What was the hardest class you took in college?

What was the hardest class you took in college?

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Getting laid


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the hardest coc... oh class


Introduction to proofs, probably. Pretty much the casual filter of math. It honestly wasn't that bad but I wasn't used to approaching problems in that manner.

Discrete math is probably a close second.

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I did Anthropology with a minor in Biology so none of my courses were remotely hard. However, I did try to flex and do the Gen Chem set and got fucking bodied.
>Amount of work
>Professor's propensity for reliance on the book
>Lack of prior knowledge
I had little Chemistry knowledge when I entered Gen Chem I and forgot all of Gen Chem I's stuff when I got around to doing Gen Chem II so I knew absolutely nothing.

public speaking
t. Engineering grad student

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Probably advanced fluid mechanics. Never gonna use that shit either.

the hardest class i had wasn't really hard because the course was tough, the instructor was just a huge dick. assigned way too much hw and the tests were like 60 questions with a 1 hour time limit like wtf faggot

originally fbpb

differential equations but I got an A-
networking and communications

Complex Analysis.

Ended up with a B- because of the curve, but fuck that shit, never again.

Classical mechanics was pretty confusing and my professor was shit. Electricity and Magnetism was also pretty bad.

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Intro philosophy (granted, I am only a sophomore)
A lot of reading and a lot of writing.


This. I stumbled through that shit.

Had an advanced mathematics course on Fourier Series

Think I got an 8 on the first exam and dropped it

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A graduate level introduction to machine learning course

It was taught by a professor in applied mathematics and we had to know in excruciating detail how various models were derived and had to do various proofs related to certain aspects of those models. I didn't sleep much that semester.

Immunology and cell neuro.
dumb fucking mistakes on the exams cost me the A.

I never went to college I had no money or motivation

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Socializing 101
Only class I failed.

>Fourier Series
>Not Harmonic Analysis
i shiggy diggy

So far? Machine programming/Calculus 1
God help my soul in Calc2

brain is literally fuck off fuck just looking at that.
the fuck is that shit calculus 3?

What's the point of all that shit? Like, what can you even do by solving for veta x pie to the square root of NIG3r?

soil and water science


because it was at 8:30 am and i slept through every single class


not sure why i quoted that post lol

differential equations but that's only because i didn't talk to the teacher and it was the first math class i took in uni

The technology you depend on every day to do things like shitpost on Jow Forums depends on math. Have some respect.

Philosophy, not because the material was that hard to understand, but because you'd lose marks if you didn't structure your essays properly or wrote too much.

Biochem 2. I'm a gifted faggot since elementary school and I never learned any sort of study skills or discipline so this class kicked my ass. The teacher was really shit and expected us to learn out of the book rather than in class, and I couldn't afford a $300 book so I just winged it and passed with the lowest possible grade.

did none of the essays because im a lazy faggot and stopped going to classes out of embarrassment

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philosophy classes are always always fucking dogshit

>5 exams
>multiple choice 20 questions
>last two exams were on same damn day
>everyone failed it

The deceit is that a beautiful and compassionate woman like her wouldn't be married already.