I saved a girl I don't know from getting raped. How much of a beta cuck am I?

I saved a girl I don't know from getting raped. How much of a beta cuck am I?

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either alpha or beta but I'm afraid you've lost your omega card

How are you a cuck if you essentially cucked another guy?

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I don't think this occurrence has any bearing on the state of your cuck ratio. However, your lack of confidence and willingness to even consider an attribute shift from an occurrence as such displays that the main reason you are a beta cuck is that you think you are one.

alpha and omega are 2 sides of the same coin
beta cucks like you should die or transition

>not raping the girl and the rapist

>not joining and helping the rapist
Fucking faggot

omega is no alpha traits or beta traits

>and the rapist
Not everyone is gay.

Should have saved the girl then raped the rapist to assert your dominance

I'm so proud of you user. You did the right thing, and stood up against a CHAD who wanted to rape a woman and actually STOPPED him. You are a true gentleman and a hero. You should feel proud for being so courageous and strong

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Doing something nice for another person even if they don't proceed to fuck you does not make you a "beta cuck."

i feel like if i saved a girl from rape, i`d have to rob her purse, just so i don`t feel like a sappy cuck.

you're a big beta faggot

should've have raped them both

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Really? If you were a guy and another guy was raping you, you think a female would get in there and pull off some horny rapist off you? Get into some fisty cuffs and fight that guy?

user, you potentially prevented another Junko Furuta situation and your ego didn't increase, just like a true anime hero.

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Kek, you are such a fucking joke dude. I noticed right after i argued with you about how you got brainwashed by r9k you suddenly started posting a shit ton of womanhate stuff. You are such an emotional little kid, you are so easily influenced by everything.

Perhaps the reason why you hate women so much is that you see yourself in them.

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I want to fuck you
Have you had sex before?

It would be sexist to assume the rapists are the same sex.

You should have joined in and raped her with your newly found friend.

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You did a good thing, user, you should be proud of yourself. Don't listen to these retarded incels telling you otherwise.

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good job OP im proud

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That's a stupid quote. Hating pedophiles doesn't mean you have an urge to fuck children.

It's like how people who hate gays are just gays in denial, people who obsess over pedos are just pedos in denial, they've had the thoughts and are over compensating by overreacting to the fact some autist or a retard believes itself to be a child. That's typically who pedos are, retards autistics and homosexuals makeup the bulk.

Saving a girl is pretty alpha, a knight in shining armor situation. Don't be a beta faggot afterwards though