Think I fucked up

>be me
>be in college
>have 2 friends I hang out with most of the time
>they're a couple
>I'm pretty good friends with the girl and the guy is my childhood friend
>the guy is kinda attractive (I'm not gay but I know a good looking person when I see one)
>I always joke around with the girl (let's call her J) saying that he's gay
>J always laughs about it along with the guy
>one day we go to the new Queen movie
>guy cries a bit when Freddie came out as gay, it was a sad scene so I didn't think much
>fast forward to this monday
>I work at a restaurant and guy works at an office near by so he comes for lunch
>that day at lunch he tells me that he has something related to love to tell me
>think that he's gonna propose to J so I'm kind of excited


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Monitoring this gay thread

Already keking, I already know whats gonna happen but go on

let me get some context first
>when we joke about the guy being gay, he's usually in for it mainly because it makes his gf laugh
>we slap each others asses asnd so on

back to the story
>Guy meets me after my shift ends
>I'm hyped to be the bestman at their wedding and an uncle to their children
>'user... you may not understand this... but I love you'
>'Of course I do, I love you too, man'. 'What did you want to tell me?'
>he gets a bit shy and says:
>'I'm gay user, I like men.'
>I'm devastated
>I stutter: 'what about J? You love her too right?'
>he silently nods
>he takes me for a drink
>we just drink silently until 1 am
>I then ask him if he's gonna be alright
>'I think so'
>he drives me home because it was could outside
>kisses me on the cheek and says bye when we arrive

I don't know what to do, he's my friend and I want to help him, but I don't want to hurt J either

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>tldr: I think I memed my best friend into being gay for me, and I'm not even gay

now I think I turned him gay by memeing him into it. I fucking hate this, his gf is cute as well, why would he be gay for a cunt like me?

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Have a talk with the guy and make sure the femoid isn't left in the dark, but don't tell the girl yourself, it'll be better if he does it. Also smash his boipussy to assert dominance, purely to establish who has the power during the talk, it won't be gay or anything, just alpha shit.

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meme him out of it again by calling him super straight etc

I guess the time he borrowed me his jacket in class was an 'advance'. I guess I allowed him to turn into it

user this post screams 'I want dick a dick in my ass', from the anime pic blushing to the 'W.. Why would he fall for someone like me.. B.. Baka" bullshit. Just accept that you're pretty gay user.

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That could work, but I think that'll just make him sadder. He's also known as a bit of a Chad with our group of friends

>not dating your childhood friend and living happily ever after
questionable choice OP

I did ask him if he was gonna tell her at some point and he said yes. Now I won't fuck his ass mainly because he's 6'3 and muscular while I'm a 5'10 David Bowie looking cunt

I just needed a sad picture to post, I'm an animefag but not gay

Fuck him in the ass bareback, take a pic while he isnt looking and snapchat it to his girl with the text "lol warned ya"


Another one bites the cock

What's important is time. The sooner this is out in the open the less it looks like you've both been keeping it from her out of some sense of forbidden love type shit. So outline everyone's feelings on the matter. And then swallow eachothers collective cum.

I would if I were in a all girl harem anime, but this is real life and it's gay as fuck, not to mention loosing J as a friend

fuck off, he's very emotional about this

it doesn't have to be an anime user, just let yourself love your friend and be happy. For once in your life.

I know, but I can't tell her myself, it has to be him. we go to the same college and attend the same classes as his gf, I can't just nag him there

But I don't love him that way, I want him to be happy, I'm already emotionally fucked up from my ex gf, I don't want this sort of stuff in my life to harm him

Explain to him that the longer he waits the worse the impact will be on you guy's friendship with the gf. Realistically best case scenario is one/both of you gets really uncomfortable but stays with it. What will likely happen is its you or her. But if you handle this we'll enough then it'll be sad yeah but it won't be catastrophic

user, the stuff in your life won't make him unhappy. He just wants to be there for you, help you through the hard times, and share with you the good times. That's what love is all about.

but I don't like men, I wanma have a biological family with children of my own, I love him but I will not marry him

I mean, I don't want to hurt her either. I guess I'll have to encourage him to tell her. You sound like my dad y'know, thanks for the advice, 'dad'

Listen, I think OP wants to be a cute girl in order to marry him

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I'd rather you called me papi desu, but I'll go with 'dad' for now

I'm italian, not mexican

Well, If I were a girl It'd still be fucked up because I would basically cuck a friend of mine

Sorry OP but I am afraid you are an aspirating Trap

Damn, so (not at all) close.

w-why? I'm too tall to be cute

well, my mom calls me that at times (she was raised in a mexican family)

Funny, your mom calls me Papi as well.

Luis? is that you?

No. Sorry, user. I am not Luis, but a small nignog with a dumb sense of humor. Who is Luis?

I wish I knew too...

Do you have a latina fetish, user?

Nope. I'm not really into anything.

big fucking update!
Cunt just said that he just told his gf

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now's your chance OP! Admit your love for him, live happily ever after. You have nothing to lose in just trying, right?

Not gonna send screenshots bc it's all in italian
>he says that J is in tears now
>they were at her house and he broke the news
>she told him to go home
>says that it's not my fault

I feel like shit

You are both huge fags. The girlfriend has it coming. You're both going to break her heart, but it's her problem for being attracted to closeted/confused gay men.

>he says that J is in tears now
>she told him to go home
>now both are crying
>told me that it ain't my fault and that he still loves me
>I'm just a pawn in all of this

I feel like shit now

ignore this, I posted same thing twice becaise the page couldn't load mu previous reply

Well, I'm not gay, I may be a bit fucked up emotionally but that's because of another girl

but I'm not even a cute girl to live happily with him

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You're definitely gay user. Being gay ironically as a joke is still extremely homo. The sooner you embrace it, the happier you and your soon-to-be boyfriend will be.

But I prefer the girl! There's a reason I have tons of anime chicks saved in my phone and pc

You mean you prefer J? Is that how this is gonna play out, user?

I guess I have to start being more honest. Yes I do prefer J, I guess I just fell for the unreachable girl, now I don't wanna date her because I would be cucking 2 people at a time

>But I prefer the girl!
lol, but NO you don't! That's why you are hear.

Just cry about it and move on. You're a fag and you're both just using this girl the way she wants to be used.

My current boyfriend dated a girl before he came out with a birth defect that made it impossible to have sex. Her vagina was the width of a pencil. Imagine that- a long term girlfriend that he couldn't have sex with. He's gay as hell.

But I actually like her... I'm here because I was dragged here at around 13 so I've just decided to stay for almost a decade.

>Guy is at my house now and he's crying
>Told him to pour himself a drink
>He's sleeping on my couch
>I don't want my mom to think that I'm gay now

>Yes I do prefer J
Jesus Christ this is a shit show I'm glad I don't deal with normies

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At least I don't have a high school oneitis after graduation. Dealing with normies is like sifting through all the shitty threads on this board

Are you implying they are all shit or that there are a few good ones buried?