What are the objective differences between the various genetic origins?

What are the objective differences between the various genetic origins?

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Evolution is bullshit.

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Jesus christ. If you knew anything about evolution, you'd also know that the races diverged too recently for there to be major mental or physiological differences between them.
>uhh but muh niggers
Niggers are literally told to say fuck everything and not bother with school. If you really believe that racial IQ differences matter that much, then white people are niggers compared to Asians and jews, woah dude.

Thousands of years of evolution has no impact at all?

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What is your opinion on australian aboriginals? They are genetically distanced more than any other group has been from each other.

Go back to Jow Forums, this is cringe. This isn't really a board for neo-nazis, if you hadn't got the tip. Fuck it, i thought that Jow Forums was one of the only boards that doesn't treat black people like animals. What happened to that??

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>thousands of years
>long time

pick one

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A thousand years is nothing. Humans aren't bugs, we have some of the lowest and slowest breeding rates in the animal kingdom, especially when you factor in infant mortality. A few thousand years doesn't even make much of a difference to creatures that DO breed fast in most cases. And this isn't even mentioning the fact that weak/unselected for humans may not even die because of their tribe looking after them.

What about them? There's still no major difference. If anything, the fact that they're so genetically distinct from black people but still fell into the same role after getting fucked by white people if just proof for my point.

No it doesn't lmao. I fucking hate Jow Forumsfags. Stop depending on 200 year old slavery era pseudoscience and retarded debunked studies by known idiots to rationalize your racism. Just say you hate niggers and get it over with.

Have you studied evolution? Would you consider yourself an expert? Would evolutionary experts agree with you that populations cant significantly evolve in tens of thousands of years?

Yes, yes, and yes. Do some actual research instead of believing whatever you find on phony-ass "news" sites.

What does racial differences have to do with racism?

>Evolution is bullshit.
new int iq=76;

the thread picture is clearly racist.

Blacks are athletes
Asians work hard
Jews and arabs are grifters
whites are balanced but never as good at any one thing as the best of that race

You're an idiot and the evidence is undeniable and overwhelming that there are genetic differences between races psychologically

The racial differences are usually "whites are great and smart and niggers are dumb and violent lmao it's just evolution look it up". Just be real with yourself. You hate blacks, either because of past experiences or for some completely illogical reason. But don't try to make it seem like you're an intellectual for being racist.

this. i don't come from no monkey's butthole

>Blacks are athletes

this is a distorted perception you get from TV. actually blacks are the most likely group to be very obese. highest rates of diabetes, heart disease, etc.

>Asians work hard

another distortion. Asians you see in the West came here specifically for jobs and education, so they're the hardest working Asians. But there's a lot of Asians, and most of them are poor as shit and not particularly bright.

>whites are balanced but never as good at any one thing as the best of that race

the one thing you can say about whites is that every white majority country is somewhere between decent and great in terms of living conditions, and lots of other people want to move in with us. Can't say that about Asians or anyone else.

>actually blacks are the most likely group to be very obese. highest rates of diabetes, heart disease, etc.
Untrue. African Americans make up an incredibly small percentage of blacks. Most blacks live in Latin America and Africa, obviously.

>African Americans make up an incredibly small percentage of blacks.

Yeah, but I'm only talking about Americans. It's true what they say about Americans not caring about other countries.

Anyway, blacks in Africa are only skinny because they're basically all living at subsistence level and relying on foreign aid to feed them. You can't really into agriculture with an average IQ of 75.

Feynmann said fuck psychology

Niggers are probably affected more by epigenetics rather then regular genetics, at least when it comes to personality.

that's just a slightly more obtuse way of saying that they turn every place they live into Mogadishu because muh oppression.

What about the Bejau and their larger spleens?

That is quite a huge physiological difference. Even if the cognitive capacity was much less than that, over some 2000+ generations that would put other groups massively ahead.

Although location does play a huge factor (domesticatible animals for the europeans, specifically chickens for the asians)

How should i know? read this so you can find out www1.udel.edu/educ/gottfredson/30years/Rushton-Jensen30years.pdf

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African blacks get fat AS FUCK quickly when they get into a western lifestyle. Exceptions are mostly those that got out of HIVistan by there being athletes.

East Shina Sea, Ashkenaz, and Anglican all score similarly on entrance exams (each around 1 SD above norm)
but if you insist upon discussing generic Euros, welp neither Asian subcontinent scores any better...
I mean you can always lasso some tiny group claiming they are best, but consider conventional genetic clusters, and typically k-value ~5.

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>If you knew anything about evolution
You'd know what a retarded post you just made.
Evolution isn't about "time" dipshit, it isn't like species acclimate over the years, like they're settling down into a lifestyle. The harder the pressure, the faster the change. I mean, just look at people who live in the mountain; their lungs hold more oxygen than people in the lowland. Is that because they spent 10,000 years wheezing at the top of mountains before they finally got used to it, or because successive generations with helpful traits climbed further and further upwards?
Read the 10,000 year explosion, and stop acting like you're smart. Natural selection happens every generation, the pace of overall change is just a matter of pressure.

