>ghosted again
I hate men.
Ghosted again
Other urls found in this thread:
tell us about it op
girls ghost too so don't pull that bs. we're all robots here fren
Being ghosted is the fucking worst, I'm about ready to give up on women despite this shit all being online
>Get fembot friend
>She has a bf
>It's fine because I just want a female to speak to every now and then
>Constantly brings up the bf, what he does and what he's doing
>Tell her why should I be her friend when she only really talks about him, and to get me in contact with him since he's clearly a cooler person than her if he's all that's interesting in her life
>Immediately blocked
incel subhuman detected
Add me, I won't ghost you.
So pick a desperate guy
Normie invader detected
I know i"ve ghosted people in the past. Im just too shy and paranoid to built a relationship with someone
>I hate men.
Finally, a reasonable person in this shithole.
GF of 4 and a half years says otherwise.
got any other means you want to fish out of your pockets?
why dont man hating femanons round up sub robots and abuse us
If a man ghosted you then clearly you are the problem. Self reflect and figure out what you did wrong. History doesn't repeat itself for nothing.
Are you female(female)?
This. There's a reason you got ghosted.
>Has bf or worse is a tranny
small wonder you get ghosted
>victim blaming
I had a similar situation except with a coworker with a fiance. I don't know what was wrong with her. She kept texting me random shit that I don't give a fuck about and stuff like "oh my fiance and I bought a house". I ghosted her after I got a better job and she kept texting "Hey user" every 2 months for almost a year seeing if I would respond. Thank god I got a new phone and new number that shit was just borderline creepy.
>This whole thread
Some tranny got ghosted, and now all the other bitter trannies are coming out to jerk each other off over it.
Fitting. Rest in hell trannyposters, I hope you get ghosted again.
I wonder if getting blocked is worse. Writing paragraph after paragraph over the course of weeks trying to find the right combination of words only to find out not they didn't even give you a second's notice.
>Fitting. Rest in hell trannyposters, I hope you get ghosted again.
based tranny hater
>ghosted again
I'm gonna assume you mean online. If so, then you deserve it, date in real life instead of some boring sex chat.
Please stop giving homu a bad name, she doesn't deserve this.
Send a sample screenshot of your conversation then lets see.
>victim of someone not wanting to talk to you
the horror
people ghost me all the time, even people i just want to be friends with
Show us your asshole.
>meet robot who says he will love any femanon who gives him attention
>hit it off for days
>trade pics
>he ghosts me
You people are the worst.
that's why you come to someone like me who has dependency issues
>tfw no findom gf
as i walk through the valley of the shadow of death
can you elaborate more on these dependency issues?
>tfw fembots want to be beaten and not loved
>tfw can't codepend on a fembot without ruining my life as she drags me to hell with her
Are you fat though? That really might be the issue guys will date ugly girls but only the lowest of men will date fat girls
i only recently found out about em and havent been able to talk about it to many people
i won't get into specifics but due to my upbringing i have a tendency to rely on others to help me with things like making decisions, motivating me
i've driven people away and i realised recently that's because wanting to just talk to people
i don't know if i did a shit job at describing if so sorry im havin a lil trouble focusing right now
I'm a robot with a similar issue, I was sheltered my entire life and now that I'm supposed to be an adult I don't know how to do anything at all. I can't make phone calls to people who aren't close family, I don't know which way to swipe a debit/credit card, I don't know anything and I'm so pathetic because no matter how hard I try to escape the hole that my overbearing parents put me in I just get stuck again because being sheltered my entire life has given me crippling anxiety. I can't even walk outside the house unless it's with family, I don't even know anyone because I've been homeschooled my entire life, what do I even do at this point?
Every woman ive ever met has ghosted me
You've never met me and you never will. after i post this i'm closing the thread and never coming back.
i don't have it as bad, i'm sorry to hear
But i want to meet you
We feel the same pain
tfw wanna get close to people but don't know how
No, I'm sorry I just need to vent sometimes, hardship is still hardship no matter how big or small it is
I promise I wont ghost you, really I wont.
I GHOSTED all my old contacts from my old home town.
LMAO across the entire country, and doing far better than anyone ever imagined
and i go tno college degree HAHAHHAH
It's ok man but that's another one of my 'problems', if you want to call it that. I don't live a perfect life but I think a lot of people would be happy to be me, and I just feel selfish but at the same time too useless to do anything with my life. You're a kind soul, though.
