Long live Elliot Rodger. The supreme gentlemen

Long live Elliot Rodger. The supreme gentlemen.
Rules of r9k: There must be at least one Elliot thread on this board at all times.

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>There must be at least one Elliot thread on this board at all times.
NO HOPE for that, at least during the European daytime. I'm the only one left here who digs him.


Damn, he's so spectacularly magnicifent.

Guess I'm a bit wrong. After all, there WERE people posting in another similar thread yesterday when I was too busy leaving for the doctor's appointment.

But I guess that now none of those ppl will post, as they are, after all, law enforcement workers or their assistants in my country, all sitting in a circle knowing what the others posted, deliberately ignoring everyone who is not them.

Fuck that! He's a traitor, and part of the reason so many people hate us. You, and all his other admirers, are worse than the trannyshilling scum!

>You, and all his other admirers, are worse than the trannyshilling scum!
Whatever. I AM still GOING TO write that novel series loosely based on him and make art inspired by him. Those things are personally VERY important to me. As important as becoming a successful artist and purifying the world. :)

And what do you mean he is a traitor? Do you really think like that or are you just presenting a lie to make people drop him? Just curious.

I have no images of the Supreme on my computer right now , as I always need to remove them before closing it, in the fear of it not opening anymore so that they will find those pics in my uni when they repair it, so I post some E-related art.

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The only way to purify the world is to spread Elliot's story far and wide, beyond the narrow sea

Just her to pay my respects to our lord and savior.

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>cucked by a locked door

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I salute you sir!

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Honest question. Why do you people dig him so much? I mean, did you guys read his manifesto and the crazy bullshit in it? Apart of his hatred of roasties (well women in general desu) what is so appealing about him?

I mean do you really dig his fantasy of going full ISIS on everyone in campus area? Robots, Chads, Stacies etc.? I mean look at the people he killed. Only perhaps one of them could be considered a chad and that not 100% chad. They girls werent even roasties but some uggos that would be lucky to get laid once during their college years...And what about the asian robots/cyborg virgin roommates?

I would love to sit down and chat with Elliot Roger.
He reminds me of myself but Hapa and his autism was cranked up to 11.

It's hard for me personally explain what exactly fascinates me so much in him. I mean, I am not exactly an incel myself, more like a halfcel, just like Elliot himself was (being an incel due to his too high standards). Also I am a bit of an psychcel, having mental issues standing in the way of mating.

Anyhow, before I got into him I was already fascinated by some of the killers, but only fictional characters. I was having a phase in my life I was struggling with being bullied (and I still am to some extent), and I had violent fantasies about killing my bullies, even if I am not really going to do anything such as they are not worth me rotting in jail for the rest of my life. But I greatly enjoyed watching someone else killing their "bullies". Then there was Elliot, who, aside from being such a fascinating person himself executed his dream of killing his enemies. I do not agree about his choice of victims though, he should've been more careful about it only killing the true bad-assess, but I still can't help being fascinated (and even infatuated) by him. It's pretty much the entire package that counts; he himself, what he did, his videos, manifesto, the story and the world he lived in. No other killer has done this to me.

Not to mention I have ALWAYS had pretty strong murderous impulses, although I can hold them back well enough to prevent myself from doing anything rash.

I wish there was a full length version of this song lel
>Can someone please webm this for me?


That art is really good but who's the bearded guy?

just a reminder that robots are virgins of peace, we're getting lumped in with incels because of people like elliot rodger and his fans.

And this is why we love him so much.

So what do the words "robot" and "incel" mean to you?

incel is an virgin who is very violent, true robot has already died from the inside due to emotional starvation.

>Rules of r9k: There must be at least one Elliot thread on this board at all times.
that rule is almost never enforced

Neither is the "post the BUS" one.
>tfw no one else knows the BUS anymore

First off I'd like to say I am a completely heterosexual man, but something about Elliot Rodger is just so enticing. It's surprising that such an aesthetically pleasing individual was never able to pick up any hot men or women. I would have gladly snuggled with him in bed while slowly suckling on his earlobe, whispering words into his ear. Just me and my buttercup. Love you rodge.

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I literally do not know any women who are virgins. I know 0/10s, I know 16 year olds, I know no female virginsq

well educate us my due

He is supposed to be Ray William Johnson, according to the person who hacked Elliot's Twitter (ElliotRodgerGod) and is now posting on it. He works with "Incel Wars" anime project.

