>tfw left libertarian but conservative
Anyone else here?
Tfw left libertarian but conservative
Nope, im a futurist fascist
>>tfw left libertarian but conservative
could you expand on that?
Probably ancom or mutualist
>tfw unironic 90s tier liberal
I am a socialist "conservative"I guess. I get called nazi and fascist by my peers for being against SJW shit and feminists. Most of the people I like are right wing because the left is cuck paradise, I just want more taxes and free healthcare :^)
I believe in a small government, and left wing economical policies, but i am socially conservative.
Are you saying that being a conservative left libertarian is being a 90s tier liberal, or that you are a 90s tier liberal? What is a 90s tier liberal anyways?
>left wing economical policies
>small government
such as? I am assuming you mean high minumian wage. anyhting else?
>tfw right libertarian but liberal
Anyone else here?
I think it speaks for itself man. The point isnt specific political ideas i have, just the general orientation. Its not really popular to see people who are left libertarian but also socially conservative, i kinda feel alone it so basically im seeing if anyone else is like this as well.
>left wing economical policies
>socially conservative
This has to be the most retarded combo
small government is such a retarded meme. effective government is what matters, not its size. you could easily decrease size of a government by cutting out all consumer protection agencies for example, but that would be stupid. unless you also believe in the "muh free market meme." which means you were born middle class or above and haven't graduated high school
>fiscally right wing but socially progressive
Literally r*ddit lmao
Right here user. Do whatever you want, but don't make me pay for it.
Nah actually having that opinion shows that you're a peabrain who thinks that because the people you see that are economically left are also progressive, that those things must be intrinsically linked. It shows that you have a low capacity for critical thought and just lump everything together because you wouldn't be able to make sense of more complexity.
Holy shit, that girl second from the right is a cutie.
i am the superior race
Sort of in a similar position.
>really want to get married, have kids, have hobbies like baking, pressing flowers and sewing
>radical feminist
>radical feminist
Thats socially progressive though
>left libertarian but conservative
So you like to smoke weed and bash minorities?
Don't you think it's sort of redundant saying you're left libertarian conservative? because libertarians are literally left leaning conservatives
Left economic policies lead to some of the worst disasters of the 20th century. Social conservatism is for christians who want to push their bullshit on everyone else. Treat people like adults and fuck outta here with your big daddy government bullshit.
>I think it speaks for itself man.
it really doesnt, small goverment and left wing economics are mostly mutually exculivse.
would have made a little sense if you said socially conservative but economically liberal or vis veras.
>I think it speaks for itself man.
you need to go deeper.
the bigger problem is the left wants to make every one equal, but use state force to do it (at the end of the gun so to speak), which at the end point means oppressing successfully people and making individuals weak and state strong.
>just let the state take care of your Heathr care, job, schooling, housing, retirement, etc what could go wrong?
while the other side trends in a very different direction, and both sides are retarded when left unchecked
>I believe in a small government
>fuck outta here with your big daddy government bullshit.
Nigga literally retarded
>it really doesnt, small goverment and left wing economics are mostly mutually exculivse.
Found the tard
Refer to
you are using radical feminist different than it is often used.
Do you just mean radical equality?
you need to define left wing economics then, because that usally means redistributive safety net programs such as welfare and unemployment and healthcare and oversight of worker safety and reeducation if you get laid off.
^and all of those are considered big government
left and right are very close in America
>tfw am a white nationalist but have an Asian wife
Anyone else?
get on my level of political thought
Libertarian-Authoritarian axis is about how many rules there are
Left-Right axis is about what kind of rules there are
>tfw no early US gf
by you not answering I can tell you are the tard, btfo. You have refused to define any of your terms because you have no idea what you are talking about
Good thing i am not an americreature then
Imagine being so butt flustered about an off hand comment that you doublepost so quickly and nervously that you forget to read the thread
Tfw Marxist Communist but anti government and anarchist
why so mad?
this post you linked to says nothing. You still cant tell me what left wing economics means to you, I wanted to have a discussion but all you know is buzzwords
sounds like version primitivism to me
Ay yo you callin me a fuckin monkey, bitch?
>this nigger is literally incapable of reading
I explain to you here how libertarian and left are not mutually exclusive
Go get educated in basic reading skills before you try to tackle politics. One step at a time bucko.
