how you've experienced how they've treated you.

you need to remember your perceptions are extremely biased and might not be anywhere near accurate.

that's why:
1) try to be nice to everyone no matter who
2) always do the best possible (good) thing and assume the most likely good thing before bad things about others
3) make sure you don't let anyone push you around while you're performing #1 and #2

what you're saying in your post is all "me me me", remember what matters is other people. yeah i'm sure people have been dicks, people are generally dicks.

you can't use that to determine some absolute like "i'm fugly and getting worse" though. i'm saying that type of thinking is likely to contribute a lot to your issues so since it's one thing you can change (you can't change who you are, you can change what you do), it's good to focus on that.

>im a 4 on a good day with saggy tits
4 gallons of milk? you're making me thirsty.

point being it isn't up to you how hard i get thinking of your tits, that's 100% my thing and none of your business. maybe i'd think they're 11/10 and want to milk you every day.


yeah PSA everyone, dont actually do this:
>2) always do the best possible (good) thing and assume the most likely good thing before bad things about others
thatll get you killed. instead, just display that that's how you think of people, while in reality you are very cautious.

I know all that but it is very hard to be nice to people when years of shitty treatment has ruined your self esteem and social skills. it isnt enough. Im not an outright bitch but at best I have people just feel sorry for me and treat me as some kind of retard. im not saying anything with my post? you're just reading into it. i said im ugly, objectively I am. I again must stress that I dont think everyone in the world would find me ugly, only the majority of people. and again I dont really care or think my looks hinder me in any real way. They dont help but I am mnot placing any blame on them for my alone status. that goes with my inability to talk to and relate to people.

i have to ask what you are trying to school me on.here

>assume the most likely

people almost always start off assuming the worst. does it get me killed? fuck no, i'm probably way better off than you.

i don't "assume" in terms of conclude though. i meant "assume" in terms of "start to determine the likelihood of a potential conclusion from". it's just a starting point.

you start from the positive side first and then try to determine whether it's likely to be false. you don't start out assuming the most negative thing and prove it's false because then you'll... well you know how that works don't you?

you end up expecting that you'll get killed if you give anyone the chance.

well reality check: it's really hard to die and nobody fucking cares about you enough to bother killing you. they'd be doing you a favor anyway.

What if you try displaying your autism in full force? Sperg out about how Xerxes did nothing wrong. People might think you're weird, but you'll seem like a real person. Maybe it'll help you in life.

>i said im ugly, objectively I am.
full stop.

there is no such thing as "objectively ugly".

beauty is 100% abstract and subjective. you can't measure it.

what we can do is measure facial proportions and symmetry and correlate those objective measurements with surveyed perceptions of beauty... but it turns out the correlations aren't perfect.

we know that symmetry is important and we know specific facial ratios are beneficial. we also know however that "perfect symmetry" is undesirable just as "perfect ratios" are. they make a person look "inhuman".. see "the uncanny valley" for an analogy.

so, no. you're not objectively fugly. i could tell you what i thought of you if i saw you, but i couldn't design a machine to measure you and print that out.

it would depend on my mood at that point in time, and how well i knew you and what i thought of you as a person. it would also depend on how i model your emotional state and your potential reaction to my opinion with regard to my personal harm or benefit that could result from sharing my opinion.

it's not that fucking simple. it's complicated. it's human.

>there is no such thing as "objectively ugly".
Yes, there is, you fucking moron.

There are features that all human beings find attractive and unattractive, because they're signs of health.

>i have to ask what you are trying to school me on.here
i just enjoy arguing. it's fun because i like the idea that i might be wrong and that someone might fucking slap me with something that proves it.

i'd love that. "that is highly illogical sir."