Gf cheated on me two weeks ago

>gf cheated on me two weeks ago
>forgive her because she quickly admitted to it as soon as I expressed that I was suspicious about her friendship with her ex
>she cried in my arms and explained she was drunk and just ''wanted to see him'' and didn't mean for it to lead to sex
>wanted to believe she genuinely felt bad and wouldn't do it again
>Look through her phone again tonight
>realize she's still fucking
>lots of graphic conversation
>stuff like ''you better not be fucking your cuck boyfriend, you belong to me'' ''I'm not I promise''
>tfw we've only had sex 2 in the last month
>confront her angry
>she hints that she would kill herself if I dump her
What the fuck do I do
she will have to live on the street if I dump her and she has attempted suicide before

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is she ciara ?! your gf

She won't do it, she will attempt it and try to blame you. But you should leave her. Adultery is a grave sin.

Kick her cheating ass out obviously. Are you a fucking cuck? Why am I even responding to pasta.

>What the fuck do I do
Tell her down the road not across the street

Just dump her user, who cares about the outcome. You know she's just using you right?

If this isn't bait, you need to wake the fuck up and cut that whore out of your life
I had a somewhat similar situation that almost drove me to suicide, and finally removing that bitch from my life changed everything for the better

>>she hints that she would kill herself if I dump her
She won't. She might attempt it. But she won't. Not that it matters anyway. If this is the she's going to treat you, she deserves to be on the streets

do the bog, brother.

>he ignored the never stick your dick in crazy rule

You made your bed OP. Now sleep in it.

just throw her ass out, its her own fault for betraying a person who literally has the power to ruin her life

Realize that your relationship was not mutual and the fantasy of being a happy couple is over. Do not morn something like this but do whatever you can to remove that parasite you call a gf away from your life as soon as possible.

Also this sounds a lot like something Ciara would say. Are you baiting because it sort of sounds like old Ciara bait posting. You do know it's 2019. She's irrelevant now. Just let it go

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ciara is your gf?

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I'd feel horrible if she committed suicide and he is taking advantage of her, she's struggled with sex addiction since she was a young girl
She says she can't orgasm with me because of my lack of girth and that's the only reason she fucks him, to satisfy her sex addiction
As much as it makes me feel horrible I'd straight up go to hell if I caused her to commit suicide

Your mistake was not dumping her after the first time you dumb cuck.

>she hints that she would kill herself if I dump her
Well op sounds like you've got more of a reason to dump her, make the cheating cunt kill herself, the world will be a better place for it.

dump the whore let her kill herself, you should have done that in the first place

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she wont commit suicide. trust me, been there done that. if anything, shes just trying to benefit from both you and the other dude. let her go man. theres better chicks out there. if she truly loved you, she wouldnt need another man to "satisfy her sexual needs"

>i cant satisfy my gf so i let her fuck her ex

Her ex is messaging me saying I better not dump her or he'll kick my ass. What the fuck, I guess she's texting him STILL
But she's denying it ''it's just a coincidence''

are you sure? Does she really love you or not?

kick his ass OP, dont let her control you like this

shes fucking using you idiot get rid of her. dont be her life support shes a dumb piece of shit

You now have an opportunity to kick your whore gf to the streets AND possibly get her ex arrested. Take it.

kick her out and say fuck you you cheated on me you lying whore get the fuck out

all these idiots fall for the bait

he did delete his insta hmmm

its a hypothetic, not bait retard

Great. Now the fucking spic piece of shit ex of hers wants to come here to fight me

>gf cheated on me
No thots

I can neither confirm or deny

Dump her. Better yet first tell her to tell him he means nothing to her and was a terrible mistake and he means nothing to her, have her burn shit that used to be his if she wants you to stay, and then dump her anyway. She won't an hero. They never do.

God dammit you're such a faggot OP. Just admit it that the thought of "your" gf getting fucked by Chad makes you cum all over yourself every time you think about it. Sticking your dick into holes, knowing that it's rubbing against Chad's cum probably turns you on as well. You disgust me.

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Your GF is a piece of shit. Demote her. Keep her around to peel potatoes and wash dishes. You owe her zero loyally. I'd make her watch how easy it is to find abother.

