Are femanons even real? Do any of them actaully want us or do they still fantasize over chads?

Are femanons even real? Do any of them actaully want us or do they still fantasize over chads?

Attached: 1426975110517.jpg (1419x773, 242K)

Stupid fucking thread. Eat shit.

Sorry user but no they are just faggots from discord larping to get attention and some of them even get money lmao

>the cigarettes
>the blood stained underwear
>waste basket full of used tampons
>mattress on the floor
who is this supposed to be? I don't have any of this stuff

>are femanons real
>do they want us
no, we want men who look like this

Attached: ted.jpg (1000x1481, 258K)

I exist, mostly adverse to "chads" due to the fact I'm a fatty and they'd rather fuck "stacies".
Idk if I want anyone on r9k, but I want companionship. Mostly on here to feel some sense of belonging. I relate a lot with social isolation and a general sense of inferiority compared to a vast amount of my gender.

no we don't. yuck

>no, we want men who look like this
can confirm

>who is this supposed to be? I don't have any of this stuff
This. Whoever made it hasn't spent time with a female shut in.

Why is is it so hard to believe we exist?

Attached: homura_akemi_vector_by_hombre0_d4ccjbw_by_madoka_magicahomura1-d70j2ng.png (900x928, 242K)

>tfw I look like that

tranners are not women

Show tits with timestamp and we will believe you

be my bf pIease-

I will but only if you live near Toronto

What do you want then user

They exist, but just like any other woman, they only have eyes for the best males out of any group. So they will just end up with the cyborgs and normies, true robots are still fucked.

>Idk if I want anyone on r9k, but I want companionship. Mostly on here to feel some sense of belonging.
I think that's how we all feel, really. It feels good to know were not alone in this, but at the same time I try not and let myself wallow and feel bad for myself, because I feel it only makes you more depressed. I could understand why you wouldn't want to date somebody on r9k though.

I just find it difficult to believe a woman uses any other internet platform than facebook, snapchat, or instagram. It feels like even the most beta females are constantly on those.

No they wouldn't want us they almost enjoy our suffering it makes them feel better about themselves

>Married a robot
I don't know how common that is, but that's how my life turned out. Pretty happy with it.

you've diluted that word to the point that it doesnt even mean anything anymore

Femanons are real
Fembots are not
Although it is almost always a guy fucking with you

I don't have snapchat or instagram. Only have a bit of family on facebook, and only use it to follow some aquarium and reptile groups I'm in.
Don't think I have a photo of myself on there, and latest post was from maybe 2-3 years back.

Yes, there are female anons on this board.
No, they do not want "robots" nor do they fantasize over "chads"