Interviewing Jow Forums Episode 1 Talkback Thread

If you're interested in an Jow Forums postcast, please read on.

Thanks so much for everyone who contributed, worked with me, sat down to record, and even those who couldn't make it. After processing the video at least fifteen times, going through five different video editors, and finally deciding "fuck it" to just cram together all four different audio tracks, this is the first episode of the Jow Forums interview archive.

I'm extremely tired, burnt out, and the next thread will definitely have more energy infused into the OP, but thank you again for reading and listening. The next episode should feature an intro, outro, and baselevel editing, but I'm excited to put this one behind me.

I'll still around to answer any questions/validate criticisms/suck off strangers for money.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Where's the SoundCloud link?
Due to how exactly this episode was recorded the files didn't lend themselves to a smooth SoundCloud track format. All following episodes will go on SoundCloud first except for this one.

>What is this?
A show where I interview strangers from Jow Forums for a digital archive for the people here.

>How can I contact you?
[email protected] is checked daily
kiloroy#6988 is where I record the interviews from

this is too cringe my good friend

It's actually been an excellent learning experience. I sat down to record 16 people and this was the fruit of the labor, and while it wasn't much I had a blast.

I don't like it because most of the people you talk to aren't very articulate, and the questions you ask are a bit too shallow

I'll definitely be packing more heat when it comes to further guests due to the fact we'll be discussing a series of topics (selected by them), but I can't really help with their talking skills.
Thanks for taking the time to write.

Shit nigga this is long fuck that

it is supposed to be long

Fuck off already j


I'll give it a listen once it's up on soundcloud. Looking forward to it, and your pinned comment made me chuckle a little.

Congratulations for your first podcast, user!!

Thanks but like I said, this is the only one not going on SoundCloud.
Long story short I captured each interview via a program that formatted them as videos without visuals, so I had to go through the process of converting them to individual MP4's then WAVS, and they still wouldn't make nice with Audacity so instead of redoing all 4 I just decided to let Episode 1 be the odd one out.

Thanks,I can't wait to hear these fellow losers.

I skipped around and found a few things.
>Guest 2 is too quiet
>There's a really weird fucking noise in Guest 3 but I think that's the "ghost" you mentioned in the description
>Guest 4 is a fucking girl
That's about it

Ah, I gotcha. Well, I hope audacity starts to work okay for you in the future. If it helps you any I can just record my interview through Audacity when the time comes and send you the file when the time comes. I'm slated for episode...6, I think? The "normality" one.

That'd be groovy, thanks man

Can you get me the girls contact info so she can be my gf?

These are entirely anonymous, so no.

You really need to interview me bro. Ive been in the board since the start and will tell you everything no bullshit.

Looking forward to listening to this. Hope you do more episodes user

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I posted my contact info in this thread, reach out to me.

genuinely enjoyed the episode. good stuff looking foward the next.

Can I participate in the next podcast please?

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I posted my contact information above, reach out to me

Dude seriously you need to interview me.

Do NOT interview any cunts. No females what so ever. You could seriously do a whole 2 hours on me and I guarantee it will garner you some wicked views.

You come off as a cunt yourself. OP do NOT interview this fag.

Fuck up slut. Women are not welcome on r9k, fuck off.

My inbox is still empty buddy.

based post no one cares about your 2 hours retard talk

I messaged you on your YT channel. Do you have an email?

How do I say I want to be interviewed without looking like an attention whore

Read the second post in this thread.

I just sent you a friend request m8.


Comfy! Thanks for your hard work, user!

Wrong thread pal
You're welcome!

Final bump. There'll be two more threads tomorrow.

OP post your schedule i wanna see whats next

I love how the roastie you interviewed admits to having both an bf and friends also only starting coming to r9k because of boxxy yet she still thinks shes a robot. She even admits she views robot as toxic people and believes shes above them. Shes scum. Dont interview a cunt again, they dont represent r9k.

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This. A schedule will keep this series alive.

You're a decent host op, but you need to pick better guests. The first guy is painful to listen to. He's like a black hole of charisma.

nah he was the best guest imo

It was a trap ya goof.

Snorting Ritalin makes me feel like I'm gonna take over the whole entire fucking World

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Just finished watching the whole thing. Great stuff OP I look forward to more.

Get fucking piety/cvnka on there

I'll definitely start it this evening, it's up to you whether I end up finishing it
if chew no what I mean

I want to join in on this next time cause it sounds like fun but I don't want my voice to be associated with Jow Forums or for robots to insult me for having friends

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>he actually did it
The madman
Great job kilo

Go on /britfeel/ radio. Nobody will know lad.

Britfeel needs to go to fucking reddit

Don't listen to retards, keep it up OP.
Please apply proper crossfeed and volume equalization next time.

can you convert the youtube video to audio and post on soundcloud?

Sounds great! Will do.
For some reason in my drunken stupor last night this never occurred to me. It'll be up before the end of the day via SoundCloud

Ay fuck you mate britfeel deserves to be here

op you could do with a bit more conversation. listening through the first interview was a slog because you sounded so monotone and unengaged like you just wanted to get through a list of questions. podcasts like joe rogan are more engaging because joe goes with the flow of the conversation by diverting his energy into improv. you're talking to another human being, not trying to see if they're a good fit as the new McFryCook

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>this actually got made
Huh. I didn't know robots had work ethic

How do you choose your guests?