Alternatively you could just cop a piece and threaten whoever the other guy is, kill him if necessary. Just don't be a cuck.

Oh. It's a cuckold larp thread. KYS degenerate.

its Your fault OP should have hit her hard the first time you found out

Dump her, you normie faggot. SAGE

It would be time to dump, she wants to cheat on you, doing the wrong thing, then guilt trip/ punish you for doing something about it.
However you want, tell her its over and you won't be getting back together, best case scenario, she is just cucking you for fun
Worst case, she is mental and actually kills herself, if thats the case, is a life of watching her cheat on you and keeping you tied any better?
Do what you see fit, but there is no 3 strike rule in a relationship, the other would have learned the first time, but they jeopardize a trusting relationship 2 times based on lust.

Dump her ass, and report his. If you're feeling particularly Jow Forums, shit mortar his hovel or something.

dump the dumb fucking whore waste of air

dont be a fucking pushover op, dont let people step on you, dont let women fucking use you. dump the piece of garbage

That's sweet of you to be so forgiving. Sounds similar to how it was with me my ex and my boyfriend. My boyfriend stuck by me to help me get through it and over the abusive ex. I felt horrible overtime I relapsed and slept with him but his forgiveness showed me what real love is

If she's trying to pull the "I'll kill myself" card then call the police as soon as you have any evidence that she's going to do so. It's unlikely she'll ever pull that card if you show that you will contact the necessary people.

This has to be a larp, please be a larp.
If not
Dump the cheating pos, who cares what happens to her. Not only is she a cheater, but she's a manipulator too, saying she'd kill yourself if you dump her. Sex addiction my fucking ass, she's a whore trying to make herself out as a victim to gain your sympathy and manipulate you. Get the fuck out, now is the easiest and best time.
Also, as others have noted, if she actually kills herself (which she won't), then good riddance.

Ignore the toxic virgins. Cheating isn't as bad as prudes pretend it is. Sex can be totally meaningless

100% bullshit. An attraction is a feeling. It's not something you'd be doing if you felt nothing, if it meant nothing.

Not really I used to cheat on my boyfriend solely because the dick felt really good and he had lots of stamina. I hated the guy and had little to no attraction to him, I just closed my eyes and imagined I was with someone attractive

Well at least he wasnt wrong about you being a cuck, might as well just invite him over and cook dinner for them and watch him fuck her brains out cuck

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dump the bitch and hope that she kills herself.

>t. once a cheating whore always a cheating whore
OP this is why you never give a bitch a second chance they aint nothing but hoes and tricks hopping from one dick to the next

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It was good bait before but this is pretty shit. Too obvious

Yeah break up with that girl.

Lmao are you the "lifted for her for 4 years and she chose a spic" fag lmao

>she hints that she would kill herself if I dump her
Go to a men's shelter and say she's committing domestic abuse.

leave her dont be stupid

Fucking dump her. You don't owe her anything.

WTF user
She's cheating on you
You better be dump her like this thot

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Why is she so pretty in this pic?

In my opinion, cheating is an immediate dissolution of any monogamous relationship.

>they end the relationship by cheating
>they think you owe them absolutely anything
>you consider doing anything for them at all
Don't, if you entered a monogamous relationship, they ended it, you owe them nothing.

This is either bait or you really are a weak man.
Have some respect for yourself and dump her.
Youre not responsible for her killing herself

Dump her. If she kills herself, at least she can't help talk even more dumbasses into being useless whores.

>literal cuckold betas like OP manage to get relationships
I don't understand anything.

i would give her a beating and then throw her out

Call the police and tell them they need to put her in a psych ward because she's mentally unstable and you're afraid she'll kill herself.

How in the fuck is there always a bait thread of this kind at the first page with hundreds of replies. Is this board full of newfags or simply dumbasses?
It truly baffles me.

I mean the only real clue is the part where she allegedly admits to some form of wrongdoing.


she fucking deserves to die
dont leave it to chance, just fucking kill her yourself

Tell her you hope she does kill her self and that she is a terrible person.