Well user, sounds like you have some serious problems. Have you tried to take up some violent hobby? MMA or Boxing? That might help you release some stress and anger. Psychiatrist also wouldnt hurt you. I mean, I hate normies as much as the next robot and bullies deserve to be shot but comeon. Its not worth throwing your freedom or life just to kill (or attempt to kill) a few normies. Cops today will get you quickly and there isnt many active serial killers today...What would you even gain from it? Followers - they wont free you from jail and most of them will just be larpers. Fame - one time thing, soon you would be forgotten.

I get your fascination with serial killers or killers in general. Its nothing new to be honest. Most people are somehow attracted to these people because it makes them feel special or they even admire their motives. I mean, look at killers like Carnajev or Holmes. They get tons of letters from roasties wanting their evil cocks. But thats about it. Seriously user, dont get consumed by this fanatism. Pussy isnt the only thing in a world. A friendly advice - let go of Elliot.

Fuck off nay sayer. Don't you have a stacie to worship?

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>A friendly advice - let go of Elliot.
Sorry, user, but I won't. I feel OBLIGED to be loyal to him to some point, as he was so much like me in many ways, and he had to throw his life away all too early. He needs to be remembered by some people, and go on his living that way. That is why I can't abandon him, even if I know he would've treated me the same way as anyone else of this wretched humanity. Also I am not into killing normies, or even chads or stacies, even if the latter would deserve to have some serious punishment for their obnoxious behavior. I am more into offing the true bad-asses in this world. Not sure if I will get anything done on that sector though, as it is, as you said, VERY hard to become a serial killer in the world of today, and I do not wish to rot in jail or be executed. Also I am not interested in fame coming from it, if I actually would start purifying the world, I would do it in all secrecy, so that I get to enjoy my free life at the same time and pursue my other goals. I'd just want to clean this planet a bit. Maybe, I should've become a cop, but in the end, I rather hold a pen in my hand than a pistol or a rod.

I have no money for a psychiatrist, and they do not allow a state one for such a mild case as mine. You should have at least a schizophrenia to be able to have that.

Alek Minassian was much more based. He has a higher kill count of at least 4 Stacies and he brought the worldwide attention to incels.

Really goes to show you that personality is much more important than kill count.

Yeah, and the MATERIALS TO STUDY to dive into their minds. I mean, what do we have for Minassian? A few funny FB posts. Even Randy S. is more interesting due to his vast internet archives.

You're getting mixed up user. Eggman is the true legend and ruler of r9k.

He will one day return and this place will become glorious once again

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Couldn't agree more user. He's a legen

he makes good trap music

I don't think he will be doing it for long. No one will be interested in his music now that he can't make YT videos anymore. Same goes for his acting: he was interesting as long as he had a channel with some following. It's the typical social media shit: people are interested in what you do because you have some bigger following. You act crazy in the internet, get following, and suddenly you get work offers as the idiots think that the number of followers equals to talent and skills.

is this last video?

Elliot was not one of us. He was a deluded narcissist who blamed everyone else for his problems, completely unable to take an objective look at himself. Also he was a fucking failure as a mass shooter, if I ever had to go on a rampage I bet your ass I would kill more than six fucking people lmao

Look, I have found Elliot's half brother.

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Yes, that is his latest video, as far as I know. He was going to have one month lasting series of daily streams, but only got four done, before was contacted by federal agents and warned that he will be arrested if he goes on being an incel leader.

he should go to bitchute

Wow. Watching the thumbnail, I actually thought it's a new never before seen picture of him as a teen. Wow.

You can't be sure of that. He failed with the shootings because there wasn't too many people around, as it was Friday and the last day of the semester.

maybe he should stick to soundcloud

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Parts of his story were relatable, while his homicidal fury was not. Why is this so hard to understand? You don't have to condone violence to see yourself in his story. I'm tall and played sports in high school but I could relate with this manlet hapa. The parts about feeling left behind when puberty started described exactly the way I felt.

Egg got laid and has some degree of social aptitude

The kills were just a way to spread his message. He knew how the media worked since his dad was part of it. No one would read the message if he had just an heroed

I find his psychology really interesting, I like to try and understand his perspectives on things. I don't know, some of his viewpoints remind me of how I felt as a teenager.

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No. He was always a normalfag or a cyborg at worst, even before posting here. Eggman was a false prophet.