>Tfw graduated college
>high GPA
>cant get a serious entry level corporate job
>getting multiple interviews per week
>still no results
>fairly mentally normal
>cannot afford to even rent my own apartment
Tfw graduated college
Maybe you should not have picked a oversaturated major faggot
You need to network as much as you can before graduating, thats way more useful than any grades you will ever get.
You mentioned everything other than what the fuck you actually studied. Did you not think it was relevant? What did you study?
Networking is good, but eh, not really needed. I work at Toyota as an accountant (and get offered a job after every interview I go to) just because I deliver the perfect interviews.
In uni right now for CS meme degree, how do I avoid this trap? Should I look for a summer internship?
Political Science
There are plenty of jobs that just say BA required without specifying major.
Your computer "science" (it's a glorified trade) is already next to useless as it is. You need to network your arse off if you want to make a living that doesn't have you offing yourself within two years.
I don't even know what networking is, my true plan I suppose is just to kms after I graduate when my parents won't be supporting me anymore
Then the fact you graduated college with a high GPA means nothing. You need to have a plan of how to attack the job market before spending thousands on educating yourself.
If the jobs you`re applying to just require any kind of undergraduate degree, it's not a job that requires any special skills. If you're taking interviews for them, it means you don't have a plan on how to layer your poli-sci degree. That and you just suck at interviews.
Networking is a term normies use to pretend that nepotism is the result of their "hard work"
Who you know is always going to be more important than what you do. The fallacy is thinking that this is an unfair system.
If you had to choose between someone you knew and liked, and a stranger, who would you choose?
Too bad so sad
If you are actually smart you would have learned this years ago
Well then who the fuck should I get to know? I don't see how joining meme clubs will help, or does networking mean going to job fairs and talking with employers?
Make friends with people already in the business or with people who ARE friends with people in the business
Merit means nothing
B & C students with lots of socially mobile friends are the most successful in life
>If you had to choose between someone you knew and liked, and a stranger, who would you choose?
The guy who is more qualified and more willing to do the job
what are you normies even doing here
"goyim" is a racist term. this is a racist cartoon
You choose the guy you like and know if you can, because that's who you have to work with.
Unless you're a complete and total autsitic masochist, you'll choose the guy you like as long as he isn't a drooling incompetent who will sink your business.
I'd even say that competence in a job is like a minumum standard that doesn't have high returns past the threshold it needs to pass.
We are talking about humans dude
Fuck off nigger. Some of us have enough sense to take advantage of normal people and their retarded emotions instead of crying about it.
I get what you mean dude, you choose people you like so you can work with them every day. However, 'like' is subjective, and only the charismatic dudes will get jobs while people who socially struggle will be left out.
I already know you said that this isn't a fair system. But that doesn't mean we can't vent about it. I mean, look where you fucking are. A place full of lonely depressed people who struggle with even the most basic social etiquette, due to a bad upbringing or lack of social mentoring and a strew of mental health issues. Fuck you if you think this system is a good thing.
Then why aren't you doing your normalshit activities instead of acting like a high and mighty god to a internet board
It's just how the real world works.
I want enough money to have my own place full of degenerate anime shit.
Well good for you, the rest of us aren't so lucky to have been blessed with decent looks and socially normal upbringings.
You're obviously not getting interviews because you're an antisemitic shit for brains
I do what I want, cuck
Apparently there's something still wrong with you if you decide to still come here
I had neither of those things. But I am good at manipulation.
Duh? Are you stupid?
Then what is it, huh?
Mostly narcissism and lack of empathy.
Believe me user, I know where I am.
I've burnt almost every bridge I've ever built. I'm autistic too.
The system is what it is though. Humans are what they are.
In the past, "nepotism" would be known as "community," and everyone would have a someone, a tribe, even if they weren't the chief.
Now it's "nepotism for me, not for thee." The successful people all bunch up, and the poor and alone aren't even given a second thought.
I mean, society hates incels. How fucked is that? It just proves that we don't "live in a society." If we did, maybe we'd do something to try and help the people who are so miserable that they'll end their own lives just to lash out one, furious painful strike against the people who abandoned them.
I just don't see the system changing, because it works. The people in charge of our lives have more power than any rulers previous.
I think this is going to be our miserable burden forever; no flying cars. Honestly, cyberpunk is an optimistic picture of the future.
Sorry to rant, I'm venting too.
Well, that much I could tell. I don't get why you'd come here to a place full of failures and losers, then.
How do I get better at interviews I have gotten a lot of practice these past few weeks
Fortunately I already have a job. But I am looking to get a better one.
The rich get richer, the chads get chadder..
I for one can't really stand this. In the future I want to save enough money to just check out of society completely after my parents die, or kill myself.
Mostly to jack myself off but also to recruit sad lonely people into my political views
> political views
I visit the countryside when I can, and its what I live for at this point. I wake up at six and get home at 10, and I know that's not even the worst that anyone has to go through.
Sometimes I wonder, would I make it if I just got in a car and drove? Would I find money, food, safety?
Sometimes I think the whole thing is a big trick user. I think that somewhere along the line, society went horribly astray. I want to live in a log cabin and see rocket ships fly through the night sky, but all we have are washing machines, plastics, and internet forums to vent on.
>I work at Toyota as an accountant
Car dealerships have high turnover rates (not as much for F&I) so getting a job there is easier than most places, I worked at one for a year as IT and I started to recognize the names of people I deleted because I was the one who created their cdk/vinsolutions/vauto accounts
I've worked in plenty of industries with high turnover rates. The accounting department usually doesn't share that. As for my specific team, everyone has been working there for a long time. Not really concerned.
Hire a professional to assess and help you address the problem. Or...be happy and keep on working and grinding and continue looking for a job that pays more. It might just be as simple as you seem young and smug and have not paid your dues yet and the employers want someone older. If you truely want money so much user it will come. We get what we deserve in life to a certain extent. Maybe you have not gotten to the point where you deserve or day I say need that big paycheck yet. Can you not just be happy and let this happen?
Oops, I missed your comment about F&I. You'd agree or disagree that getting F&I jobs at them is tough? Couldn't tell by how you worded.
Im planning on becoming an accountant. How many years of college did u do. Do you enjoy the job? And whats a normal day look like
Oh I was saying that F&I doesn't have as high of a turnover rate as the rest of the positions. I don't know about how hard it is to get hired on as F&I since they tend to keep their job (even when one was coked out and fucking up paperwork constantly).
I would bet money that your resume is a bloated self important novel with minimal experience and you Come across as a kid who wants it all for no particular reason other than you really really want to be successfull
I did 2 years out of the 4 I was meant to. Pretty glad, though - learning on the job (assuming one can get the job) is way better and you get paid to do it.
I don't enjoy any job, but to put it precisely, a job is reasonably palatable in accounting if the things I have to post involve source documents that run through me/I get to approve them. When there's no uniformity of command and when the feedback loops are fucked up, it's a hemorrhoid of a job.
>And whats a normal day look like
When I was in a clerical position, owner's special tasks first, then AR, then AP. Now that I'm in a more advanced role, I start with owner's specially delegated tasks, then banking for hours, payroll, agency remittances and resolutions, ar/ap disputes, then using the last fraction of the day to do your usual ap/ar entries.
Huh very interesting