Help wanted

i need a person to teach me polish :[ can provide female (female) affection and attention.
thank u

Attached: tumblr_pl32zm23YO1woe7lto2_1280.png (1280x720, 379K)

i don't know polish but i want affection, i do know small bits of norwegian though

Tits with timestamp or gtfo

norwegian works! all i know in norwegian is "pupper" for tits

i-i can teach you spanish if you want...

i've got something for you to polish right here


Attached: polish_this.jpg (600x600, 158K)

hey once youre done giving him affection. can i get some too? i dont know polish, but we can learn it together and practice

yo hablo un poco espanol hahah.
that would be sweet! i need to learn more vocab and pronunciation.

norwegian and most nordic languages are 99% just word replacement, it's incredibly easy
ie "du er ikke en mann"
du = you
er = are
ikke = not
en = a
mann = man

im these posts, im also down for learning polish

are you norwegian? or is it for fun?

it was fun but i got sidetracked and stopped

what's your ethnicity then? do you live in america?

ye, unorigunally

that's cool! i want to visit one day. what state?

north carolina, it's an ok state. if you ever do come to visit i suggest new york (the city) or los angeles

i don't like big cities, i prefer small country side stuff

My wife is Polish - she can help you if you like.

Attached: morning 12 31 18.jpg (615x626, 63K)

then pick any random southern state

>Posting your wife on Jow Forums

Please kill yourself

would she be a good teacher? some people aren't very good at it.

I honestly don't care. I don't believe in this site being a boogey-man.

Anyway OP, her English is also far superior to native English speakers, so she'll be able to communicate obscure things to you with precision and confidence. If giving affection is just as important as learning, though (nothing wrong with that!), let this slide.

See my answer herein And I just asked her to confirm. She said she'd be happy to try.

cant see well but shes probably very cute. can I spend time with her if I just get to hug her

i'm fine with completely platonic! i'd love to have her help! is there some way to communicate her?

She uses Skype pretty much exclusively. You can leave some throwaway contact info (even a discord tag) and I'll give you her Skype details in private.

If you want a bonus, paste a sort-of-complex English sentence or paragraph and I'll have her Vocaroo the Polish translation. :)

i don't have a skype account i'm afraid :[ don't plan on making one either i'm sorry.
but i really appreciate this kind offer of yours! best of luck

Surely, and best of luck. It's a formidable language to learn. Hope someone cozy teaches you.

She agreed she's very cute. Wasn't amenable to the other part. You tried, brother.

>Get opportunity to learn Polish for free.

>No sorry don't wanna make a skype account! teehee

Literally wtf

Imagine being a stupid fuck

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Can I talk to your hot wife