Who else is spending Australia day alone

Who else is spending Australia day alone

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Horrible name for a holiday.

fuck abos

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didn't even realise it was australia day

I guess this calls for an excuse to get drunk alone now though

And the sjws that "care" about them

Mentally in a deep isolation. Physically surrounded by people I lack any real connection with.

ill get stoned with you guys a d watch some Danger 5! happy australia day!

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don't even have any drugs to enjoy myself

i dont give a shit about abos being butthurt that they lost but we should change the day so we can have a holiday towards the end of the year

Kiwi here.

There's an abo stealing your ride on mower and selling it for drugs

give me a better date to change Australia day too. inb4 'just don't celebrate it' no fuck you.

I forgot about it. I've never been a fan of federation or the mainland, so I don't really care to celebrate a unified Australia.

Had to work an 8 hour wagie shift at the bottle-o because this is the only place in the country it's raining and the other bloke can't get into town.

It's the busiest day we've had in 18 months.
I'm still at work now

Spending the afternoon listening to some Merzbow albums. Wouldn't have realised today was Australia day except that the retards next door are having a party.

>walk past a large "invasion day" demonstration
>100% whites

Every fucking time.

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I already got pissed with friends yesterday. Ill just celebrate it at home

Imagine working on a Public fucking holiday and not getting holiday rates. This country can go fuck itself. I dont give a shit that Monday is also observed. Im not getting paid for Monday now am I?? Fucking cunts

Can someone explain why the fuck anyone at all is patriotic for this country? We don't have a long history or any big achievements, no culture to speak of and as each year passes we're only becoming more of a shithole. There's nothing to be proud of here.

Fuck off Tasmanian

Often it's just because Australia is all that person understands, or they feel allegiance to this nation because they were born in it.

One of the safest and richest countries in the world

Yup. Slowly making my fatty liver disease worse.

Never seen anyone really at all patriotic unless for the fucking abos and trailer trash

because I like the country I grew up and lived in? it has flaws, yes, but it's still one of the best countries on the planet.

Only because of luck and we're still managing to piss it all down the drain

Fuck off, mainlander. Enjoy being flooded by non-whites.

Yup and ready to die from alcohol poisoning

Luck or not who gives a fuck, still worth celebrating. Fuck me, no wonder you're alone today you fucking sook

I wish i lived in Austrailia
Its warm
Its so fucking cold where i live
and as to what ill be doing on that day.
Probably just playing Resident Evil 2 or Zleda BOTW.


It's like living on the surface of the sun.

Cold is better than heat. It's easier to warm yourself up when it's cold than it is to cool down when it's hot.

Why would you die from it? How much do you drink?

>its warm
Too fucking warm theirs no rain in north queensland help me please I just want good water to fill up the dam I don't wanna drink shit

Lol is today Australia day?

Imagine being so normie that you actually memorise "important dates"

I just woke up and felt shitty. Until now I didn't even know today had any relevance.

Fucking normies

Newfag. Go back to /b/.

fuck off ming zhu you dumb chink

its a day off uni for all i care, parents want to go bbq in this fucking heat though
will attempt to spend it alone at home by saying someshit like i have homework to finish

fuck sydney i want to live somewhere cooler. why is this country so hot

Sitting here wanting to drive a knife into my eye.


Drankan goon with muh dad. Quit being a sad boong and go get yourself a silver pillow.

This cunt gets it

Wot to do about the Aborigine equation? Surely there must be a solution.

How the fuck do aboriginals still exist? Thought they would've been killed or all racemixed by now.

Nigga I'm north of cairns and it's raining so hard I had to wade through knee deep water coming home from work.
Dont give me your north queensland bullshit i bet you live in townsville

>North of Cairns
I'm not the user you were talking to, but jesus fucking christ mate. I'm so sorry. I thought it was impossible for robots to live anywhere north of Mackay

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Australia is like 80% non white at this point so most people spend it alone either way

There's nothing here
>700 people in town
>only general store is a service station
>every woman has ridden all the cocks in a 20km radius
>could open a good denture business with the combined missing teeth of the locals

it doesn't have niggers (excluding Melbourne)

hey guys
im drunk alone. feels bad.

i hope you all had at least something good happen today.
i love you r9k. you make me feel like i have friends someimtes.

I really doubt abos give a single fuck about this, it'd just be white sjw fucktards pushing it