Why do old men do this? At the YMCA I go to most everyone in the locker room acts like the guys in the top panel, but there's this one old guy who walks around butt-naked at all times. He doesn't seem to even own a towel, just runs around the locker room with his old wrinkly balls hanging out like he's proud of them. I don't know if he's senile or if he's just a pervert. I mean, I'm not uncomfortable with my own nudity and I'm not gonna go out of my way to cover up my junk, but at the same time I'm not gonna unnecessarily subject everyone around me to the sight of my dangly bits at weird times, because I don't want to be seen as a creeper. There's not being self-conscious, and then there's lacking any sort of consideration for others.
Why do old men do this? At the YMCA I go to most everyone in the locker room acts like the guys in the top panel...
As you get older, at a certain point you just stop giving a fuck.
In a summer camp I went this guy would parade himself naked in the locker room and then call everyone who looked at him faggot
Older people are acclimated to naked locker rooms, they stopped doing it in schools because its weird.
Probably makes the old guys subconsciously remember their younger years.
old guys just literally dont give a fuck
you're only a faggot if you get a hard on
Yeah I'm with you I really don't give a fuck if anyone looks at me nude but I'm not going to run around in the buff either
This one old guy with a mullet ripped a hundred decibel wet fart with his naked ass against the bench at my gym. Absolute mad cunt.
> get into locker room for the first time in life
> Immediately get an impossible to hide boner
> Suddenly became the laughing stock of the team
> Everytime I got in the locker room, couldn't contain my boner, and the jokes started
> Some boys got offended/intimidated/angry at my obviously homoaffective presence
> They demanded I no longer used the male locker room
> Friends and even some sympathetic strangers backed me up and defended my side
> everyone agreed that a viable Solution was me getting in the showers blindfolded
> So I did. My joker silly friends would blindfold me and escort me to the showers
> Bullying skyrocket as I became a literal target for blinded teasing, and boys would try to provoke me in order to humiliate me for getting another boner
> The boys would laugh their asses off at the scenes. For most boys my age, that would have been a blatant psychological torture, but I secretly enjoyed all the male attention.
Men, those were the days... Needless to say it didn't last long as teachers found out, and when news reached some homophobic parents, shit just hit the fan and I was basically kicked out. It was a harder time for us, fags.
It's not like I'm an active supporter of gay people, but how much of a no life retard can you be if you're a 30 - 50 something year old parent who actually cares enough about some teenage boy's boner to complain to someone in the school?
Do you have nothing else better to do than think about erect little teen boy cock? Sounds like a bigger fag than you user.
Eyes will linger on pretty youth but eyes will quickly depart from wrinkly old men
Fucking piggers
Who the ACTUAL FUCK has a teen in their early 30s? Watch that lower bound.
Old people are always either perverted or careless, usually both. Pay no mind to them, the more you think about and notice it the worse it gets.
I used to take swimming lessons as a kid so I would get always naked atleast for a bit, to take a bath and change myself. Usually the lockeroom was empty, because it was huge and with many divisions. Of course once in a while an old man or a tard would pick exactly the only one that had me, while several others were empty. The oldies are usually discret about it, but the tards man, they would straight up stare. And if you asked for them to please stop, they would talk shit at you. Frequently I witnessed tards running out naked screaming, and not a soul to stop the bastards. The worst were the friendly ones, that wanted to interact with you when both of you are completly undressed and strangers to one another. There was a particular one that enjoyed stalking me. He would hind behind and between lockers, unclothed of course, and just fucking watch. Those are the most fucked up locker room people in my opinion.
Kek man you were out there living the dream, fucking fagophobic parents always ruining everything. I am bi, so I would only ever have a half chub, which didn't compromise me and made me look alpha af
> American puritanism
Bullshit. In ny country every/most men will behave like bottom panel in locker rooms, specially if they are with friends. You just live in a culture that vilifies, demonizes and turn nudity into a taboo.
> Living in the city which is home to the greatest nudist beach in the americas.
if you have a kid at 17 then by the time you're 30 they'll be 13.
I knew a kid in eight grade whose mom was turning 30 that year
If old people acted like that when they were younger then they would be super Chads. They don't give a shit about anything.
When he was a youth people didn't wear towels in the locker rooms, that's my guess. They're from a bygone Era that's why.
I want to go into a locker room filled with older men and bend over to show off my boypussy
>I am bi, so I would only ever have a half chub
That's not how being bi works you rube.
I used to go to a local sort of working joe's YMCA. The vast majority of the dudes there were 70+. They all walked around meat and veg dangling in the breeze not giving a fuck so i did to and no one gave a shit. If there is an unspoken contract that everyone is just going to walk around with their tallywhackers out and not have to pussyfoot around with trying to hide your junk it makes it so much quicker and easier to shower up and get dressed.
>t. western wh*teoid cuck
> I am bi, so I would only ever have a half chub
I'm studying to be an actuary, but even I don't know if this math checks out.
what a slut
barney is my spirit animal
do it fag
my mother is a saint
why do you care? if you have a problem with other naked men you're gay af
Worked at a gym for awhile and while alot of people would take their clothes off only a couple clients would walk around naked. There was this old black guy who would come in duringbthe morning for the cardio machines and play a little racket ball (not basket) with some group of old white guys. Thing is when he was in the locker room he'd walk around naked for like 30 minutes every day and try to talk to everybody, like he's in ancient Rome or some shit. He'd also bring in a basket full of towels, lotion, shampoo etc and just leave it there, nobody else did that. One time I was hooking up the power wash to a faucet under the sink to spray down the showers and I have this guy standing in the mirror shaving his face with his dick only a few feet from my shoulder. I was getting pissed off.
And I did my best to keep my head forward and up to not look at dudes dicks but saw his by chance and he was like average at best, BBC is a fucking meme.