He said nothing on technology so you're retarded
>not just being a civil libertarian
Treating any economic ideology as dogma is retarded.
Yeah, but I'm privately pretty conservative. I'm a virgin, don't want to have sex until I'm in an LTR, and want to live a quiet life with my husband, my kids, and my pets. Ideally I'd live off the land and shoot and grow my own food, but that's a fantasy. I'd settle for a garden.
2005 called. They want their memes back. I posted pic related for you so you could hurry out the door.
>radical equality
Ugh, self proclaimed "egalitarians". Could an opinion be more boring?
No, I meant radical feminist. As in, porn is evil, gender must be abolished, trannies are men, abortion is great and women (and men) should be able to fuck whomever they please provided there's consent.
radical feminist means female supremacy, they beleave females are superior to males and should have more rights than men. They EXPLICITLY state this kid.
terms have meaning you cant just assign your own meaning to them.
you still ahvnt said what that means. and know point to vage terms is not the answer, tell me what explicit policies you mean when you say economically left. like I did when I said economically left means a large social safety net, and listed the parts of that net, which require high taxes and big government
take this garbage to pol and fuck off
>should be able to fuck whomever they please provided there's consent.
>porn is evil,
isnt that a little contradictory at some level.
>gender must be abolished
opinion discarded, sex is biological, you can talk about changing cultral norms but you can never make males and females exactly the same without huge state enforced repression
user im exactly how you are
i actually hate race mixing
I used to work with a Ukranian girl who looked remarkably like the girl in the middle. She was like 20 and married to some rich Russian dude, but would openly flirt with me; maybe "flirt" isn't the right word. Out of seemingly nowhere, she'd call me cute and say things like "If I wasn't married, I'd go out with you," etc. It's the only time a girl has ever at least pretended to be attracted to me. Part of me really misses that.
>antifa is anti race mixing
dork and retarded
>you can't just assign your own meaning to words
t. guy who doesn't get that's literally how language works, who has never read a feminist book in his life and only ever seen Tumblr screenshots, and who is literally in the process of redefining terms because the lady on the internet disagreed with him.
Anyway, you're boring so I'm done talking with you unless you can say who "they" are who are "explicitly" saying such things.
It's complicated.
In a perfect world, where porn was produced by free individuals and depicted healthy sex, and was consumed by conscious viewers, then yeah. There's nothing wrong there.
However, porn as it exists is terrible. Porn has a corrupt industry, sexist and racist on-screen portrayals, a noticeable effect of addition on the personality and views of the viewer for the world, does not always feature consenting parties (ex. creep shots), features workers who are abused or denied worker's rights, and consumed by people who do not care about these problems so long as they get to cum. That's wrong.
>sex is biological
You're saying this like I should be shocked. I'm a TERF, user, get a grip.
>he thinks sex is gender
A true reason to disregard an opinion.
>tfw want voluntary society free from aggression with no government
>think austro-libertarian economics makes the most sense but open to any system that meets above
>tfw left anarchists pull the no true scotsman among other things and hate anything that doesn't conform to their systems of anarchy
>tfw fascists, statist left and right, and other authoritarians also hate freedom and decentralized power
>tfw "just want to be left alone" cliche phrase fits pretty well but don't know where to fit in
I just want to see lots of different types of stateless communities tried
>tfw left libertarian but conservative
>Anyone else here?
You could describe me that way. I don't self identify as conservative, but in terms of values (not policy responses) I'm closer to the conservatives on many issues.
Whoever you are you sound perfect
How do I get you to be my wife?
I'm slightly surprised there are people on this site who would marry a feminist.
Let me guess, femdom fetish?
No, not even a little
Just about everything you said was something I agree with
And while I don't like looking over lists like that and checking them off as if that's how you find a good wife, your list intrigued me
Always leaned libertarian, in almost all facets. Having worked for the federal government, I grew more drastically libertarian economically. Never before have I witnessed such inane waste.
I am still pretty liberal socially, but I find myself swinging more and more conservatively as time passes. In the current state of affairs I guess that means I'm fairly conservative socially, at least with current politics (eg. believing in 2 sexes, not wanting a welfare state, not wanting victomhood culture, disagreeing with affrimative action). I just find every forum or board extremely polarized one way or another nowadays.
>2nd from right is hottest grill
>doesn't show feet
It could have been so nice...