Post a movie you specifically really loved as a kid

Post a movie you specifically really loved as a kid

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The Rescuers Down Under, I absolutely loved that film, still enjoy it tbqh.

i really liked Treasure Planet

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I played the shit out of the PS1 game

I loved that movie also t. Op

This movie was and still is the fucking tits.

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Pretty sure this movie is why I now love gfur

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>07 movie
>most likely 'loved' it during dvd release in 08-09

zoomer underage detected

Secret area secret area

most underrated disney movie besides treasure planet

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>Tfw goy
>Tfw have weird obsessive love for movie related as a kid

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This and Dark Crystal

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where my bionic boys at?

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The ship designs really captivated me as a kid. I remember explicitly keeping a diary which looked like the one from the movie and scribbling my own bullshit in it.



I've always fucking loved this one

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I don't remenber anything from my childhood

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chicken little


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surely you remember the abuse right robot?

sweet giblets nigga

This was the FUCKING SHIT

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Help! I'm a Fish. I don't care what others say this movie was fucking good

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Unironically this, no wonder I was fucked up as a child

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I loved Bonkle but the movie was just disappointing for some reason. Tahu surfing when Ta-Koro gets attacked was based though. I guess I wanted something closer to the awesome story animations they had on the website.

also played the fuck out of the pc game

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Probably a bunch of kids were obsessed the way I was, but for me it was Toy Story. Born in 95 but we had the tape because my parents bought it for my sister who was indifferent to the movie. I came along and saw it when I was two and I adored it.
I watched it easily three times a week as a child from ages 2-6, by the time the sequel came out a year later I had branded pajamas, sheets, t-shirts, slippers and owned 2 different full size Woody and Buzz toys plus a stupid amount of the small-scale figures they released. The first movie I saw in theaters was Toy Story 2.
I got sick in 2000 and at the hospital, they offered me a selection of videos to watch. When I read the list I was incredulous because they didn't have Toy Story or Toy Story 2, and they also didn't have a single Pokemon tape. They suggested Space Jam instead ("It has Patrick Ewing and Bugs Bunny in it") which was utter shit.

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remember getting my first boner watching chel's fat hip/thighs/ass and having to lay down on the ground so my family wouldn't see

sequel never ever fml

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I liked the goonies

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I can't remember how many times I watched this as a kid

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Was born in 90.

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Most excellent.

This one got me into rock and sci-fi
I loved this goddamn movie. It was mx childhood

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this or the postman

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I don't think this was the original cover

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All Dogs Go to Heaven 2

That's the 30 year anniversary cover

I bet none of you remember this gem
also Prince of egypt

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Everything about it was really cool

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My niggas.

secondary niggas.

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I got high as fuck recently and re-watched this. Was actually still pretty okay.

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I watched the crap out of it cause it was one of the few VHS tapes I had
I didn't pick up on a lot of the jokes when I was younger though

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This movie, it's based on the Jules Verne book Two year's vacation

It's made by TOEI animation and I think it's called Juugo Shounen Hyouryuuki, no idea if it was released by any name in the US

I loved it because it was very different form what I was used to seeing as a kid

Though when I saw it, ti was a dubbed, regional release in my country, straight to vhs, and had no idea it was anime. It's very french anime in fact, and looks more like a cartoon than an anime.

Found it on youtube, but only as a finnish dub with no subs, so here's it to you finnanons if you are in here

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I loved Disney's princess movies. :3

Yeah, still one of my favorites

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Probably the reason I'm obsessed with foxes