Can manlets find love?

5'3 manlet here
Is it even possible for manlets to find love without being rich

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You are in another plane of existence

Just find a girl shorter than you. Better than being a rich manlet with a gold digger

Speaking as a fellow manlet, no. Going to go lose my v card to an escort

I'm with the gods
How I'm the shortest in my classes out of boys and girls and I tried dating apps but 0 luck where all the short girls hiding the top shelf?

I was gonna do that but I don't got the balls and want something that will last a long time an actual relationship

Impress a grill with your midget fighting skills

Attached: ExemplaryLawfulBabirusa-small.gif (312x240, 701K)

I'm 117 lb look like an twig I could beat up midgets that are 4 foot and below but above I would probably lose

You have to be something. Rich, famous, skilled - just something that sets you apart. Most of the greats had insecurities just like you, and it's partly what drove them

The only way he'll find someone is if he has gorgeous facial features. I'm guessing he doesn't. Sorry OP.

I have a baby face but I have been told I'm cute not sure if thats really a compliment
I'm not famous I don't have to worry about money but I'm not rich and the only thing I'm skilled at is some vidya feels bad

No I'm 4"8 and when I tried asking a girl out she just broke out laughing at me.
either learn to pay for it or learn the love the feeling of your hand.

Nah aint gonna happen man. Girls want to be dominated. They wont really "fall in love" with you if you cant do that for em.

Damn im sorry man. I can only imagine the horror you have to go through daily.

I'm 5'7'' myself and feel short. But I'm grateful for every inch I have.

>not sure if thats really a compliment
I only say that to men I'm attracted to. From some people it is a complement, even if people here will try to convince you it's not true.

Love is overrated.
Indulge in reckless hedonism until you kick the bucket.

I use both hands because manlet hands so double the love therefore i'm cool maybe us manlets just don't got a place in this world user
I could dominate them despite my height and weight I got a bunch of energy and would defo be about that
I stuff my shoes to make it to 5'6 so I kinda feel like you but not much at least I'm not any shorter is what I tell myself
Oh thank god I thought the girl who said that was intrested in me but then she said the only downside is my height but I still got a friend with benefits out of it

Love is the only good thing this world has to offer my brother

It's up there if you can get it but if you can't get it like most of us may as well do other things until death.

I'm 6'5 and can't get a gf that isn't online. Height doesn't matter t b h

What other things the only thing I do for enjoyment is vidya I need more hobbies

a friend of mine is 5'3 and had several long relationships & alot of whoring around so yes its possible. i dont really know how he does it. he looks okay but got a huge schlong. hes pretty obsessed with sex and women so he will always try to get laid.

its a short man thing

Porn, films, art, music, drugs, hooliganism, plenty of things!

sheet I can't even get one online
your friend sounds like what I stride to be I have 6 inches but everyone thinks its huge because how short and small my body and hands are

no offensne but you sound like a lot is more wrong than your height. like your douchey personality

Ive never tried drugs but id defo give that a try films art music and hooliganism okay that does sound fun maybe i will focus on that
No offense taken I'm a reformed dick well trying to be reformed

his literally goes down to his knee

short and a douche isn't a good combo

Oh shit I aint on that tier damn
Like I said trying to be reformed I'm use to being an asshole from my old schools

oh. Are you black?? Or Mexican

Nope fully white just a short family

Inner city white?

average city neet I recently quit college but my brother bought me a house and pays the bills so I don't have to worry about anything as he sorts everything for me feels lucky man