I'm almost 19, probably going to graduate when I'm 20, HS dropout, graduated 11th grade been a hikki NEET for 2+ years...

I'm almost 19, probably going to graduate when I'm 20, HS dropout, graduated 11th grade been a hikki NEET for 2+ years, last chance to go to high school before I'm barred and have to get a GED, not that education matters for me because I've already figured out my shit, but I need to get that teen experience and fuck underage pussy without being judged, going to join senior year in a place I've never been to in a completely new school. So how should I act? What do I be? The overly confident fake chad brad? The mysterious quiet badass? The party guy? Is it even worth it or am I just going to get ostracized and looked down upon for being some old random newkid weirdo? I know from past experience to never be honest or talk about my fucked up life and background

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bump bloxbloxblxo?

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Honestly your age is going to get out and everyone will know.. so getting pussy will be known in an instant and super fuck you over.
Maybe they'll ask you to get cigarettes for them.

This. I'm 18 in a school where most seniors are 16 or 17 for some reason and people honestly think I'm a pedo for asking out girls here. Pisses me off and only makes my incel rage worse. I want to bash a 16 year old cocky smug bitches head into the pavement. I want to stab one 78 times and destroy her pretty little face.

god damnit
>people honestly think I'm a pedo for asking out girls here
GOD FUCKING DAMNIT. seriously? I had a suspicion this would be the case, fucking outdated caveman 7th century fucking culture we have on age of consent, fucking hell literally every other country in the world has gotten with the times yet we're still stuck with people thinking an 18 year old asking out a 16 year old is fucking pedophilic WHEN THERE'S LITERALLY JUST A 2 YEAR FUCKING DIFFERENCE meanwhile people get married with 10, 15, 20, even 30 year fucking age discrepancies and noone bats an eye. When I was fucking like 8-9 years old in middle school most of the girls were talking about the best brands of pads and tampons to use because of their periods at 9 FUCKING YEARS OLD MAN, MY COCK LITERALLY DIDN'T EVEN WORK AT THAT AGE LIKE WTF


fucking hell, we're only "pedos" because we don't look like male models

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I understand your rage. My first few rejections were like "ok whatever" but one day I got fucking pulled aside by a counselor and they gave me a lengthy talk about statutory rape and how they got a few complaints about "that old dude"
You can imagine how seething I was and still am.
good luck in senior year bro, I hope you can find some sweet teenage pussy before it's too late. I might have an in with a old childhood friend, but life isnt anime sadly so she will probably be weirded out by me like everyone else

>I want to bash a 16 year old cocky smug bitches head into the pavement. I want to stab one 78 times and destroy her pretty little face.
Sounds like they're dodging a bullet. Holy fuck.

>implying I would ever do that with my gf
The only thing enraging me is the fact that not a single woman ever has liked me. She would have nothing to worry about if we dated. even if we broke up I wouldn't be mad, as long as it wasnt over shit like "my friend says ur ugly so um dumping you and gonna shit talk you vaguely on twitter"

this makes me not even want to fucking bother going back, how the FUCK can you be old if you're LITERALLY JUST 1-2 YEARS OLDER THAN EVERYONE ELSE IN SENIOR YEAR? god fucking damnit


i swear if you looked like a male model it would be completely different, college jocks and shit fuck underage high school girls all the time, in fact they flock towards them and nobody even bats an eye, but no if you're just some shmuck then people will find absolutely any excuse to do you harm fuck this gay fucking earth
i'm not at his stage of anger but you're actually retarded if you belive people are just like that for no reason, if you were born with horrible deformities and disabilities and beaten raped and tortured while being held in a dark cellar in a basement somewhere for 2 decades of your life since conception you're not going to be some beaming ray of sunshine rainbows and unicorns alright, you're not going to be some fucking perfect well-adjusted optimist and if you expect someone like that to be that way I don't even understand how you're capable of forming coherent sentences. You don't want to smash teenage girls's heads in just because you're some sick psycho, unless you actually are a sick psycho, you want to do it because you've spent months years or even decades suffering under their hand, the same way you'd want to smash the person who birthed you with horrible deformities and disabilities and forced you to endure 2 decades of brutal torture and dehumanization

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I'm 19 and in my senior year. Nobody really bothers me about it, but then again I don't think more than a few people know anyway because I never talk to anyone. It kinda sucks being aware you're older than everyone else, but at least I only have a few more months and then I can finally feel like a normal person almost

Thank you for defending me. I was just expressing my anger but I'm not a psycho and would never kill a woman. But all the rejection at my 5/10 ass hurts like hell. If your not Chad older guy, your just some creep to them. They want older guys that can buy then beer and drive them to college parties when all I want is to cuddle and watch a movie, not even sex unless she wants it.

well I was gonna ask if you've gotten laid but then you said you don't even talk to anyone

honestly is it even worth it at this point? with all the shit ahead of us if we choose to go down the conventional path. Fucking hell, I feel like my last chance at trying to hastingly and partially fill in the void of all the things I missed out on during childhood is just gone, in the back of my head I knew it was but with this confirmation I just can't help but seethe with rage

well, I guess I'll just be condemned to doing my stupid fucking real estate business bullshit and being some empty hollow millionaire sitting in my mansion fucking alone great

there's still college though right?.......right?......FFFFFFUCKKKKKK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I wasn't trying to defend you, I just get pissed off when I see textbook cases of retardation, people fucking wonder why we're running around shooting up schools they're so fucking retarded that more often than not I feel like they deserve to continue to be ignorant and suffer the consequences of their actions