This is obviously bait, but you are literally her sexual fantasy she gets off to cucking you. How can you stand this shit.

The only real cue is everything. It's obvious as fuck generic bait thread number nine millions, with the whole my gf is cucking me shit and e celeb girl picture crap included. Couldn't be more bait. Maybe if the boyfriend is black.

kill her before she kills herself

You should cult all emotional ties with this woman right now. You should get her to do some bdsm shit even if you aren't that into. i think i read somewhere that if you beat her up enough while you're smashing you can like lower her seratonin or some shit like that and can essentiallly dominate her, do that. If you do that she'll kind of like form a dependency on you. uncuck yourself man i believe in you,

>gf cheated on me two weeks ago
>forgive her because she quickly admitted to it as soon as I expressed that I was suspicious about her friendship with her ex
and that was supposed to somehow make it better? do you have even a shred of dignity? she cheated on and it doesn't matter in the slightest if she admitted it or if she was sorry, there's no self-respecting man who wouldn't drop her on the spot. it was 100% certain she'd cheat again too, but that's not even relevant
>she hints that she would kill herself if I dump her
she won't, but why would you even care at this point?

>but why would you even care at this point?
It's called being a decent human being


>try to get the innocent girl to commit suicide
Yikes you can really tell who voted Trump in this thread

This. Or fuck her, then give her a beating, then throw her out.

We just had make up sex and just when I thought she was finally showing me some affection and love she suggested we get a penis sleeve for my girth and also added a little more length wouldnt hurt either

Dump her. If you live together throw all her stuff on the curb. Change the locks.
If she commits suicide yout uneffected. But try to get her to say it ovrr texts

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Bump and Dump, Done!

We talked some more and she convinced me to agree to try cuckolding, she promised she would stop pushing it if I tell her i don't like it after we try a ''session''

Alright decent human being. Go watch her fuck other guys "decent human being".

God some people make me sick. Reading this pathetic piece of shit OP has hardened my resolve to be hard on thots. May the Lord strike me dead if I ever engage in this hoe ass behavior

Fuck Jay Da Cuck

Smash one last time buy her a nice streaming camera and dump her

>It's called being a decent human being
no, it's not, it's called being a spineless loser. leaving aside the fact she's only playing you, it's not your responsibility to save every whack job who's trying to commit suicide. so you're basically saying that if e.g. one of your coworkers approached you saying he'll commit suicide if you don't give him all your money and possessions, you'd agree? if you still care about a person who treated you worse than trash, you can just record her suicide threats and have her committed

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
You were forgiving and she disrespected you. Throw the whore out right now.
No need to waste your time.
If she didn't want you to break, she should have been faithful.
You could also beat down her ex, tell me your country, if it's close to mine, I could help you.

We agreed to find a guy we can both agree on to try out cucking. I think it's a pretty fair compromise

This is a baitthread made to specifically trigger you robutts, no one is this pathetic and still has rose tinted glasses.

no one cares if it's a bait or not, you fucking idiot. it's just a discussion topic like any other

Pick your best friend and the two of you can just laugh at her and call her a whore until she leaves.

If it's not bait, then why am I so fucking pissed off?

that's the best way to get arrested after false rape accusations

Break up with her, if she kills herself that's on her

because she's not yet a drugged up used crack fiend.

Is this seriously even a question?
If she kills herself she kills herself
oh well... one less thotting whore in the world

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That broad has some absolutely fantastic tits.

annnnnd dump that bitch. No if ands or whatevers.

My current squeeze can't stand it when I show how strong my game is, and yet she's OK with fucking other guys. Fuck em man. I got what I deserved, but you deserve ... well. about the same--But do what I just did, literally ten minutes ago-- Ghost the whore. She's a whore and there's no use loving her.

It's like trying to buy a cheap ham sandwich with a gold brick. Not worth it.

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I just suggested my best friend and she goes ''good choice, he's big... I mean I heard he's big from ummm Rebecca''
What the fuck man
He better not have fucked another one of my girlfriends

As long as he's just going to help you spit on her until runs away crying, whatever bro.

>she will kill herself if i dump her

sounds like this problem solves itself