That's just the problem with this world, you can grow up with the most perfect life imaginable, and you still have a large chance of ending up mentally fucked. I'm not a kind soul, I just learned that lashing out and being cruel and mean to people for no reason won't fix my situation or make anything better
Well, maybe you're not a kind soul but I think you have potential. You give more polite replies than those I'd expect of here (not trashing everyone else, its just something that happens here sometimes). But, if you're not those, I say you're introspective. You know about your situation and how others effect you and vice versa, I'd say, which is nothing to scoff at. I'm glad you're not mean to anyone anymore unnecessarily, or at least try to not be. We all know what that one GI from the 80s said.
But yeah, circumstances are a hell of a thing. I try not to dwell on them and try to make the best out of what I have. Again, it's not perfect but sometimes you can enjoy the small things and just keep fighting till the end.
What can we communicate on?
Wow, that's quite the achievement being a woman. Something must be pretty wrong with you for that to happen.
What happend? I'm honestly tryin to help.
Stop chasing chad then you dumb cunt. Theres plenty of incels wholl fuck you but you think youre better than them so you wont. Its your fault cunt.
I'll trade pics with you, I bet you're cute
based post orugh
Fuck off slut. We dont exist you validate you, you exist to give us a cum target. Learn your place.
If you have discord we can use that
1. I have a commodity men want which means Im allowed to have high standards
2. Dont ever all me or other female a cunt aslong as you live.
3. Im allowed to complain about this on Jow Forums as r9k is not an incel board, its a board for depressed outcasts. Deal with it incel.
4. Its not my fault at all Chads dont want me. And no I do not not nor will I ever settle for a robot. Just because because I post here doesnt mean I fuck every guy for acceptance.
grow up you fucking pathetic losers. Girls are here now and we aren't leaving.
If I promise I'm not a robot will you give me a chance?
Guess i took to long to respond.
Youve already caught someone else
>doesnt mean I fuck every guy for acceptance.
so are some of them validation fucks instead?
I didnt add the other guy, he didnt seem like who I was originally talking to.
Ohhh ok. Well would u prefer to talk on discord or kik?
Bc you surely are a beta faggot boring who starts flirting with them and stuff like that, no wonder why they ghost you nigger
Don't add males from here, literally all they wanna do is flirt and shit, if people ghost is for a reason, either they are shit boring or start being creepy losers or the other person who ghosts just has a life besides discord or whatever platform, if you complain about them ghosting for no reason you're just a retard
I don't get why people are bothered by it. Guys have ghosted me in the past and I go 'whatever' and get on with my life.
Obviously, if someone ghosts you, you just weren't a match. Who the hell wants to say 'Sorry, I just don't think we're compatible.'? It's going to make someone feel like shit or lash out wanting to know exactly why.
>That really might be the issue guys will date ugly girls but only the lowest of men will date fat girls
I am chubby but the guy who ghosted me is into fat and chubby girls so that can't have been the reason. It's because I'm ugly.
>mfw no codependent bf
I'm paranoid you might be the same person.
It's not that, discord retards think just bc someone ghosts someone means they're evil, they can't understand people have a life and stuff, or simply you're boring, creepy or w/e, as I said before, guys from here get full thirsty when they add "females" from here, like full flirty if you get me.
I'm not the same person I promise
I haven't traded pics with anyone in a long while
Most guys here want a gf, if you add them they're probably gonna flirt with you
I don't wanna call you out as a roastie or something, but this is kinda like walking into a seafood restaurant and complaining that it smells like fish
Not really, some females here just want friends or stuff and they add males who want to "just talk" and then they just get ghosted cuz obviously those girls don't want creepy dudes thirsty for a gf, so they end up like
Its just stupid
>someone wants to chat about random shit with you cause they're lonely
>I don't get it
How about you hippity hoppity the fuck out of here normie.
Boy do I know that feeling
Maybe if you stopped being such a flirty thirsty fag, you wouldn't get ghosted, retard
I can be your codependent friend if you'd like
Like I said, the nature of me
I won't be likely to ghost you
>don't want seafood
>walk into seafood restaurant
Yea it kind is like that
It's ok to not want a bf, it's ok to call the robots here thirsty and creepy
Admittedly they totally are
But if you don't want to expose yourself to creepy thirsty guys, what are you doing adding people on r9k?
*Adds her*
" Will you be my gf"
Codependency ends in two roads
>Tfw no gf
>Tfw gf
If I were thirsty, I would have jumped at the offer to be her 'codependent bf' as she said
I have my dependency issues but I've recently discovered them so I know to not do shit like that and even if feelings do develop its probably only because I don't like being lonely
Or you could just be codependent friends. At least I hope.