On one hand I totally agree, and infact one of them said when we were finished they were really surprised that I held back the entire time. This really is just an archive of interviews of people, though, I'm not here to masturbate into the microphone and talk about myself. I'll try to be more conversational going forward though.
Months ago I already came up with each of the topics for the next 11 episodes and locked guests in for them.
I've got about 20 people on backup detail in case anybody cancels. I had to go through 16 people for just Episode 1 alone, so I always need backup guests.

the state of this board is constantly shifting
few years ago mentioning you are a "fembot" would result in multiple REEEEEE posts and nowadays they have their own generals with tons of orbiters.
Not to mention the cancer that is /LGBT/ that for some reason decided to make their colony here.

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Before I listen to this I just want to say I'm impressed this got made at all OP. Good on you. Remember that now a bunch of mentally ills (tripfags) will be gunning to get on the show in order to spread misinformation, so you should probably just go ahead and put a disclaimer that tells people not to take guests words too seriously or as a fact.

I'll look forward to you becoming a disgusting normalfag with tons of youtube views in the coming months and then just converting it into a Jow Forums podcast in general.

Do guests have time to prepare for questions? Like do you present the questions a few weeks in advance?
Also you never answered my question on HOW you chose the people you "locked in". Did you make a thread on Jow Forums and just asked for people to add you on Discord?
Unironically what this guy said: Also
>listening to some "fembot's" opinion
Don't you have any other things to do?

>Host audio only in left chanal
>To fucking long (why not make each episode one user)
>There is no girls on Jow Forums

I wanted to take a snapshot before my life gets too busy to come here consistently, but I totally agree that it's always changing.
Thanks! It's been an excellent learning experience. If I decided to do a Season 2 it would be across other boards, but the thing is, I more or less hate most of the "big boards", so instead of an interview it would be a lot more shitflinging.
If they ask I provide my script, but if not, no, just flying blind.
Yeah, I made a series of threads and after confirming they owned a microphone wrote their names down. The only disqualifier is being a tripcode user/nameposter.

The only one I can really pick at is the audio coming out of the left channel, most audio fuckups are going to be smoothed out the more I work with this stuff.
All following episodes are just two guests if that makes it better.

Compress your audio, trying to listen to this is ear rape
>compression is an audio signal processing operation that reduces the volume of loud sounds or amplifies quiet sounds thus reducing or compressing an audio signal's dynamic range

Roger roger, thanks for the tip.

You need to set your mic to mono bro, Jesus.
It's insane that operating systems in 2019 still don't have mixers built in besides application volume.

Much appreciated. Thankfully in Episode 0 I already qualified myself as a clueless tit so I feel no shame accepting all of this help.

use ffmped with crossfeed filter and ffmpeg-normalize or something. Encode to opus 32k.
I'm making a shitty transcode that you can upload if you want right now.

Sure, my email is the second post in the thread.

Please level the two speakers' so they're equal. Your voice is constant but others' voices are either quieter or louder.
And it would help if you could ask the interviewees to record themselves on the side and send you the audio later. Having internet spikes and discord compression ruin the audio is kinda shitty.

Sure, I'll make it a requirement going forward, should've done that from the start.

I would suggest you just use TeamSpeak. It gives you more codec control, so the interviewee doesn't have to do anything and you still get very good quality.

This is a good idea.I hope we get more episodes.

Good for you user for thinking about doing something and doing it. It is something I fear most anons lost. Keep doing it and improving and I am sure this project of yours will take off!

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i'm an audio engineer and know how much work goes into this kinda thing, you should be proud of yourself OP. great work. i'm gonna listen to the whole thing later. keep it up

>Bumps Eggman, will interview him in the future
You aight white boi

Haven't listened yet but I'm going to while painting today, looking forward to it, thanks user.

No need for that.

Audioengineer-san, did I do okay?

Are you lachs0r himself?

No, but I'd like to be

Tell me about it. Know how I can get 0x0 to work with ShareX? I ran a pomf server for my friends awhile back but I borked it at some point with updates (was doing it as a hobby/learning exp).

Sounds like a fancy frontend for ffmpeg. Install a proper OS and use this
What are you trying to accomplish? 0x0 is just a file host, I don't think it would work for you since screen captures are usually way too big

It is fancy, does all kinds of neat things. And yeah, I just want it to host files.
>Maximum file size: 512.0 MiB
Should be fine.
Need to fill out these values, not sure how to do it.

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I'm sorry user, can't help you with that. Those are way too many variables and I don't even understand that UI.
The site has an example in the third line, I'm sure you can google the rest. Ganbatte!

Lol, thanks senpai :D

No problem, I didn't help you at all.
Also are we back to lol and emoticonposting?

There's 11 more planned with the finale being a Livestream where viewers call in.
Thanks! :3
Thank you! Shame I fucked so much up but learning is a process

You took time to understand my situation, don't sell yourself short. And yes, yes we are. Things always come full circle.

Final bump before I'm off to work. There's just one more thread for it after this.

fucking roasties jesus christ is it never enough

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>being this bothered
You know a little under half of the board are females right

You know over half the threads on this board are about roasties right?
or trannies

Exactly, so why care about it at all?

>he remains stagnant to invasion
literally the cuck mentality

>It's just people different from myself posting
Imagine being this NPC

>he's okay with his board culture getting raped
Man, & I thought we robots were scum.