People who don't get CHILLS while listening to music

What is wrong with people who don't enjoy music? Are they interdimensional demons masquerading as human beings?

>Do you ever hear a drum beat, a harmony, or a tweak of a guitar string that makes a pleasant chill run up your spine? Well, in that case, you may have a special brain.

>As a student at Harvard University, Der Sarkissian investigated this phenomenon with her friend Matthew Sachs, a PhD student at USC. They wanted to see how brain activity differs between those who get chills in reaction to music and those who don't.

>The research, reported last year in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, found that people who get a shiver up their spine have more fibers connecting their auditory cortex to brain areas associated with emotional processing. This lets the two areas communicate better and means that people who get the chills experience intense emotions differently from those who don't.

LITERALLY are people who don't experience chills when listening to music even human?! I bet there's a lot of autistic incel sociopaths like that here. Show yourselves.

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are you baiting or just am i retarded?

I dont really enjoy anything on the level which you are going on about. I am envious though enjoy it my friend.

No I'm not baiting (at lesat only 50% baiting) and possibly yes to the second question

>People who don't get chills from listening to music
They have a name you know, and "autistic incel sociopaths" is not it.

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Yeah except the same people that are accused of being NPCs are also accused of being overly emotional and irrational

So you and your zoomer meme subculture are retarded. Maga xd

this honestly NPC meme is the same as calling people normies.
cringe and egoistic.
>im better than you
>normie libtard
>t. faggot who thinks something is functional in this world

>likes music
What is it like to have an IQ of 60

Einsten was a hobbyist musician. Sorry to break your elitistic fantasy.



Did you have a stroke?

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Did you? I dont think even you know what you are trying to communicate with this

This fucking retard KEK

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Trance is the only music that can give me chills

The only reason to ever feel shivers when listening to music is if it reminds you of some really emotional moment. I just can't comprehend people that get shivers everytime they listen to "good music".

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I pretty much every time I hear a saxophone. Also get them from "epic" metal songs, really good hardstyle songs and also some old school rock solos.
Here's a good song that gives me chills every time.

I didn't use to get chills from listening to music and never really even cared about listening to it. I thought music was for dumb normies.

Then I started listening to classical and choral music and a whole new dimension opened up to me.
I think it was Allegri's Miserere that was the first to have that effect on me. I've listened to it probably hundreds of times and that one part still sends shivers up my spine every single time. Literally changed how I perceived the world. Can't imagine not listening to music anymore.

There is indeed something deeply wrong with people who don't feel music.

But I have an inner voice and don't like music at all, my inner voice even says so.

literally chills usap my spine bro,...

Has a song ever made you cry anons?

I never get chills unless it's a song that manages to stir a particular emotion in me or it triggers emotional memories. The only genres that ever actually really move me in any meaningful way are classical, opera, and power metal (More orchestral or ballad type songs).

>I just can't comprehend people that get shivers every time they listen to "good music".
It's called drugs or having very little emotional depth.

o you look like me
Do you burn like me
Do you look like me
Do you burn like me
Do you look like me
Do you burn like me

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Oh, wait, is that the feeling of warmth flowing down your neck and back? Combined with a tingling sensation that travels down the spine and arms? I can do that at will, feels like sunshine, or warm water. I also get a stronger version from some music, and can make myself cry by listening to certain tracks. Always figured that "chills" were an auto hypnotic phenomenon that caused oxytocin release, nothing more, nothing less. Easy for some people, impossible for others.

This, dude. I never got the sensation.

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holy shit user, was just listening to this late last night, and thinking something similar

>grug hear music
>grug get tingles
>grug smart

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>grug enjoy less things
>grug more intelligent than you

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I've listened to many genres of music that give me intense emotional feeling, happiness, sadness, anger, anticipation, relaxation. The bpm and melodies act as a waking dream as my mind is filled with a rush of feeling. Tis truly a wonderful experience, but I think to unlock it people must explore many genres, think critically about the message of the music, and take focus of the intricacies of its instrumentals.

On that front, I have yet to meet people that will listen to songs or albums on repeat to enjoy the sensation. They view music more as background entertainment. Like watching a TV rerun. They may be excited the first time but quickly lose feeling after that.

I felt perhaps my bpd and mania that I typically keep suppressed attributed to the intense feelings that I have during media consumption, particularly with music.

Perhaps it is these intricately woven fibers within my body though. Thanks user, good to know there are others like me.

Perhaps try sitting, closing your eyes, and concentrating on the music. It can be a great escape from reality, or an enhancement of reality if listening outdoors. Or doing an activity you enjoy. It can really liven the experience up. I often listen to music while studying for example. It makes it seem like you have a soundtrack or montage to your life, and emboldens me to continue in the process.

Let your imagination loose once again.


TL;DR I really enjoy music too, great shares in this thread. Here's a smaller artist I found that has been making phenomenal tracks. I hope you all enjoy and please sub.

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i like this

any other thrashfags in here?


I don't enjoy music. Sometimes I find an enjoyable song and listen to it, by itself, over and over then get bored in half in hour but that's only happened a dozen times in my life. I've yet to meet someone like me. Guess that makes me the opposite of an npc.

Sorry to shit on your gay little intp fedora parade, but 1. emotions are just as important as intellect, and 2. NPCs neither truly think nor feel, making your point completely moot.
My trips prove you wrong faggot.

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