Goodbye robots im going to prison soon

Im sorry if i ever hurt anyone who didnt deserve it.
but im not sorry for what i told the cops i did.
When i hacked the harvard mysql server i was looking for a bug bounty but what i saw made my blood boil, some evil man named henry Murray tortured students and used them as human test subjects, and harvard tried to cover it up

Instead of claiming the bug bounty i gave then data to wiki leaks and leaked the smtp server logs (all of there emails).

good bye robots this may be my last Jow Forums post before i go to prison for doing the right thing.

Attached: fuckme.jpg (1165x692, 389K)

Other urls found in this thread:

goodbye R.I.P dont inform on me pls

mei aids can you please tell me how the fuck you did that youtube profile thing in 2009

But did you report it under your real identity?

i used hydra smtp bruteforce because at the time google mail only aloud 6 letter passwords with no numbers or spaces so i made a crunch wordlist

i dont think googles smtp server is still vulnerable to it though

Story before the (((FBI))) shuts it down?

Fucking based
And redpilled too

What are you talking about mate?
What did you do?

So i sent harvard a email demanding they apologies and out the story out and i wouldnt do it my self.

so now the fbi is on my ass they look at all my archived post and one day i didnt used a transparent proxy server i was running on my centos box and they got my location cause i used my tripcode

i did use a transparent proxy
sorry english isnt my native tonug

Seek asylum somewhere fren

Based fuck them user. You did nothing wrong hope you do okay on the inside.

im on bond and i can only let my public pretender talk for me so they can give me as much time as they want

Is the experiment you're talking about in regards to Ted Kaczynski ?
Don't know what is so bad aabout the experiment (didn't read it desu)

i dont know they document said the name of every student and his name was in but they leak didnt have his own writings only the stories of other students

what is bad is they tortured students and the cia was involved (mk) mindconrol forcing students to give up there free will or be expelled from a million dollar school

flee user
flee across the seas why you still can
you'll be much better off

i think thats why the unabomber hated the government i think but i could be wrong

these assholes in the fbi also told me to inform on ytf0rd and trollsec to get a lighter sentence but it was still going to be 1 year long so i said no

Mei what was your favorite ytp

it was adhdyoshi's mario makes kfc
but the best one still on youtube is

i still laugh out loud wile watching it it ahs stood the test of time

The notorious AIDS will live on don't let the men in Black get you

Based and schizopiIIed

its weird how people found out that the youtube thing was me and yoshi i mean they had to look at the profile pictures of random ytp channles and match them up i only told people on /b/ and a furry site

Did you ever see the empLemon video about you?

mei if you gave out your fucking face right before you did the hack they would you know it was you

was he the guy who did the ytps in like 2013-2015

can you post it im interested i normally watch russian videos

HOLY shit he has like 250 k subs wtf

well that makes me feel kind of better

i never thought videos i made in openshot would get me this much fame fucking 300000 people know about me now

When was whatever experiment you're talking about?

whoa what the fuck youre mei aids? wow i got a nostalgia hit from that

before you go to jail, i just want you to know i loved your videos back then

just to play devils advocate and see how fucked up the situation is. did the students agree to testing?

if your talking about the harvard hack, when i found out they where testing to see if kids where vulnerable to stress if they where the cia would try to brain wash them and the unabomber survived the cia.

i have a copy of full manifesto and its on wiki leaks now also i have the auto biography of the students henry tortured

but all i did was give this info to a journalist wtf

they where forced to or they would loose they would get expelled and have to pay them more money so yes it was forced

how many years will you be doing in prison ?

it was really fucked up the cia made the survivors braindead and to see if they could take the cia torture he would acuse the student of being gay write a fake coming out note and torture them to "cure" them

i fine out in trial in 2 days and im not aloud to talk only my defender can

if i go to jail i want someone to have harvard seen as monsters and that leak to have hundreds of news stories

also you watched my videos when they came out and everyone says this board is all zoomers

how could they be doing all this to the kids there and their parents and families dont even know or care. or does no one listen to their families either?

