Anyone else refuse to chase after woman...

Anyone else refuse to chase after woman? I just feel like I'm putting myself in line with 100 other dudes to be judge laughed at for flaws out of my control.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s Masculinity Report, USA 2018.pdf

>never interested in relationships with women because lmao video games and I wanted to be a pro gamer
>lots of women interested
>get older, deal with abusive mother and develop severe issues with women and complete lack of respect for them
>get job (month ago)
>three seperate bitches on my dick
>literally don't give a fuck about any of them

the less you genuinely care the easier it is

Lmao yes i cant compete i am too ugly
At least i have money

"Refuse" isn't exactly the word I would choose. I just don't bother because there's no point.

Why do you think most robots use Grindr now?

It's an insane amount of time, effort and money to invest in something that's absolutely revolting compared to 2d. I don't even care about not being able to reproduce. Imagine falling for the wife and kids Jew.

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I wish I could curb stomp your smug little normalshit cunt face.

Yes. Even if I wanted to, I am too shy and meek. I usually let them come to me try to keep them tethered

Pretty much yeah, I won't ignore a girl but it's demeaning to go for them these days.

Not him

I'm a scrawny dark skinned indian and even I lost my virginity at 17. I'm objectively too ugly to be a normalfaggot yet here i am

>it's demeaning to go for them these days

It absolutely is. Anyone have stories?

Attached: IMG_0073.jpg (532x385, 49K)'s Masculinity Report, USA 2018.pdf

Getting chicks is statistically way less conducive to happiness than you are led to believe.

Study related.

do you live in Barcelona by any chance? step up nigger.

If you're chasing you're doing it wrong.

>America's most content men have good job satisfaction, value their health, have a good income, are over age 50 and are married.


never try, never win

they can easily get guys better than me in every way so i'm not going to embarrass myself and play this retarded game, i already fucking lost and there is no changing it. i really wish i can just remove every part of my brain that makes me want women, because it just makes me miserable thinking about it and knowing i'm just a failure.

tell us more then just dont say that

Alright, went 25 years as a lone virgin as many of us on here. At around age 22 I really stopped chasing, I became indifferent to finding a partner or women in general. Two years later I find my damn dream girl in a completely non-sexual non-dating setting. Just talked to her like some random person, and BAM here I am. I dunno, my point is that chasing doesn't lead to much good, at the best it gets you laid, but getting laid won't bring you much happiness.

Dude antidepressants kill any sort of sex drive and give you dopamine/serotonin. Shits OP

I never have tried for a relationship. I don't foresee that changing. I don't really consider it refusal to do so, as much as I view it a futile endeavor to play that game. It just never was a priority in my life. I've gone my entire life without a relationship at this point. At this age, I don't see what I really have to offer nor do I see what I have to gain due to having no experience. Most people I know are distant with me at best.

The only thing that I would really gain is getting rid of that underlying sense of shame for never having been in a relationship, at least compared to my peers. I can't help but compare to peers, now that many are getting married. Makes me think that something is fundamentally flawed with myself by comparison, as that has to be the reason why why nothing has happened yet. I'd rather sort the other problems in my life out, as I at least have more control over those. I had hoped I'd meet someone by now through chance where things would click. Never happened. might as well accept it.

Sounds like you're just really fucking lucky. And i'm not saying this as a bitter virgin. I lost my virginity at 17. But honestly the odds of anyone meeting the perfect girl for them are so low simply because of math and probability.

nice user. what kind of girl is she? where did you meet? also realize i stopped caring about women and have still remained single for years and years

i have no interest supporting pharma cock sucks

I feel that way too; hoping to meet someone who's right for me by chance through school or work. It never happened though. But I think I know why, it's because I wasn't social. I never went out to parties or other events. Can't complain if you're at fault right?

famous last words originoli

Huh so thats how attractive people live

had this exact same experience/life, we are spirit brothers

It does feel pretty demeaning, yeah. It hurts my pride to think I'm doomed to put in the effort and have no one put in the effort for me.

But I think refusing to chase women is a wrong sign. It's very easy to tell when it's a conscious, heartfelt decision or when it's just a defense mechanism used to trick yourself into feeling secure in yourself. If you feel angry, then it's just a defense mechanism and you'll give up on your "convictions" as soon as the opportunity appears.

It really is a cosmic joke that the more you want sex or companionship, the harder it is to get.

>If you feel angry, then it's just a defense mechanism and you'll give up on your "convictions" as soon as the opportunity appears.

Trust me, its not. I go out of my way to avoid woman, like crossing the street if one is coming, or avoiding pretty cashiers, I don't even look young woman in the eyes anymore.

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You're acting based on hatred, which is completely irrational. It's a defense mechanism. You cross the street because the less exposed you are to the object of your desires, the less pain you feel. You feel angry because that gives you justification for your defense mechanism, because then you're not a vulnerable person in pain, just someone who has been wronged and is acting in revenge. I know because I used to do the same.

>You're acting based on hatred,

Not at all, I just don't want to be bothered. I'm not gonna sit here and act like I have no desire for woman, but that doesn't change the reality that the reward isn't worth the effort. Its better to avoid them than to deal with feels that will never be addressed.

The only two girlfriend I've had in my life I've had because they initiated it and put in most of the work. In the rare occasions I try to flirt and appear interested I get rejected by being put as some reserve guy number whatever.