Is this true? Will you beat your state issued girlfriend?

Is this true? Will you beat your state issued girlfriend?

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This very much hits close to home.

Yes but women like that.

it's not the way they think about women, it's the way they think about people

>that smug fucking face
God id fucking rape his boypussy and kill him, Im not even gay, he is basically a woman.

Well luckily they'll never get girlfriends, stste-issued or not
What's the problem?

Haven't 1/4 of women already been in abusive relationships? Seems that a lot of misogynistic men have no trouble with women, I wonder if there's some other factors of attraction in play...

abusiveness does not imply misogyny, nor does misogyny necessarily imply abusiveness, please stop making this stupid false equivalence
also why are you people so fucking DENSE that many abusive partners are CHARMING and/or MANIPULATIVE and just because some of them do have good looks that make it easier for them to get women does not mean that good looks are the ONLY way to get women

No but i would be a shitty boring boyfriend lmao

The fact is that it proves women don't have some magical sixth sense for being able to tell if a guy is a piece of shit.

As for the OP. No, I would never do anything to hurt my gf if I had one.

>guys with no girlfriend are violent to their girlfriends
Almond overdrive.

I think that's an avatar user

>being retarded
it's too much for me.

No, in fact the one girl I've been with has beaten me. Not that I couldn't handle it, but it's not like I could've hit her back so she would stop, and if you're a retard who thinks I could, try it for yourself and enjoy prison. She was a really big "equal rights" person too, just goes to show how women want more special privileges than equal rights.

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>those people don't have girlfriends, it can't be because of some kind of relative unfairness in the world, must be because they're all really awful people
Shitty just world fallacy.

Most people are pieces of shit, you choose to overlook certain flaws in them based on your personal preferences. There are some sick psychopathic women out there who will look the other way if the father of their own children molests them, its a sick world.

I will only beat her on her butt, and only if she allows it. But if she didn't, I'd just trade her with another incel.

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Weird how the nice guys on Jow Forums only come out when somebody says incels are bad/violent and never during woman hate threads.

I think it's scummy to say all incels are bad people, but people who identify as incels are guaranteed to be.

Love this photo. So true.

To be fair its just as bad as when feminists cry about how "there's totally no such thing as false rape accusations, it basically never happens lol #metoo" when it's plain as day that women abuse the law all the time in this regard.

This is true.

The majority of people walking around today think having no morals is a good thing and belittle people who do.

Thos threads are dead and full of moralfaggots
Those threads used to be to take out the rage inside of us laughing at retarded situations with modern whores
Sorry if my english is bad user

If I was not rejected, I would not be frustrated, and if I was not frustrated I would not be violent. Braindead normies got it backwards.

You're violent because you're stupid, which is a valid reason to reject someone and that's fucking final.

>Seems that a lot of misogynistic men have no trouble with women
3/4 do though. That 1/4 is just a hot guy with a dumb bitch. Are 1/4 girls dumb bitches? At LEAST yes.

no i think if incels got gfs they would be happy and content. they just want 1 gf and they dont want to get fucked over. that is impossible now thats why they are mad

The dating scene and hookup culture are trash, they are looking in all the wrong places for relationships because they've been conditioned to believe sex is a commodity and that they need to apply for one like they would apply for a job. They are making absolutely no organic connections with any human beings outside of posting "feels" this shithole website. They already have lost their humanity.

It's possible but that tweet is dishonest. "Incels" aren't the ones beating bitches up.

Everyone knows hookup culture is trash, you're not gonna find opposition to that here.

You're being violent to me for no reason and assuming I lack intellect out of my lack of luck with women, which is completely unrelated. How am I the shitty person here.

No of course not, how could I do something like that? If I had a girlfriend I would want to love and protect her and hold her in my arms but ITS NEVER GONNA HAPPEN TO ME BECAUSE I AM A SUBHUMAN INCEL FREAK AND IM GONNA DIE ALONE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUCK FUCK FUCK GODDAMIT

I am assuming that is where these "thots" are all congregating, it's not like every person on those websites even makes up a fraction of people who are actually on the market.

Words are violence now, are you from tumblr? You said you were violent which directly implies you are dumb. YOU provided the evidence.


What the fuck is an avatar?

lmao. Are you blind, user? That's a drawing

What's it like being born yesterday?

>tfw dont hate women but they hate me

oh well

There is also no correlation between violence and intellect. Words aren't physical violence but they're still agression and disrespect, which are actually related. Someone aggressive is more likely to insult and also to assault.

Also implying violent people are inherently unattractive is beyond retarded.

>Also implying violent people are inherently unattractive is beyond retarded.
I said dumb. Being dumb is unattractive. Being violent does in fact have a correlation with being stupid which is why violent offenders get to live off the government tit in a prison if they ever get caught being fucking stupid.

Incels are not brutes, they are weak pussys. Just more normie shit trying to demonize them.

soiboys have to show the tribe that they are morally superior to the omega

Women hate threads are the culture of this board. I actually enjoy being around women but I also enjoy a good woman hate thread from time to time, just like I love mundane mother to death but I'll also talk shit about her with my siblings when she starts being a dick. It's nice to let off a bit of steam.

ehhh maybe. i do hold on to and build up all my hate, but it's guys with girlfriends who are violent to their girlfriends you dumb normies.

why do incels get so much hate? how many species in the world are there where all males get to mate, are there any even?