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I'm sorry :(
I dont deserve defending after that 78 stab comment, but the lonliness and bitterness is getting to me. Humans are social creatures, we are not meant to be friendless virgins. That will drive any human crazy over enough time
Can I come live in your mansion? I will get a retail job and try to help with bills, but right now I have no college or job prospects and I'm a loser

I fucking hate how US culture treats age and sex, its absolutely fucking batshit ridiculous. We have 14 year old girls who are out there sucking cocks and drawing dicks on bathroom walls but apparently we are supposed to treat 16 year old girls, two years older, like they are fucking children? TEENAGERS... ARE NOT FUCKING KIDS!

You wanna hear some real fucking bullshit! When I was 17, a 15 year old girl came onto me and we started hooking up for about a month. And then, one of her fucking bitch friends convinced her that I was a pedophile for having sex with her and then spread that rumor every fucking where. I had 75% of the school calling me a fucking pedophile for fucking a girl TWO YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME. I wasn't even 18 myself!

I hate our fucking society. Its so fucking stupid I just can't fucking stand how fucking stupid our society is. We've completely thrown all common sense out the window and instead we've become a fucking herd society ruled by the mob.

indeed, bad things can turn a good man bad. Anyways misery loves company but I'm trying to not be miserable so I'll have to deny your request, lucky for you however if things don't turn out favorably for all of us not just myself I'll probably anhero before I even buy the thing and it looks like that's the most likely course of action i'll be taking

i suppose there's college but....no amount of frat parties can fix the fate we were condemned to live, the cold and empty void in our chests, the pain in our blackened hearts, god fucking damnit
this only fucking fills me with unprecedented rage, it's clear it doesn't even fucking have anything to do with age at all, you could be a single year older than the person and be a pedophile

people think this is just meaningless childish banter but in reality it's not, in the independent work-force adult world it's the equivalent to having absolutely everyone in your office including your own boss do everything they can to make your stay as miserable as humanly possible

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I just can't fucking relate to people who are happy. Its hard to not look at our society right now and see all the bullshit. I really envy those who have managed to shelter themselves away from all that though and haven't experienced all the bullshit of our society. I've been to college, it doesn't get better. College has even more bullshit than high school. The popular cliques only get even more popular and the losers only get lonelier without the support they have back at home.

Its a fucking depressing world we live in.

>I've been to college, it doesn't get better
really? god damnit

fuck man, what even is the point of amassing riches and financial success when you're just this jaded, destitute, hurt, shattered mess of a person? why the fuck am I even trying

our childhood is gone, stolen from us, we were never sheltered from the afflictions of mother nature, rather exposed to its harsh brutality since conception, and people call US weak when WE are the ones who endure the most, they can't even comprehend the pain

at least oldies can say it's over, their end is coming soon and all they can do is just move on, but we have to face our grim, dark, hellish future knowing full well that there's absolutely nothing we can do about it, and it just seems pointless

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College sucks, but maybe money and success is the answer? I'm still in college so I'd like to think that my story isn't over yet. Maybe there's still a way out of this. If I'm 35 or 40 and still a fucking mess. Maybe then I should just kill myself and start over.

I'd like to think Collins is right in Bandersnatch, that there's other timelines and I can just start over. But who fucking knows.

Listen, none of the things you're thinking that are obstacles, are obstacles if you're attractive. Creepy is mysterious, pedo is 'young at heart', neet is 'he cares for his parents'. If you're ugly and out of shape and have shitty greasy long hair there's no saving you until you improve yourself until you're out of the typical pool of undatables.

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man i'm exactly the same as you
dropped hs at 16, almost 19 now and have only worked shitty wagecuck jobs but now enjoying neetdom thanks grandma

money and success can't fix a broken, blackened heart, you can't become 13 again, it only happens once, and our chance was fucked up by our disgusting parents birthing us and society fucking us over, we were meant to die
i hope he is
yeah no shit sherlock, anyone with half a brain knows that, but no amount of $59.99 self improvement DVD's is going to fucking help you become an 8/10 male model when your face isn't even a 4/10, we were only given 1 chance at this shit and it went straight in the trash because it was rigged from the very beginning
i wish i were never born

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You aren't even 20 yet. Seriously, you aren't even done growing.

Get yourself in good shape and at least try before you waste your youth wallowing in self-pity. Yes this sounds cliche, but cliche 'it was rigged from the start' self-pity deserves cliche in kind.

i never said I wasn't, I already am, but that's not helping me and it never will, anyways that's the point, I'm not even finished growing and it's already too late, here there are living examples of my future: yet you act like somehow the future will get better and not just worse, anyways, what you don't understand is that even if I do achieve success in the future it will never fix the past, no amount of future success will ever make up for my lost childhood and loveless sexless affectionless teen years. Given your optimism you sound like someone who experienced a favorable upbringing and teen love and affection and attention at a young age, but given the state of this website I wouldn't be surprised if you were just LARPing like every other self-proclaimed self-improvement guru that likes dumping all their cash on expensive bullshit courses to no avail. Privileged sheltered people don't have to work to achieve what they already had from the very beginning, unlike material items you can't work yourself up to becoming a model.

These 2 people are the same age by the way

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