Out of all the races the white race is the least likely to be racist.
Out of all the races the white race is the least likely to be racist
Because we're the smartest and realize getting on with other people is possible.
true. which is why we're being cucked so hard in our own countries.
that's because everyone treats white people very well. white = demigod in the mind of many nonwhites
>Out of all the races the white race is the least likely to be racist.
I would've agreed with this a couple of years ago, but they're just as racist as every other race from what I see them post on the internet. Especially on this very website.
Maybe. When I was a little kid, I had never seen a black person before except on TV. My grandpa had said that the ones in Chicago were always trying to scam money and steal stuff. The first time that I ever saw a black person was at the playground. He said that one of his parents was black, and that one was white. I asked him if he was black or white, and he said that he was both. To someone who was just learning their colors, the idea that someone can be black and white at the same time blew my mind.
you believe it's white boys posting all those nasty messages? nigger look at any Jow Forums meetup. all mutts
Not sure, there are less openly I think.
Darkies are more social and affable in general than whites, so of course any meetup would consist mostly of mutts even if the majority of the userbase is white.
>white race is the least likely to be racist.
hearty kek
Racism and nationalism was invented by the European intelligentsia. Racism does not exist anywhere else in the world as it does in the West. People have more of an in group preference, but the categorization of people by race and ethnicity was unheard of outside of Europe until European thought started to influence Eastern thought. For example in Rome, anyone who integrated into Roman society was a Roman and no distinction was made between him and othet Romans. A recent example is in Turkey, basically everyone comes from a different ethnic heritage, but everyone is seen as Turkish as long as they speak the language, live by the culture and have lived there for a generation or two. Pic related is an exaggerated and funny example of that.
Racism is an inherently Western idea.
>Out of all the races the white race is the least likely to be racist.
fact check: true
Yep, and that's why all of their home countries get to be for everyone instead of just for them, and why they'll literally get cucked to death if nothing changes.
>Racism and nationalism was invented by the European intelligentsia
stopped reading there. only a retard thinks racism was "invented" by any particular group of people
>Racism is an inherently Western idea.
so fucking stupid it's uncanny. EVERYONE was racist 100+ years ago. every single group
>the categorization of people by race and ethnicity was unheard of outside of Europe until European thought started to influence Eastern thought
wrong. even egyptian art showed different races
>For example in Rome, anyone who integrated into Roman society was a Roman and no distinction was made between him and othet Romans
>There was racism in the ancient world, after all. This groundbreaking book refutes the common belief that the ancient Greeks and Romans harbored "ethnic and cultural," but not racial, prejudice. It does so by comprehensively tracing the intellectual origins of racism back to classical antiquity. Benjamin Isaac's systematic analysis of ancient social prejudices and stereotypes reveals that some of those represent prototypes of racism--or proto-racism--which in turn inspired the early modern authors who developed the more familiar racist ideas. He considers the literature from classical Greece to late antiquity in a quest for the various forms of the discriminatory stereotypes and social hatred that have played such an important role in recent history and continue to do so in modern society.
the only thing europeans did first was figure out all the various races, because they travelled the world
they saw amerindians, east asians, australian aboriginals, negroid africans, polynesians... they saw all the various races and no other civilizations before achieved that
He says whilst on Jow Forums.
ancient muslims were racist af tho
"If (all types of men) are taken, from the first, and one placed after another, like the Negro from Zanzibar, in the Southern-most countries, the Negro does not differ from an animal in anything except the fact that his hands have been lifted from the earth,--in no other peculiarity or property,--except for what God wished. Many have seen that the ape is more capable of being trained than the Negro, and more intelligent."
Philosopher-theologian Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201-74), _Tasawwurat_
"Like the crow among mankind are the Zanj for they are the worst of men and the most vicious of creatures in character and temperament."
Jahiz, _Kitab al-Hayawan_, vol. 2
"[inhabitants of sub-Saharan African countries] are people distant from the standards of humanity" "Their nature is that of wild animals...."
Persian geography _Hudud al-'alam_, 982 AD
"We know that the Zanj (blacks) are the least intelligent and the least discerning of mankind, and the least capable of understanding the consequences of actions."
Jahiz (d. 868 AD), _Kitab al-Bukhala'
"They [the Shu'ubiyya] maintain that eloquence is prized by all people at all times -- even the Zanj, despite their dimness, their boundless stupidity, their obtuseness, their crude perceptions and their evil dispositions, make long speeches."
Jahiz, Al-Bayan wa'l-tabyin, vol. 3
>stopped reading there. only a retard thinks racism was "invented" by any particular group of people
"racism" as the concept it is known as today was invented by a marxist jew in the 1890s. Prior to then it was simply known as "reality"
>Nationalism only existed in the west
Good lord you can't be this fucking retarded
>Prior to then it was simply known as "reality"
exactly. everyone was fucking racist.
a race is simply a large, extended family that is inbred to some degree
every tribe was fucking racist
Lmao wtf.
White people and asians are litterally the only racists people.
The rest are almost 0% racist.
Doubt it Mexicans are 100% more welcoming than a fucking American. We don't care if you're black white or asian. We just think it's different and p cool. They'll throw a few remarks here and there about a person's race but it really means nothing. We don't think we're superior to anyone, unlike whites who constantly form racial groups to slaughter and kill other races. When the Spaniards came to Mexico the aggressors and the en-slavers were the europeans not the indigenous people.
Whites are the ones with superiority complex. They think they're better because the west advanced quicker than any other civilization, and they conquered other people because of it. That sentiment is still really strong within youthful whites, and you can see that manifest in places like Charlottesville and kids like Dylann Roof. You guys are the most privilege race in the world and you guys still manage to play victim. Then you use that excuse to attack other minorities for your short comings because apparently race is all you guys see. Us Mexican's are extremely inclusive and I'm sure there are other countries who are the same or even more so, but to say that whites are? You got to be kidding me. All this anti immigration sentiment is currently coming from predominantly white nations
No they are not
A bunch of races are racist including whites
As a matter of fact whites and asians (including ME) are the most racist niggas in the world
You don't get it, retard. He's saying that racism is a spook. It's a subjective concept. You could define it any way and it would still be correct.
>Whites are the ones with superiority complex. They think they're better because the west advanced quicker than any other civilization, and they conquered other people because of it. That sentiment is still really strong within youthful whites, and you can see that manifest in places like Charlottesville and kids like Dylann Roof. You guys are the most privilege race in the world and you guys still manage to play victim. Then you use that excuse to attack other minorities for your short comings because apparently race is all you guys see. Us Mexican's are extremely inclusive and I'm sure there are other countries who are the same or even more so, but to say that whites are? You got to be kidding me. All this anti immigration sentiment is currently coming from predominantly white nations
>We don't care if you're black white or asian.
That's an extremely racist series of statements, spic. Welcome to the club.