Me, 3 year old

>me, 3 year old
>masturbating by rubbing my dick against my bed while laying on stomach
>doing it that way to this day
>never took my foreskin off my dick, it's too disgusting for me
>tried once but failed, all shaking and covered in sweat because of stress and pain caused by it
>basically never fapped "normal way"

If I won't stop it I will never have sex and I will never have a girlfriend. Please help me.

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As a matter of fact I know this feel exactly

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You were masturbating at 3 years old?

Yes, my mom always said everyone at this age were doing that but they don't remember. I have no idea if this is true or not.

I don't think that's true user. Also, why the fuck is your mom talking about masturbation with you?

Because she wants "no taboo topics between us". She is type of friend mom, not real, responsible one. I don't control her actions, I wish I could.

my brother masturbated like that since he was 2, of course he didnt know what he was doing, and kindergarten teachers would call my parents concerned
he would just fuck the ground anytime in front of dozens of toddlers

I used to always do this too since I was like 3. Remember my mom sometimes saying "that it was bad for my dick", so I did it when I was alone. I didn't realize I was actually masturbating until I was 11 or something

I did the same but started at 8 years old and stopped at fourteen years old and started doing it the normal way. But i havent masturbated for two years now.

I know I did, I do remember it. It's just playing with your willy.

I started doing this a bit older maybe 6 and only masturbated that way until about 16 probably but I still much prefer the fucking the bed way and only use my hand if I'm at my pc watching porn. I'd advise just pulling your skin back slowly in the shower at first and just getting used to the feeling you don't have to actually masturbate with your hand your dick just has to work properly for you to have sex. Nothing wrong with only fucking the bed

Fuck user me to. Im to scared to pull my forskin back. Ive pulled it back a little then jist got to scared

You might've been molested

I'm the same. I had to have a doctor pull my foreskin back to convince me that doing so is normal. Lots of crap accumulates underneath there so it's a good idea to get under there so you can clean it out.

I did it too but I'm starting to wonder if I might have been molested
user you stupid nigger learn to read like the rest of the races on earth

You do realize there's a global pro-pedo conditioning effort going on, right?

I did the same thing for about a year after discovering it. Eventually figured it out tho

Give proof nigger.
Watch i can do it too
>did you know that there is a pro-non baby masterbating ring of jews that tell us no to masterbate as babys then clear our memory so that they can control us through our sextual urdges.
Fuck you user. Proof

>Imagine never having pulled your foreskin back in your entire life
Op you probably have a huge amount of vintage dick cheese that needs cleaning out.

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Both of us can deny each other's sources to the end of eternity. My proof is your future kid who comes back from daycare crying over his/her/whateverfuckingpronoun bleeding asshole.

Atleast i gave evidence.
And user i aint having a kid. Neither are you. Thats why we on Jow Forums