Is Joji the absolute example of a weirdo failed normie autistic HAPA who made it to success...

Is Joji the absolute example of a weirdo failed normie autistic HAPA who made it to success? He's got fans all over the World and he actually makes good pop music.

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>>good pop music
If he didn't have Filthy Frank, he'd have nothing.

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stop hating my guys, do something with your life

Yeah, the only reason he's famous is because of Filthy Frank, but he still made it. He made it despite his autistic fanbase and everything that glued everything that he did to autistic filthy frank. Even with all that shit he was able to overcome and become a successful musician. Son of a bitch.

>stop hating my guys, do something with your life
Yeah, I wish I could do the same as him and get my life on track and go from being a total loser to a fucking successful someone. Fucking sucks.

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I'm right though.
If he did not have the popularity built up from being Filthy Frank, his music career would never have taken off. I'm not hating. Just stating an objective fact.

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I will never see that kind of success that he has. People told me that I was bright. People told me that I was talented. I feel envy. Wish hat I could do something great like that, makes no difference.

Everybody knows that he went from fucking FilthyFrank to his music carreer. But how he did that despite his autistic fanbase is what is incredible.

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except you can, you just lack confidence

All I really can do is paint landscapes and write poetry. No more money in either of those skills.

No it's not incredible. His autistic fanbase was a bunch of braindead sheeple. Why else would they laugh at literal nonsense? His videos and content were never funny, there wasn't any sort of wit behind it. Even if it was absurdist, there was still no clever message behind any of it, it was literally just "lol randum xD".
He built himself up to idol status, and no one ever wants to admit any faults they find in their idol. He knew his fanbase was a bunch of autistic zoomers, he knew they all listened to mumble rap, he knew an initial following of zoomers would have enough power to crest the rest of the trend wave. Especially considering the genre.
By the end of his run as Filthy Frank, it wasn't even just "edgy meme kids". 25% of every high school in the USA had probably seen at least one Filthy Frank video, because the "meme sub-culture" is not as exclusive as every retard who partakes in it likes to think it is.
Don't reply to me.

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You're fucked mate. These fucking suck.

Told you

You're wrong. Have you ever seen those child actors like that kid from Home Alone? They get that persona forever, and no matter what nobody wants to hire them because immediately they will be ridiculed. Look at Adam Sandler or child actors and you'll see they don't get any job because of that fucking role they played once and their career is fucking over. How Frank was able to distance himself from his persona and become a successful musician on its own is beyond me.

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hapa? hes italian

Humor is not supposed to be neatly organized and factory made. Its spontaneity and randomness that makes it funny. Your problem is that you have memed yourself into adopting a personality of being a cynic who is critical of everything to feel like you are smart, as a way to compensate for being completely unremarkable, uninteresting and talentless in all aspects of life. The truth is that you are just an idiot who is angry at everything. It does not take anything to criticize, it takes a lot to do.

This is further evidenced by your last line. You think that acting like this makes you come over self assured and authoritative, but in reality it makes you come over as butthurt and putting up a front to hide that butthurt. So basically, people see right through it and see you exactly as you are.

You are your own biggest enemy in life. No one is making life miserable for you except yourself. All you have to do to improve your situation is to reach down into your pants and remove that big stick that is lodged in your asshole. Its simple, even you can do it. I believe in you.

By the way, i am not the guy you replied to nor do i care at all about filthy frank. This isnt about him, this is about you.


It's not beyond me.
Okay Mr. Armchair Psychologist. Thanks for the session. You know that being critical of others on a Canadian ice fishing forum just shows how insecure and talentless you are though, right?

He's a product of WMAF.

>autistic fanbase
Yea it was real hard to escape that reddit fanbase that sucked his dick even before his music got more plays, even his earlier tracks that were done in 10 minutes got praised as the second coming of jesus christ. Nothing has changed since that except that when people find him now they all go "yo this asian dude did some fucked up shit bro isnt that crazy?". Only people that defend him are either retarded zoomers or people stuck in the past idolizing le papa franku

>actually makes good pop music
Nah, his music is boring as fuck when he isn't being edgy or being Pink Guy. When Joji sings it sounds like he is yawning

I really like his music and I think he's very talented.

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