>mfw I've just been rejected by my younger sister
I don't think I can go on for much longer, we're both adults and I managed to save the former relationship by my choice of wording. Basically if I ever confessed anything like that to her she said she would kill herself.
I'm confused and utterly alone now, I became so attached over time and now their is just this painful void in my core.
I don't want to end it but it looks increasingly tempting to do so.
Mfw I've just been rejected by my younger sister
Other urls found in this thread:
Thats a bit fucked m8..
>You tried to bang your little sister
Maybe you should, desu.
based. dont give up hope , maybe she'll change her mind. just keep trying
I know I should, but I would never impose my will upon her. That's why I've dropped everything around it and choose to suffer these emotions alone rather than fuck up the family.
>based. dont give up hope , maybe she'll change her mind. just keep trying
Not a fucking chance, if it weren't for the way I worded it she would have run away and I'd be in deep shit. I found her fucking crying in her room until I managed to unfuck the situation by just saying I worded it poorly.
Don't encourage him, you see what damage your incestshit does?
Like I said earlier, I am very lonely with only one other friend who is generous enough to stay in contact with me, beyond that I became confused with my feelings for her.
>he fell for the sibling-love meme
holy FUCK, op, what the fuck are you doing?
>son posts on Jow Forums and wants to fuck his sister
>daughter thinks suicide is a solution to any big issue
Your parents or, far more likely, parent must have done a superb job raising the two of you
>holy FUCK, op, what the fuck are you doing?
I don't know anymore
I don't think I can blame my parents for my own fuckups and (mis)developments.
>I don't think I can blame my parents for my own fuckups and (mis)developments.
Maybe you can't but everyone else can. You didn't become a retard in a vacuum
I believe it's a combination of being a 24yo khv, having little to no friends, she being the only attractive female in my life who spends time with me and of course this place encouraging me with incest anime and saying it's all good. Ultimately, it's my fault.
You're a 24 yo khv because your parents are retarded. Your sister is suicidal because your parents are retarded.
So what exactly did you say to her, op?
Fine they're retarded, I'm still in a pickle.
Tell us how the conversation went OP
this. What'd you ask her, OP? give us a green text so we can help you
>you know how we've been spending loads of time together
>well I've grown attached to you and have feelings for you that a brother shouldn't really have
At this point I could tell how shit was going that I should abort because she was going silently insane. She went on to find reddit links stating that I'm imposing a lack of a woman in my life on her and that I really don't have feelings for her. Now this is where I twisted words to make sure I don't get kicked out of the fucking house:
>what I mean is that I become very overprotective of you even now as adults due to all that time we're spending and if you'd be considerate of that.
>I shouldn't be feeling this protective but I do.
In the end I needed to lie and ensure that there was no romantic intentions and that she mistook the whole situation.
No wonder your a khv you fucking sperg. You double down, not back away like a cuck ffs. Go tell her you want to show her how a man really treats a woman
Also to add to this she was doing mad stuff before I twisted the words, like throwing shit around, gagging and punching stuff.
I knew I had to stop it all for my own sake.
Find a girl who looks like her
If you were in my shoes you would have done the exact same thing, I was calling myself a coward for backing down however in hindsight all that would have happened is that she would rat me out to our parents, they would kick me out and I'd be a homeless outcast.
No woman has ever been or will ever be interested in me, I have learned this the hard way too many times.
Yo what the fuck is your sister literally retarded? Why would she be doing that shit while talking to you?
This is fucked man
Sort your shit out op. It's clear that you and you sister are mentally unstable and as such you should repress any weird urges.
dude bro. you're supposed to wait for HER to try to fuck YOU! ...wait a minute.. you arent that user that made a thread some days ago about your sister wearing tshirts and underwear in front of you, are you? She would stick her butt out at you and used your own \hand to spank her butt.. right?
you arent that user, right? Im so sorry.
>be close siblings
>have obsessive love
>its not reciprocated
>literally can not even imagine this feel. God bless you user. and God bless your sister.
I paused a bit to gauge her reaction to see what I should say next. She is an unreasonable bitch however she's a strikingly attractive bitch. I assume she's vehemently opposed to incest, especially since she's an aspiring normalfaggot. So yes, there was little to no hope but I needed to KNOW. All these years wondering would it be easier just to confess everything to her? Now I know and won't bother pursuing her anymore. It hurts like fuck but it's the best path.
literally this.
I know where im spending my entire night. This thread is fucking gold.
>you arent that user, right?
I'm not that guy but yes, this is a case of love not being reciprocated. What can I fucking do? Nothing. God won't help me here because the whole situation is immoral to begin with. I'll just find some hard drugs to numb the pain and sadness.
I'm glad I made your night, to be honest I won't be spending time with her anymore. I feel the more I separate us, the easier it will be over time.
you need a fucking stiff drink...a lot of drinks, and then you can just blame being drunk on the whole interaction. Pretend its a hidden addiction thats been secret until you fell in love with a girl and you "were just practicing what you were going to say" on your sister, but in your drunken mind actually KNEW that you were talking to your sister and meant to say that all those feelings werent for HER but the OTHER girl you fell in love with.
Drunk people are stupid.
OP become an alcoholic fast and pretend you were just really good at hiding it.
jesus what incest u uncles fucker or something? dude she is your sis-ster. say it wiith me. sister
Man she know's I'm a drug addict, my point is that there is nothing to worry about. I cleared it up there in the end by saying my feelings were being overprotective. I'm just sad now that everything turned out for the worst.
OP here, thanks for commenting everyone. I just wanted to get this off my chest and this place is the only place where this type of talk would ever be acceptable.
dont worry OP. Its just a small moment. It'll pass over. Just keep your head straight, and im not suggesting that a girlfriend will help you, but it might not hurt to get laid.
I haven't jacked off in close to 3 weeks now, I've lost desire to. I hope this whole thing passes quick.
even if she did love you back, things wont work out very well for both of you anyway.
See then at least we could have found solutions along the way.
You must be VERY white
>Sister an I fell in love when we were 15. lost our virginities to each other that same year.
>both have good stable jobs and a healthy relationship.
>>our mom approves of us.
>We had a son together. he is healthy and happy.
>I come home to her or vice-versa and we greet any couple would. At night we hold each other and whisper sweet nothings to the other.
>She sometimes cosplays other sister characters from TV/anime and we fuck.
tell me OP...
how do you feel knowing that it is, in fact, possible but you are so far from it?
>I come home to her or vice-versa and we greet each other as any couple would. At night we hold each other and whisper sweet nothings to the other. fixed that
>tell me OP...
>how do you feel knowing that it is, in fact, possible but you are so far from it?
It's impossible, didn't you read the part where I found out?
Seriously, don't fill me with false hope. I'm on the edge as is.
Reddit ruining another life
Indirectly too, like some sick joke played on another sick joke.
Good thread, sorry for your loss OP.
Fucking seriously. Even if he had the slightest chance it got snatched right out of his hands at that point.
>sorry for your loss OP.
much appreciated
Ignore this larper OP.
Anyone could tell that greentext was too good to be true.
You fags are jelly I bang my sister like a tribal drum.
You're right that I'm jealous if that is true.
You're one of those pathetic retards that would rather blame anyone, even their parents, for their inability to do anything, right? Fucking kill yourself, you worthless sack of shit
100%, lets not make this a race bait thread.
OP read too much anime shit.