Roll for your threesome tonight. Last 2 digits are your threesome. Roll 0 and go home a virgin. Roll 9 and your pick...

Roll for your threesome tonight. Last 2 digits are your threesome. Roll 0 and go home a virgin. Roll 9 and your pick. Dubs gets her twins.

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whatever rolling

original faggotini pasta

fuck no, reroll

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rolling here


guess im staying a virgin for the rest of my life.

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Pls be 33 or at least anything with a 3 in it.

1 and 7 probably fuck really hard, 17 get.

I'm okay with this, 4 looks like she probably has big tits.

why do 1 and 7 look like they fuck hard?

3 and 8 here I cum

just me and you huh 4?
Well prepare your ass champ

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They all ok. Rollllllli g

who are these people. rollingg

8 and 4 PLS

The one on the left looks like my father

Let's rank them by how good we think they are at sex. My ranking from Best to worst: 7, 8, 4, 3, 1, 2, 5, 6

Oh look at me I'm sleep deprived.


prolly rollin zero's

Rolllan for 3

Rolling.. plz 28

I think I see a pattern. These sluts are dead right? Faces of suicide something?
Number 3 would be fine.

Roll for 7, she reminds me of my Math teacher from 7th grade...

Probably zero


Rollin for 7 plz God

rolling for blowjobs

3 or 8 would do.

plz 3 and 8

What the hell.
It's not like I've got any better prospects for tonight.

I want to die alone

Whoopdiedoo rollin

1 & 7 are the same person, as are 2 & 4.

Hoping for 3 and 4, expecting 1 and 7, I hate this board for doing this but at least it isn't that frequent.

>Roll 0 and go home a virgin
Didn't even read the OP, it was so much worse than I expected.

i be rollin

This was not original