I know Abe was married but is he /ourguy/?
I know Abe was married but is he /ourguy/?
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He was closet homosex.
There is only one Honest Abe in my book.
That's not schopenhauer user
U too would've been hardcore personal friends.
>6 foot four
>so chad that he became leader of an entire nation
>loved niggers
I dont see it man
Abe was actually a racist faggot, he only released slaves to help win the civil war.
If he didnt like traps and boipussy then no
Bailey Jay is more of our guy OP you might be on the wrong board
no, he should have left the south leave the union and fuck off
Everyone was married back then because contraceptives weren't as popular. Women literally could not survive if they got pregnant without a husband.
>going with pop history
He released the niggers because the Jews wanted him to ramp up miscegenation.
They usually ramp up inbreeding after wars to ensure it won't happen again.
The civil war was a war on economic power.
There weren't many Jews in the US at that time. Most Jews came over in the late 1800s, well after the Civil War had ended, and in the early 1900s. It was such a large influx that in 1924, an immigration act was passed with the aim to lower Jewish immigration to the US, as well as Southern and Eastern European immigration. It succeeded and Jewish immigration after 1924 was reduced to nearly nil. It was, however, too little too late. The Jews who were already in the US used their high intelligence to gain a lot of power and the antisemitic law was blamed for the Holocaust because it prevented Jewish refugees from escaping to the US to claim asylum, many of whom were then murdered by the Nazis. And in 1965, the immigration restriction was reversed, and together with Irish Catholics, Italians, other white gentiles, and one Cantonese senator, Jews blew apart our immigration system and opened it up to the entire world. Now whites are projected to be 45% of the US population by 2050, which is a mere 31 years away and only 85 years after the Hart-Celler Act was passed when the US was around 90% white.
>i-it was duh jews mane
Every time
>muh Jow Forums boogey man
Another influential Jew. MLK, Jr. was essentially his puppet.
Wilkes Booth is rumored to have been half Jewish.
>>loved niggers
no, the real nigger lovers were the southerners.
And then all the poorfags went to war on behalf of the niggerlovers anyway.
>someone who knows
Judah P. Benjamin even "escaped" after the war unscathed.
Another influential American Jew:
This one is a bit more obscure, but perhaps one of the more infuriating examples of Jews negatively influencing the trajectory of the US. Mr. Gelbaum is obviously very smart, and very rich. He made a $200 million donation to the Sierra Club which is one of the nation's foremost environmental conservationist groups. They used to warn about overpopulation and accepting too many immigrants being harmful to our environment. But Gelbaum's donation came with one stipulation: that they would shut up and never traffick in anti-immigration rhetoric again. They have seemingly obeyed his command.
He was a 6/10 chad who proved looks aren't everything
A Jew who we might wish was more influential:
This one is very obscure. You might not know his name unless you're deeply read in astronomy. If you've heard of the Fermi paradox, his name is inextricably connected to it because he wrote the defining paper on it in the 1970s. He is also a white separatist, believes the US should be divvied up along racial lines, and would likely kick every nigger savage out of the country if he could. His example goes to show that Jews are not quite a monolith and that their magicks can be harnessed for good.
Thanks for reminding me that I need to read Lincoln the Unknown by Dale Carnegie, published in 1932.
>another "let's divide the US" guy
I accept it as a time buying measure, so we can establish ourselves firmly, but once we do that, I want all these lands again. The Conquistadors and the Pioneers fought, killed, and died for these lands, it'd be an insult to them to just give them up so easily.
I agree, and I'm sure he does too. We need a period of recalibration.
>closeted homosexual
>6+ ft
>beat the shit out of people as a hobby
>freed African slaves
>was a leader
>was able to grow a full beard
Do with this information what you will
>diminished state powers, and expanded federal powers
Nah, I'm good. Slavery was going to end anyway. America was originally supposed to be like a bunch of countries allied together with a joint military. What he did really fucked shit up.
>he would've sent all the darkies back if that cuck hadn't killed him
It hurts so much bros
I got mixed feelings about him. If I believe the history I been told he's probably a complete fucking psychopath. I don't really believe the history about him a lot though because he doesn't like to get his hands bloody. He would have been off the scale of any clinical diagnosis about a sociopath to wage such bloody murder all over the place and not do any of it personally. It seems believable enough I guess when a Queen gets a chance at imperialism they order far more blood baths then most men. Maybe it's mostly true, things just went they way they did. He's either amazing and his actions contributed to the best parts of me existing. Or it's lies and I'm still probably better off than he hadn't.
I really feel like I have mixed feelings since ordering and committing a slaughter being separate events. It goes beyond ignorance when there are stories Abe would stay his hand in killing directly. That's more than reluctance or implied ignorance.
It's funny how Anglo whites and iberic whites differed in how the dealt with the Indian and African problem.
Anglos wanted to completely rid America of Indians by killing them. They couldn't kill off all blacks so they decided to create propaganda against racemixing and keep the races separate.
Meanwhile in Latin America, Iberics decided they'd attempt to fuck Africans and Indians out of existence, which obviously failed miserably.
>Iberics decided they'd attempt to fuck Africans and Indians out of existence
that din't happen until ties to Spain were cut off, and it wasn't to exterminate the natives, it was to exterminate themselves. They had a "freedom fever" similar to the french, and wanted to destroy any hereditary hierarchy, including the racial casts that had existed before. Paraguay went so far as to make it illegal to marry within your race, you were legally forced to racemix.
Now that is a gross misrepresentation of history. Jewish immigration was an issue yes, along with chinks, gooks, muslims and such but the bulk of immigrants were Catholics.
The 1965 Immigration act was also mostly a Catholic handiwork. Firstly it was as an extension of the Civil Rights Movement which was spearheaded by a Catholic priest. Secondly, Its main supporters were mostly Catholic politicians.
as for the image you used, Emmanuel Celler was a papist jew. He had a massive hard-on for the pope and the vatican (see his letter to the secretary state regarding the holy see).
>and together with Irish Catholics, Italians, other white gentiles, and one Cantonese senator, Jews
Did you miss that part?
Classic antisemitic ignorance. The emancipation of blacks was based on pragmatic reasons and had nothing to do with Jews.
Truth is Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to get the british masses' support (the british masses were anti slavery) and make it harder for the British Government to directly get involved in the war. Note that the British Government were already supporting the dixies through non-direct means.
come on now.
>Jews blew apart our immigration system
You were framing it as if the JEWS, (with an s) had a huge role in the legislation when in fact it was only one (1) Jew who was simply tagging along most likely for his boner for the Catholics
Tell me who wrote Strange Fruit. Go on.
How would a 1940 song have any influence on an event that happened more than 70 years ago? You do realize he was talking about Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 right?
Tell me about Lenny Bruce.
Someone irrelevant to the civil war.
What about Howard Stern?
No but Lenin was
>wanted all men to be equal
>wanted everyone to be guaranteed a non slave labor job
>would have probably institute state mandated gfs when he saw the inequality that inceldom and robothood were causing
ok user you got me. pardon my autism
>freed the niggers but didn't send them back to africa
>the education of a brainlet pleb