Post pics that speak to you on a personal level
Post pics that speak to you on a personal level
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sauce? are they alright??
ww2. ya theyre fine
I love this picture
I hate this picture
>ya theyre fine
theyre probably dead tho
nah, they chillin in the cul-de-sac, breh.
This one. I don't know the actual story behind it is but here's my interpretation: This man is a hard worker, you can tell from the way he dresses and his upright stance. He spent years studying his field, then many more working for a company all for just the promise of a reward in the future which he never got. This picture is his breaking point. When the system finally got to him and made him absolutely snap. It makes me sad and angry at the same time.
It's either that or just a frame from some old movie.
you should be chilling in my bedroom you cute fuck
thats wassup
This one kind of reminds me that liberals are usually sociopath lizard people. They got into the guise of being human. Exploiting anything and everything. Laughing as their plans work perfectly.
>thats wassup
hey :P :) ;)
On the money, huh?
you working during da shutdown?
oh shit nigga whats wrong with you that's just a wholesome damn lizard jesus christ mate
I'm not a government employee so I'm not sure what you're implying
o-oh i see lol
jus drop some contact you cute fucker, I want to chat with you
>washington dc area code
ISO more fbi anime girls
man you are a fucking retard. It's Douglas in Falling Down
nice aol online tier chat skills, mr alphabet
This freaks me the fuck out and I don't know why
People don't like you robots because you talk like this.
It's dangerous to share non-anonymous contact info like that Dennis from WA
>calls others mr alphabet
>has a DC are code
10-4. deleting now
too Iate buddy
>quote inlining
gross dude
its public info.
Did you even read what I wrote? Did you see that someone replied it saying the exact same thing? Do you think that because it's from a movie I'm not allowed to connect with it? Apparently not, so stfu retard.
Leave the poor guy alone
here's some text u bot
there is no rime or reason to anything.Just do whatever
replace 'computers' with 'being a normal human'
To whoever made this, why do you think that i dont have the means to unscrew the screws and eat them?
yeah, you kinda proved that you're not a normal human being when you can't even get your self depreciation right.
"I'll just warn you now. I don't know how to use a being a normal human being."
Even I fuck up too, wowie.
Directed to this...
i dont. you can do watever as i say. just keep in mind that every action can have a reaction
pot calls kettle, you can't even link
this board just ain't the same
Its from a movie.
Mystery solved
i prefer the korean version