The only thing I want pressure on is my prostate. Get to it sissy

>But don't try to make it seem like you're an intellectual
Says the guy pretending he holds some definitive answer on the matter.
You've got no idea what you're talking about, you've never looked at the evidence for each side or you wouldn't make a claim like this lmao.
Try these for beginners reading:
Then move onto the harder stuff like, "The Bell Curve," "Blueprint," and the book I already mentioned, "the Thousand Year Explosion."

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Cringe and trannypilled.
You faggots are the caner of this board, and that's saying something.

You're the one trying to pound my prostate gayboy. Doesn't this denial troll garbage get boring?

imagine being that dude an sjw is right about, fucking Jow Forumstards

>imagine being the type of person despised by the absolute epitome of degeneracy, NPC mindset and subhuman weakness

t. shitskin who never evolved

talking about them or about you? because after losing their self-awareness that's pretty much Jow Forums



>appealing to authority
alt-righters would

How is being racist degenerate? Racists and right wingers are proven to be higher test
Testosterone is what causes people to be achieve great things
Soiboys are effeminate cucks and thus subhuman. They are the epitome of degeneracy and going against nature
I'm glad to be what they hate
NS for life

we cant conclusively tell at this point outside of physical differences in skin tone and bodily features. Its also irresponsibly myopic to just say "hurr durr its all genetics" when there's just as convincing arguments for environmental differences between ethnic groups outside of physicality

how about your read from a more contemporary source than James Watson he hasn't even done conclusive investigations into the matter he's just talking shit

hey alt hype can you shill your shitty channel on another website? we all know you grossly misuse statistics and rely on long out of date research as well as being overtly ideologically biased, in addition the bell curve has long been considered poorly researched and makes far too many assumptions to be considered a good source, especially since at this stage it's 25 years old

literally BTFO by a tranny

>smaller dicks
>emaciated skinny women with no ass
>light skin prone to sunburn and cancer
>thin skull and bones, easily broken
>can't last long in a fight, less capable of recovering from serious injuries
>less physically fit overall
>smell like wet dogs
>can't handle spicy food
>pussified culture
>can't dance

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And who rules you again?
This is also what whites say about jews
>lol you can't sports
>you aint as sexy
>jews smell lol
>jewish food is just kosher mush
But guess who rules the whites?

>responding to to obvious bait with this much asspain
why are polniggers so autistically serious all the time?

Racism is just averages
Averages caused by less than a dozen genes
On average 40% of black people bla bla bla but only 20% of whites bla bla bla

And what of the 60%? Because they aren't 80%, they are discarded? No, because they aren't white.

All humans are racist motherfuckers.

>pretends he knows about evolution
>gives a Lamarckist description of evolution
Evolution of the lungs and evolution of the brain are not the same thing

stay mad Jamal

blacks have too low of an iq to do anything other than physical work

asians have no creativity or physical prowess so they end up doing boring "nerdy" jobs

whites are the most creative and innovative, whites see beauty in everything, they are the best artists, the best leaders and the best innovators, they are able to dominate any field they choose, most whites do not feel the need to push themselves and would rather enjoy the beauty of life so they listen to and play music, go hiking and on nature walks, or they write. they are less inclined to do boring and repetive jobs because they require more alot more stimulation..

im a native american, this is my perspective as an "outsider" from the 3 races you listed and i would say natives are the "balanced" we're just okay at everything but dont really excel

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>source: my asshole

Those having some "responsibility", z.B. investors/engineers not ideologues/theorists, continuously internalise uncertain data...
I mean I was more SJW when Flynn effect reshaped former colonies, yet in 21st century it plateaued/reversed and we are back to even defunct Soviets outscoring them (!)
So there probably are some genetic determinisms being memory holed because reasons (ghastly treatment of that Nobel winner, had to sell his prize).

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china is so fucking fake, they only iq test their bright pupils, if they tested the stoopid rice farmers then avg asian iq would drop to like 95

>places with better schooling do better in math
Naw, fuck that people are born with the math gene and just get good.

>places with better schooling do better in math
Just imagine maintaining those institutions through 1917 and 1939 and 1991 and...
Just no, those were Pisa maths, and some approach +1 SD in East Shina Sea region (!)
yet Anglicans score well too (and even generic Euros improve sans migrant problem...)
neither is to be underestimated.

Imagine not looking up the average IQ of Israel.

father of dna thinks there is a connection between race and intelligence, doesn't look good on blacks. also genetics affects everything.

black people can't even reach the bar

There is a race of asian people called Bajau whose spleens are 50% larger than average which supposedly helps them with diving underwater. Also, research neanderthals and denisovans and their differences to homo sapians.
Race differences undoubtably do exist and anyone who says otherwise is delusional. Still, the people who try so hard to convince the world that their race is superior are insecure. A superior race is something no human could decide.

>Lynn's IQ "study"

This huge strawman again, every person I've ever met irl thinks that all races should be treated equally, not that they are the same.
The reason people argue against these statistics is because they are used as an excuse for discrimination.

oh yeah sorry I didn't mention you guys
Native Americans: good at killing buffalo and alcoholism

Define this meme word. A standard deviation IQ difference is virtually nothing on the full spectrum of intelligence, but leads to large differences from the perspective of humans.

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