Yeah, Scott Westerfeld is actually a balding 55 year old man.

I have no idea if guys who think like incels beat their girlfriends or not. But attributing the problem to the way these guys think about women is wrongheaded. The way people think is logically dependent on the circumstances in which they find themselves. Not the other way around.

Yet somehow all the actually abusive men have a steady stream of pussy

Normalfags are seething all the time like the fags they are

You can say that with every roastie getting a chad.

>get state issued gf
>panic and turn her down

But nobody would know net violence would be going up, and net happiness would skyrocket.

What the hell is an incel anyway? Just a guy who cant get laid? What does this have to do with violence against women?

Statistically speaking men are less likely to be violent when they have a significant other male or fe. Ale and they're much less likely to engage in risk taking, which is why most people who go to prison are single and were single before getting there. She's just angry at ugly men and looking for an excuse to insult ugly men without seeming insensitive and shitty.


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Outspoken male feminists also abuse their GFs, but theyre a bit more discrete about it.

Still, The Twitter twat isn't wrong. Even when a girl finally gives a self-proclaimed Incel the time of day, he doesn't suddenly transform into a nice gentleman and live happily ever after. Notorious internet incel, thatincelblogger, is a perfect example of that. He finally got laid, yet would continue to rant on the internet about how he hated his fuck buddy.

The only thing incels deserve is to be removed from the gene pool. They're all psychopaths through and through.

beating state issued gf
with no survivors

it's a mentally disabled guy who lives in a basement and only finds pleasure in harassing or hurting other living things.

He's not wrong, but it's the women who make the decision to stay/be with these guys.

I'm involuntarily celibate, yet if you met and spoke with me you'd have no idea that I was and would most likely not find me so bad.

As an Omega I ask this: why bother? It's like saying you're better than fish because it can't breath air.

untrue, they would be able to smell you from a long distance

Either way I dont want a gf anymore and I only hope that women continue to choose men that make them feel bad. I also hope that women continue to estrange yhe men that will treat them with legitimate respect, as they've been doing these past years.

>women can smell misogyny!
>fucking incels lmao :^)
>yas queen slaayyy!

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Nah. You'd think so but, women can always tell, and men can somewhat to. There's little things we do here and there, in the way we act, that make people suspect we have trouble with the opposite gender. I only with I didn't have the desire to be in a relationship with a woman. It has caused me so much anguish throughout my life

Yes, but its not some sinister plot. Its just simple numbers. If some % of relationships experience DV, introducing even more relationships in the population would proportionally increase the rate of DV. It's a poor attempt to villainize mental deficients.

I disagree.

Incels are the way they are because they believe they're owed something. Say one of them actually gets a gf. I could only imagine an incel's reaction to being told by his girl she's not in the mood for sex. The incel mindset is as much about domination and control as it is about loneliness.

The incel mentality just doesn't go away overnight. It might get contained momentarily when one gets his dick wet, but it will take a ton of mental conditioning to expel that persecution complex.

I hate to be that armchair psychologist, but I've had my share of association with these types both online and IRL to know that when an incel loses his virginity, he becomes even more of an asshole than he already is. It's best they're removed from the gene pool or given CBT.

>Incels are the way they are because they believe they're owed something.
You sure do love that narrative.

>violent to their girlfriends
Do these people think before they type?

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It's a narrative I have yet to see a counter-example to, though my definition of incel might be a bit more narrower than yours.

To clarify, I don't consider all virgins or men who've never had sex before as incels. I mainly reserve that label for those who act like Tumblr SJWs about it.

So you just alter the definition of incel to fit your preconceived narrative. What MSM outlet you work for, hun?

Yes I fucking will and I'll also beat this guy's girlfriend.

An incel has literally nothing to lose, so what's left for them? A single unemployed young man is eager to take more risks than a man who's engaged in a relationship with a career and family prospects. An incel can freely make use of his will to violence since there's nothing but state's law enforcement stopping him. No emotional liaisons with anybody besides his parents, no important social status to lose, no worth-keeping job...

We are the only ones who can take the benefit of not being conformists, which most people in this society can't.

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I got a gf somehow and everytime I get drunk i beat her or rape her, she hates it in the heat of things but the day after tells me to do it from time to time

I am an extremely respective journalist in my field who has written for Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, Vice, and Salon.

Beat that, Drumpfkin!

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That's bullshit. Incels are incapable of committing any kind of dangerous violence without a weapon and the element of surprise.

>not gay
You're gay.

I just want to cuddle and love someone.
All I'm told is that I'm a bad person .

Ironically I'd be the opposite, but women hate that obviously. They clearly would rather just be side bitches or be treated as if they don't matter than treated respectfully or like people.
I had a girl obsess over me and fawn all over me once when I didn't care about her or notice her and the minute I noticed and paid attention to her it all dried up, when I was affectionate back all her interest in me disappeared.
Women would rather fuck murderers and rapists than people like me.

Fuck this goddamn society...

Can somebody fucking call some smart aliens to just enslave our species already and teach us how to be decent again?

Humans literally need to be reprogrammed as a species. We occupy a dangerous middle ground between intelligence and stupidity.

if only she knew the men who beat their wives/gfs are the complete opposite of "incels"

what a fucking imbecile that guy is.