Jow Forums Friday night drinking thread

Have a seat! Tell us your feels and tell us what you're drinking

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Niggers need to be destroyed

wish i had a bf to collpase into

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10/10 way to start a thread good going.

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Patrone. Only the hard shit.

HoIy shit
Fucking based

wish i had a bf to collapse into

taste like Mexican dirt

im a bit drunk desu

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drinking cheap whiskey, it does what it needs to do

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Indeed it does, my friend, indeed it does.

Why is a bartender breaking down crying?
Where's the premium whisky?
Why is there a retard with shit dripping out of his shorts.

You're made a bar worse than the normie one

robots are worse than normies, it's a hard but true fact

I got a cigar that I am going to smoke tonight. Best thing to happen this week is about to go down. To make things better, it is a clear night!

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>one normie m8 at uni
>invites me to a party
>his gf introduces me to a qt
>shes from not too far where im from so we have stuff to talk about
>shes really qt
>hitting it off
>some short trans guy comes up to me and tries to pick a fight idk why
>i laugh it off, it'd look bad if i hit him
>he just stares at me
>i say look mate i dont have a problem with you im just having a drink and a chat
>im at least a foot taller than him
>he starts prodding me on the chest and says "you better behave pal"
>qt says shes going for a smoke and just leaves

oh well

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>feeling empty

I have success in my career (ish) and feel like my time spent studying was somewhat worth it. But i feel like i wasted my formative college years.

>today at work everyone gets to telling their rowdy stories
>what about you user, have you ever made out with someone and regretted it the next day?
>"hah. yeah...."
>only ever made out with one person
>she ghosted me after a week or two
>sad and alone with no end in sight now
>getting old

so anyways. getting drunk listening to lucy dacus and feeling sorry for myself basically. cheers, anons.

What I hate about trans men is that they feel like they need to overcompensate being masculine. From all my experience with trans men, they seem to be "dude bro" type of people. If you want to know what real toxic masculinity is just look at them.

Thanks lad! I'm currently feeling okay, thinking about grades. I'm having a manhattan

I like talking to degens a lot more than people who are trying their best.

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I am currently quite buzzed right now

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Right now I am sitting in bed, drinking a Dr. Pepper Cherry, and feeling empty. Like I dont want to kill myself but I feel really empty and like I dont have a reason to be here.

Are you alone or are you doing something?

The reason you are where you are in life is to do whatever you are doing. Right now you are drinking so soda while having a feeling. Feel that feeling and taste that drink. What comes next will come. For now, until that next moment, live.

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Why do you need a reason? How do you know that it's purpose that you're missing? Is there something that you want to do that you're not?

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Drinking svekda. This chunky roastie wants the dick but I'm not sure if it's worth the shame and the smell. I'm more interested in drinking than the eternal roastie but at least I got her to buy me weed.
>tfw NEET
>only attract bottom tier women
>sex isn't even fun without amphetamines anyway

I'm always alone, bud

Not drinking but have been snorting k, how's everyone?

This is one way to express the futility of worrying about what happens next. You're not going to make a better decision because you spent a bunch of time feeling stressed and upset. Every decision is ultimately a split second of gut feeling unless you do tangible research on it beforehand. If you're not synthesizing statistics or opinions, you're just wading in the water instead of swimming.

damn this picture is so nice. i wish i could make something like that.
i dont drink because ive been doing kratom.
i am thinking what i should do i am just listening to music and posting. i work every Saturday. friday night party means nothing to me like how normies see it. since i am a working man. i guess normies just always have energy even when they do work.
ive been thinking about buying a gun for the past week but im not sure if i want to spend $1000 dollars on it because i may never use it and i do not want to kill animals. i am only inter rested in killing humans and i am not sure if i want to do that. i live with my parents and i think they will be upset if i buy a gun too.

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Another >18 yr old sauced af
Any other 18(?) yr olds getting drunk on mfing Jow Forums of all places?

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Do you have enough to last the weekend? Assuming you are doing coke.

>Why is a bartender breaking down crying?
because pepe is making that girl smile and he is jealous and ssad. it was his crush.

Hey mods that > is my attempt at greenposting while drunk, Im not actually under 18 or anything heh

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I used to do kratom all the tiem, my tolerance for it is too high now, I switch to phenibut and alcohol

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why are girls like that one guy gives you problems or if you dont handle it right the girl is done with you god i hate women they are such pieces of shit

That would be a greater than symbol anyway, my dude.

Nah ket, never really liked coke. Got some acid I might touch later into the weekend, either that or just take a buncha xans and sleep this depression off.

Wish there were people to go out drinking with tonight or sat but everyone's busy.

i think he means ketamine

Kratom was bretty good the few times i did it, phenibut was definetely better, it just made my whole day good, but kratom made me entertained in a way phenibut never could, might I ask what your favorite strain was? I still dont have a tolerance and I want to savor kratom while I still can, also whats the best way to take it, ive just been eating it from a spoon with water

Maybe I've had too much kek

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desu, I never had a favorite strain, I always bought what I thought had good prices and review

Love you, buddy. I hope you're happy tonight.

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taht pic made me kek

I am doing pretty fine tonight, I honestly prefer weed to alcohol, but being drunk as fuck is pretty nice too

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I've always had super fucking AIDS hangovers, so I gravitated to weed real quickly. I also liked having the next day to be active instead of lazing around hating how bad my headache was.

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This is literally me, if I force myself to drink a lot of water im fine, but i prefer simple and powerful weed to literally toxic alcohol

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Best way to cure a hangover is with weed.

It's literally toxic, but sometimes it's worth it. There are times where drinking is worth it for me. I think of it like borrowing the good out of the next day. Sometimes when you're sharing camaraderie, getting to know a girl you really mesh with, or you're having a wild night. You can create memories that wouldn't be possible otherwise. I drink when I think it'll be worth the hangover.

You don't want to live forever, do you?

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Of course not, I just prefer syphoning the life out of me with mdma and lsd

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I think that you could fuck yourself with MDMA taken improperly, but I don't think LSD would do shit. At least that's what I read in research papers.

If you want to siphon all the happiness out of your life MDMA is a great choice, binged pills for around a year and it's left me seriously depressed 3 years on

Oh for sure, MDMA taken in hot environments or over one (to 3) months is defineteley neurotoxic, but every couple months with friends is pretty euphoric

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this site has really pure stuff
spoon and water is the best way.
i think white is for energy and red is for relaxing not sure about green

you can tell the guy recording is hollow inside. Who the fuck records cuddling when it supposed to be a personal intimate experience ? WHO??