This is Yoda

This is Yoda

Poor bastard's too fluffy for his own good; none of the other cats will bathe him

He's kind of stupid compared to the others, but he's also the only one who can open the sliding door, so maybe not THAT stupid

Attached: yoda.png (544x731, 651K)

Cutie. How many others do you have?

Sorry, maybe this should have gone in /an/, but I thought you guys would like him

Three in total, all siblings. I keep meaning to share images of all 3 but I rarely see more than one at a time

Yoda is pictured
Harley is identical, except with short hair. Smart, buff, and the only ratter.

Princess is black, fluffy like Yoda, but also 2/3 the size of the others. She's also very coy and spoiled.

This board is dead. The faggots are everywhere posting their shit and larping as "fembots"
Take a (You) thats a based cat

>i thought u guys might like him
And you were right about that. He's fucking cute

Is this the catposting thread?

Attached: (720x1440, 1.64M)

Yoda says yes

Attached: yoda2.png (546x731, 672K)

Okay I found a picture of Harley being a smug little asshole

Natural born killer, this one

Attached: harley.png (968x729, 1.22M)

Nice cat, you seem wholesome, I'd fuck off from this board though.

Cant even get a you huh? I guess you are too good for me you son of a bitch

my cat is so much like this, very fluffy and slightly to moderately retarded

we have to shave his buttcheeks so he doesn't walk around with shit on himself

Attached: 2a7ba16282dc1831dfab32434209e4d5.png (222x208, 71K)

I too have a floof boy.

Attached: download210f45f8_orage_2femulated_2f0_2fDownload_2fScreenshot_20190125-152231_2.png (1126x850, 1.31M)

Oh, that's cute. Majestic. Nice toe fluffs, color's great

Say to Yoda by me that he is based.

Very cute cats. I'm definetly going to get two as well once I'm living in a place where they can go outside.

Cats are shit. Dogs all day everyday

looks like my Lemon
Lemon shits in the floor when he doesn't get a lot of attention, right by the litter box too.

Attached: 20181130_164801.jpg (2560x1440, 960K)

This is Elvis. I love her very much. Desu

Attached: 1F0EE3F5-D91F-458C-A25D-7FBF6FD81AAE.jpg (2940x2453, 785K)

My cat is a bit of a chonker

Attached: Eddy.jpg (374x664, 80K)

my boy

Attached: IMG_5646.jpg (640x852, 122K)

Buy him a petting glove.

Show him that his percieved weakness is a strength! Don't let him become fluffcell. Hold the bitched down and lift their tail for him. Don't let buzzcut Cadh fuck his onitis!

You are God here OP! NO FLUFFCELS

What the fuck he looks like a smaller version of my cat

Post your nudes originally yo