What's your ideal death/suicide user?

What's your ideal death/suicide user?

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Dressing up as that and rushing Putin

Strangled in-between a hot girl's thighs...

But that would never happen. So if I was actually going to try and kill myself I would take a huge dose of heroin.

Have it be meaningful in some way. I would kill myself in a second if I could find something worthwhile to go out for

You'd probably just end up addicted to heroin and then be a penniless junkie

Being cryopreserved and then revived in a post-Singularity future.

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Fine, I'll lace it with fentanyl lol.

death by snu snu like in tiny evil but the succubus actually kills me without remorse

Everyone coming with me at the same time.

Either dying in my sleep or a shotgun blast to my head where I fall off a tall building into some concrete or even better, a lake. Just to really make sure I die, either splattering on the pavement or the impact of the water + drowning so I couldn't be brought back as a veggie zombie.

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Absolutely fucking based Transhumanist user

nuclear blast

Fucking a hot girl and then dying right after I cum inside her.

In a pile of brass and empty mags.

Damn gook

Slitting my neck.

For suicide, I'd try to get my hands on my friend's gun. Quick, albeit a little messy. I'd rather have a little messy and quick than something excrutiating like a noose. I doubt one would make my family feel worse than the other.

Hanging is more morbid than anything else. I read somewhere that the quickest method of suicide is grabbing the wires above subway tracks. The voltage is so high that you'd be dead before you realised you touched the wires.

pressing a button that instantly killed me

Just give me a can of N2 and an exit bag

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Dying in my sleep with no regrets or pent up baggage.

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Pulling a skyking, doing some stunts, and just flying over the oceans or mountains or whatever I think is the most comfiest, while my favourite music plays. Instead of crashing into the ocean (if I'm above the ocean because I could survive the landing but drown or get lost at sea and starve to death), I'll just shoot myself as soon as my fuel runs out

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Murdering my family in a spree killing, then taking people out in the forests and suburbs until I get caught, and then I kill myself.

Disintegration by some cool fucking laser cannon.

Driving into ground zero in the events of a nuclear detonation

Mine is pretty standard.
Go down to Niagara Falls and gamble all I have in the casinos, doesn't matter if I win or lose. If I win, I'll give everything to the first homeless person i see, if I don't then whatever.
After that I walk down the path and just step into the river and let the current take me, I'll swim on my back looking at the sky as I await the falls.

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Some type of heroic noble sacrifice, like Hector of Troy or Fingolfin

Something people would tell around a campfire

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Nothing dramatic.

Just falling asleep peacefully without any agony or anything and die without noticing it.

>Heroin/fentanyl overdose in the forest while listening to Nirvana ironically (I sat here for 5 minutes trying to think of some good music to listen to for a suicide that'd be both nostalgic and sad and this is the best I came up with)
Ideally fentanyl because it's a lot easier to overdose on and you just slip into a comfy sleep, considering I'll be in a forest where nobody will find me, I'll hopefully be dead for hours or days

If not that, die naturally when the doomsday clock hits zero along with the rest of humanity, currently the doomsday clock is at 1 minute to midnight so maybe soon

My goal by the end of the year is to pull out my savings, take a trip to Thailand, party like a normie, fuck all the prostitutes until my dick falls off, then OD at a 5 star resort hotel
just go to out quietly and give dignitas my monies

If a woman strangled you to death in her thighs then she could end up in jail for the rest of her life.

There's a few objectively evil people I plan on killing before I go. Their deaths alongside mine as I bleed out and experience dat sweet DMT release are the only thing that will do. They, of course, won't get the chance to bleed out and that will only make me happier.

Passing out on train tracks. Drinking myself to death in a dumpster. Head-on vehicle collision as fast as my vehicle will take me (it goes 100-110mph, it wouldn't be pretty).

I was given fentanyl once for a stomach biopsy, that stuff is magical. If I could get painkillers I'd probably overdose on them, I'm in a lot of actual pain and it seems so easy to do.


Like this?

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You could kill yourself in the name of allah

I want to take a fuckload of pills and then jump of the tallest building near me and do a couple flips on the way down no guns because I don't want to add to fucking gun statistics on CNN

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I've had it planned out since I was 14.
>Buy gun (Already done)
>Wait until it's summer, and the weather is nice
>Spend days hiking through random heavily forested areas
>Find a nice cliff with a heavy tree line
>Remember the place and go home
>Write out some apology notes, give away some stuff
>Go back to cliff
>Lean off edge, and blow my brains out
>Slowly decompose away from everyone else at the base of they cliff, so they don't have to look at me and see me for who I am
At this point I'm just waiting for the weather to get better.

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Probably jumping from somewhere really high, like out of an airplane. They say that gives you time to regret your decision though, so maybe I'd prefer something more instantaneous like a shotgun blast to the head.

I've once dreamed about me and girl bleeding out and we make love before we inevitably die of blood loss. It was pretty good. minus the death part

I want to be as violent, loud and show-offy as possible.

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No one else gave you a "you" but what you said was funny as hell.

Definitely plan on doing it in front of a large assembly of children. I'm actually working to be an instructor so it'll be hilarious when there is an auditorium assembly and I have to give a speech to the whole school. I'll probably say something along the lines of "you all remind me a lot of myself when i was younger. I hope all of you can take something from this when I leave here today." Then i'll pull out a shot gun and blow my brains out all over the crowd.

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Yours sounds pretty nice. I like this one.

Tbh I don't get why more people offing themselves don't do shit like this. You're going to die anyway. Nothing matters anymore, you won't be held accountable or have to fear consequences. So you can just live out all you ever wanted to do. If you belive in god and hell you're going to end up there anyway for comitting sudoku so might as well commit a few more sins by doing whatever the fuck you like or always wanted to have a go at.

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definetely drowning,i almost died like that on accident when i went to a pool once and it was really peaceful and painless my head just got really light and i slowly lost consciousness

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Get high then die

Fast and painless, with a little drama as possible, no gay sad songs or suicide notes

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Do this, it's perfect and has no flaws

That sounds gay as fuck to be honest, I'd rather casually blow myself up in night club or something

Scarring literally thousands of children for life.


Being smothered in a thicc ass

Death by sex always seemed dumb to me. Always sounds like the individual is a 99 year old man and can't take too much excitement otherwise he'll have a heart attack.

benzo + opiate OD
instant death where i dont know what happend (like a bomb 1m from me or a shotgun to the head while I'm asleep)

Massive doses of fentanyl.
In the middle of a forest, with accelerants all over me, a lil spark of flame slowly crawling towards me. I want my body in ashes.
I'll blissfully die watching things burning around me, then me as i am deep asleep.
It'll remind me that this life is the real hell.
Too bad i can't have F nor experienced enough with accelerants, plus setting the woods on fire is hard considering tree police.
Another would be imitating the greatest an hero of all time, Skyking.
Soaring the sky, looking down on all the worker ants, flying away from all of our stupid monkey ass civilization then going straight for some snowy mountain top, probably jumping put of the plane with some wingsuit to feel free as a bird, crashing violently, never to be found again, gov saucers can suck my dick.
But I cannot have even an ideal death, i'll stick with the good ole rope.

Torturing everyone who has ever wronged me to death and then living the rest of my natural born life knowing they're either locked in my dungeon or dead, only confessing my crimes on my death bed.

Getting a blowjob from that shitty 3d model

For the same reason as anything in our lives.
Opportunity, will and energy.
Skyking didn't have the worst life, but he still felt the call lf the void, he saw an opportunity, he had the skills and energy so he went for it, even if he had a loving family and wife.
Life ain't shit for self aware individuals.
Dogs and cats lead better lives.