What is objectively the best drug out there?
What is objectively the best drug out there?
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Idk but name/tripfags are objectively the worst posters
heroins so good it will ruin your life and you won't even mind. dont fuck with that shit
people always laugh at me for saying this but here it goes:
>mostly legal
>not that addictive
>great if you stand a few minutes through the nausea
definitely opiates. No paranoia, no bad trips, no coke muscles, just feeling fucking great
This mix will have you feeling unstoppable
>What is objectively the best drug out there?
Ayahuasca is by far the best experience on this planet. It is also legal and dirt-cheap: maya-ethnobotanicals.com
Here is how to use it: dmt-nexus.me
that mix does not sound good.
speed with benzos and weed
oxy with benzos and weed
those are the two good options. watch out to not overdose with the second one
i hate benzos they're either expensive or hard to get, last time i got on clonazepam y lost consciousness during a night out and ended up in a hotel room with other two people and i still can't remember what happened or what i did but i sure as hell don't want that to happen again
even if you do them in a controlled environment they get you incredibly sleepy i couldn't last more than three hours awake anytime i tried it at home so it really felt like i was just wasting my time
can someone link me some psychs I can buy just using my debit card? haven't tripped in months excluding dxm, and I need to get into a very introspective mindset..im in the united states, and I would prefer a reputable vendor/site with domestic shipping if possible.
DMT and cannabis
Supposedly MXE is better and it used to be dirt cheap (in like 2014? idk when)
Lmao today I took 30 droplets of Clonazepam (each drop is 0.1mg, so 3mg in total) and I've been feeling really dizzy (can't walk straight), mentally confused, lazy, sleepy etc but no real euphoria or any of the kind. Wtf. Should I try xanax instead. I wanna get high.
san pedro cactus, 100% clearnet
it is not even worth it to take xanax without weed
What is the xanax+weed combo feel like lol
DOx chemicals get my vote, you get a euphoria rush and they produce visuals as well. There used to be microdots that contained LSD25 and STP back in the 60s.. my late grandma remembered having some. Haven't heard of them making anything similar since.
it feels like weed and xanax. it's better to go heavy on the weed and then have the relaxation of a small amount of xanax.
Shrooms or DMT. Fucking amazing, but they are hard to find.
any benzo is a waste of time really i dont see the appeal
See . Ayahuasca will be like 10 years of therapy in a day.
Bleach, drink a tall glass and spare us from your faggotry god damn it.
>find this post
mah nigga
MXE is #1
fuck everything else
you never got to try it? i weep for you. i did various synths and i'll tell you there is a wide variety. it's the best shit. holy heck i miss it so bad
man people always try to protect naturals but even when i think weed is kinda comfy it will never be better than synths
there is so many that i dont even know maybe you should study yourself idiot.
cannabis because 54h5ui3h5iu345
Whippets while listening to Yellow Magic Orchestra is pretty great, but the high is short and expensive. Good for a holiday or birthday though.
Ketamine for the comfy feeling it gives you
For robots opioids. Emotional pain and physical pain are handled along some similar pathways in the brain. They really do kill the pain.
Stimulants and ironiclly considering how deep and enlightened it's users tend to think there are especially psychedelics are normalfag drugs.
Why not heroin instead of oxy?
Reality is the most bizarre trip possible.
For me, it's cocaine.