If true
Your a fuckig hero

when i say kid i mean 16 or older and if they leave the program they have todrop out and there parrents think that gay conversion is good also it was 1961

one kids parents sued becaase he killed himself and they gave her 10 k in hush money

also when harvard chooses your kid to get in if he does a study most parents will say yes

also big news outlest are making stories off the leak now so i think more people will know it happened

>making stories
>June 2000
OP is larping

thats the date of the picture idiot
the atlantic didnt exist in 2000

also the wiki leaks data didnt come out till 2018

>First issue date: 1857

i feel like this is really mei cause of the trip code but hes most likely trolling you all and laughing

so do you think we are all under mind control ?


i mean pick related from op looks like mei aids

but idk if its fake he also has meis tripcode witch hasnt been used since /b/ 2013
he is most likely mei aids but i think he is trolling you about harvard even though the data got leaked i dont think he would have done it

could be fake could be real

Come to the amazon warehouse, no one will find you there

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.18_[2017.09.06_18.30.23].png (536x668, 440K)

Im using my tripcode ive been using before 2007 come on now

also youchew is down and my channel is banned since for ever

but i do have vids no where else online from way back when still on my pc

and i have my myspace acount still

and i did do the hack there password to the harvard mysql database is
username is LawrenceB
password is Mywife8188

even if he is trolling i wouldnt see it as a bad thing at all to get trolled by mei aids

Get a plane ticket and leave the US. I'd recommend Vietnam.

>inb4 no money

Good riddance

i dont think you understand how important this man is

damn son if you're telling the truth I hope all goes well with you

also me weev and ytf0rd are doing a live stream the next day if you dont trust me

to be fair i wouldnt trust me either if i was you

>i dont think you understand how important this man is
what's he do?

Not really. Give me a history lesson

he hacked all the popular youtubers in 2009 and changed everyones profile pic to furrys adnd neko girls hes a god

yea hes the hacker known as Jow Forums

What their servers aren't even hardened to prevent mysql connections over internet?

no they blocked the control pannle after the hack but you can still log in with hexorbase in kali or any debian based distro

How many journalists did you give this info to?

also this he has his own documentarary on youtube


wiki leaks and i mailed the wikileaks leak to anyone who wanted it also the database files where on user file but they took it down for miss use

yea thats what phone posting does thanks android

Can you post screenshots of the juicy stuff? Also are you up for one last hack to go out with a bang?

also when i go to jail you can have my tripcode

>he hacked all the popular youtubers in 2009 and changed everyones profile pic to furrys adnd neko girls hes a god

Agreed, will save if you post screenshots.

yes anarchy linux is my final target i hate that faggot distro there site will 404 tonight

im giving away my remote desktoped computers to someone on reddit too you have been hit by the A.I.D.S

does anybody else remember the gnaa

says the site expired 1/4/19

otherwise i'd believe you

I wish you could help me hack Neopets.

I'm a simple man.

i also want to hack something aful if i had more time i hate that they charge 10 dollars to use there cuckholding service

omg remember webkins i used to have 3 of them
wich made me feel like a manchild

if this is true, salutes to you friend. you would go down in history if there was any free world left in our future.

Still waiting for screenshots of the torture deets

>new gurochan
thank god, guess i missed the memo.

Attached: ma07.jpg (700x680, 376K)

seek asylum, motherfucker.

>at the time google mail only aloud 6 letter passwords with no numbers or spaces
What the fuck is this bullshit.

this 17 year old tripfag thinks hes a hardcore hacker because they let you host a site with more than 2 pings a day

why do you sound like a 12 year old yt

you dont need a tripcode because i let you talk to me and told you how to use a non windows xp machine

yt i am the real mei aids remember when i played tf2 with you

fuck you you derailed a whole thread with you tripfag nonsense

what would your mother say about that

i remember that was true you had to use google plus to get a better password

i feel like yt will make a transition from incel to cuteboy idk when but he will

this thread is turning into ass im going to bed see you in court yt

Complete and utter bullshit. I had gmail since launch and OP is talking out of his ass.

>he leaked something already widely known to the public and is going to jail for nothing
Get a load of this guy