What makes you guys think you even deserve a girIfriend?

What makes you guys think you even deserve a girIfriend?

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i'm such a nice guy, that's enough reason

you post this all the time. this fuck will never reply to your posts
I get gf because I can! You thot

i have a peenash

I'm cute, skelly and I have a big dick, she'd just have to ignore all of my mental issues, but I haven't been that lucky yet

What makes you think I even want one?

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This pisses me off to no end. I volunteer, Im a STEM major planning to go to medical school, I work out, I do cool stuff like play piano and tap dance, Im decently friendly, I can cook, Im great with kids, Im average looking and I know how to use makeup to look above average... and evidently I deserve to die because Im not interested in obese NEETs with no social skills whose only selling point is that they havent raped someone yet? That is some goddamn bullshit

You sound nice.

t. 30 year old neet virgin

you sound ugly


>I do cool stuff
>tap dance
U gay as fuck nibba

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what that mouf do

Well I know im at least somewhat nice irl. Im an asshole on the internet but that is out of necessity senpai.

I never say that I deserve a girlfriend. I just constantly lament my complete lack of conversational/social skills that trap me in my lonely life. Even if I approach a woman I literally can't hold a conversation for more than a second. It's not that much better with men either.

You could be an asshole irl aswell if you know what I mean ;-)

>What makes you guys think you even deserve a girIfriend?
Extreme loyalty and love
would jump in a lion pit if my gf fell in

Make good money, am good looking, smart, no debt and no worry about future security, like doing things that both men and women find fun.

Because my life has been on a sharp decline ever since my ex left me. It has been nearly 2 years since I last had affection and everything sucks.
I shouldn't be an incel. I have a good face, I am shredded, I do have autism but I can be nice when you get to know me.
I have just had no opportunities as all the women I like either have boyfriends already or hate me, and every girl who finds me attractive gives up once discovering my autism.
It's not fair.

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I don't deserve a gf I just want one to save me.

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I want to be dominated by a mommy so I should get a mommy to dommy me

If you can honestly do something cooler than this then I will never post on r9k again

i don't. im a pretty good guy but im not responsible enough yet. and i get incredibly impatient with stupid people (ie ALL WOMEN LOL)

I rather have a bf desu

>lack of conversational/social skills
I know this feel, I wouldn't be good enough to keep her interested after she talks to me for a bit

>have had steady work for the last decade or so
>have my own place and plenty of savings, live responsibly
>not a nasty or abusive person, just want to connect with someone
>pretty healthy, don't touch drugs or alcohol
Meanwhile I see permanently jobless ex-convicts knocking up women left and right, and by that I mean in real life, not in some internet meme. Whatever I guess, maybe I was born to be miserable. I've spent so much time in alone I probably can't even have a relationship now. I am ruined.

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No we hate you because you post on a board for guys who cant get laid and are lonely to get attention from them. It is gross tbqh

I know better than to think I deserve something I haven't earned
or can't talk to

You could've used all that time you've spent in the gym to fix your defective brain, but you took the looks memw too seriously. It's not really working out for you, huh?

I never said I deserved anything. A lot of the stuff we have in today's society are more than I could ask for. Still I would like the companionship that a lot of other humans take for granted

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There's only one conclusion: you're worse than a jobless ex-con. Will you do something to change that about you? I doubt it.

Its not to get attention, its because i find people like you to be disgustingly entitled trash

Mostly I lurk but sometimes i cant resist posting some bait. Sorry senpai

Also stop pretending r9k is for guys who cant get laid
Biggest meme of the decade niqqa

Dude, I'm a grown man. Don't feed me retarded platitudes.

>mostly I lurk but sometimes I cant help getting my share of attention
Whatever whore enjoy your whore life

I don't, though. I'm retarded that's the problem

Why make this post. This post has been made, this topic has been argued, been discussed. I cant tell you how many times Ive seen this worthless fucking post.

Thanks for the continued (you)s niggy

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I'll clean and cook for her and make sure her emotional and physical needs are being met (as long as my needs are being met as well). Tbh, I don't think I deserve a gf because going around thinking you deserve something or someone will lead to disappointment and it reeks of entitlement.

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