It's not that they like lost their contact, usually males do it for them, just look at this guy
Males asking for contact by saying they only want friends are usually thirsty beta males, just females who don't know about it add them thinking they only want friends
Don't lie to yourself retard, then why do you want so bad a female friend, why not a male friend? Oh wait you just wanna date someone, just accept it dude, that's why you're in this thread
Post *
Originally fixed
Nah, it happens with jobs too. Been applying to an average of more than four jobs a week for about 8 months, and even when I've gotten interviews, they don't reply. Had friends that dropped off, nearly everyone I know doesn't message me first. I've been straddling the line of whether I should take offense to it or not when it's personal relationships. They really don't have any thoughts or caring for you if they're not talking to you first sometimes right? Why would you keep talking to them.
>Or you could just be codependent friends. At least I hope.
>>Continuous desire to be around said person will never ever make you want to be with them romantically
Unless you anchor to the gender you don't find attractive sexually, you're going to end up trying to gf your Co.
T.codependent user who lives this life
>the guys that will be good friends are creepy and gross
>I sent this guy nude pics why did he leave me
You sound like an ugly bpd girl.
So what? Just keep moving on with your life dude, focus on yourself, if you actually need approvement from others to be happy then you're not gonna be happy ever
See you understand, look aboove user, live for yourself not for others
I'm a male
Yea they're liars but how many times would you fall for that lie?
99% of the guys here want pussy, they want a gf and if you add them they're gonna think they have a chance at making you that gf
It sucks but that's the way it is, they don't want friends, and it's a little naive of any girl here to think otherwise
>Males asking for contact by saying they only want friends are usually thirsty beta males
Sounds paranoid. Guys can't want friends? Are you suggesting guys can only want sexual/romantic things out of women?
>I'm a male
So now I can take your strawman game and say you're just an incel with little understanding of how relationships work.
That sucks, man. Here's hoping you can find some friends you're not attracted to. I personally think romance is more complex than that but I'll heed your warning nonetheless.
>See you understand, look aboove user, live for yourself not for others
I don't really want anything, material or otherwise. I only really wish to have a loyal woman I can codepend on. I feel empty without someone to rely on or to Care about. However, in understanding the what and why, you can understand and deal with things no matter how much you don't wish to.
Men want friends, women are just usually too boring or vapid to have fun with. Men and women don't do the same things, or have the same interests, or even have the same levels of interest in things most of the time. Women usually try to create drama and/or tell you how bad of a person you are for liking the things you do, so they're even worse than someone who's just boring/vain.
I will never ghost you if you want a man to talk to or anything.
That's true but mostly they're just boring or just end up asking them to be their gfs like too soon or just everytime, or just orbiting them, girls have enough of that, if you want them to be your gf actually you need to actually offer them something more than "you're cute pls be my gf", usually there are certain threads for it, not like jumping on every thread they see with "fembot" subject, and ask for contact by saying they only want a "female friend"
If you're a guy and want only female friends it means you're gonna try and hit them up at some point, people who only want friends don't care about gender, if not then why are you even doing here?
Also not an incel btw
You should be with yourself and try to understand yourself in the end(yourself) is the only partner you'll be with forever, not a woman or whatever, that's just a complement for life, but it's something that comes by itself you don't have to force it, you gotta do stuff for yourself first, not them.
Thread Theme
>Like girl as friend, have things in common
>Spend lots of time together, click more and more
>>Hey I know, let's just leave it at that. Who would want to date a girl who had lots of things in common with me whom I also find attractive and gets along with me
>Nope, that's stupid. Who would do a dumb thing like that?
What's it like being autistic, can you describe it
Bustin makes me feel good
>people who only want friends don't care about gender
Bingo, you got it. I'm bi so gender doesn't matter to me. On the incel comment, I was simply saying you were quick to generalise me so I can do the same. What I look for in a friend is someone with shared experiences or interests as me. In this context, the shared experience is being ghosted. Bias is less likely to be gender but more to personality in my case, I'd imagine, but maybe I'm wrong.
I don't know user, I'm a normal person
Stopped reading there
Cool. I'd prefer if you weren't so hateful towards bi people but I hope you have a wonderful life as long as your hatred is simple repulsion and not acted out upon.
>>ghosted again
>I hate men.
Are you fat? Are you ugly? If you're either of these things then you have your answer as to why this is happening.
Probably because you are tranny
Were you really ghosted or was it a "we had a big fight and they stopped talking to me and I haven't reached out either" sort of ghosted. Because the latter isn't really the same thing even if there's never a formal goodbye.
>tells you to shut up
>wonders why you don't message them back