Why so many pol racebait threads lately?
Why so many pol racebait threads lately?
Other urls found in this thread:
>i follow all the rules
>mainstream media dictates my beliefs
>worship banks, CEOs, celebrities
all anti Jow Forums
It's weird how fox and friends claim not to be mainstream media, yet they're the biggest news stations watched in the states. Every news station has a right wing bias since they're deathly afraid to seem like they're left in any way, leading to crazy "bothsides are equally bad!" Garbage.
>worship banks
Poltards cape for tax cuts for the rich, I don't see how "no u" works in that case.
Wanting to give them more money will not help you in any way, trickle down doesn't work. This has been proven time and time again. Literally boot licking and handing them your money.
Why are there so many sjw cancerfags coming in and claiming this is in anyway new?
>every news station has a right wing bias
lol. not going to read the rest
I'll take them over the trannies, to be honest.
The Nazis can at least be fun sometimes, trannies are just insufferable.
>crazy "bothsides are equally bad!" Garbage.
kek, they are. it's amazing how easily you can get the same people to fight each other over minor differences. left vs right is just a smoke screen, retard. it's some retarded battle created to distract the public as they slowly lose their privacy and their freedom
Before the shutdown ended you had news stations even entertaining the idea that Democrats had any part in shutting down the government when trump himself said that he'll shut down the government, hell take the mantle, he won't blame the democrats.
They're absolutely afraid to use the word lie when describing anything right leaning but will jump on anyone on the left who even misquotes a statistic.
>I'll refuse to read the rest
"It doesn't agree with my ideals so I'll shut it out!"
Wow, you've never been on Jow Forums, have you?
Both sides have flaws sure
But claiming they're the same is an outright lie and you're drinking right wing Kool aid.
One side said 800,000 jobs is worth YOU the tax payer putting your hard earned tax dollars towards an unpopular campaign promise and the other is saying "we shouldn't use shutdowns as a negotiations tactic, fund the government and we'll talk"
How is that the same? Republicans have no policy plans that help the people. Their whole gameplan is "own the libs even if it hurts the people and give rich more money"
They had two years of control of the government and only gutted regulation, passed tax cuts and threatened the livelihoods of farmers
I have
sssh, liberals need to pretend they are cool rebels of society, also that they're normal... and that everyone who doesn't agree with them is a virgin terrorist
That pic is actually very accurate to how conservatives think. Nice
the mainstream media is on the liberals side.
But user, there's been less of those threads recently than there were a few months ago. Still way too many gayposters though
That's an opinion user. And opinions do not equal facts. Especially when those opinions come from a source that happens to be from the opposing side.
Nobody is coming to get you, it's okay. You are safe.
>lefty quietly tries to absolve themselves of guilt for racebaiting
>duuh wut I say is facts because I am so self important and have such a huge ego, but what you say, well thats just your opinion maaaaaan
>the establishment is awesome
>yaknow being conservative is the new punk rock
Well it is. 80s punk was all about bucking the system. The system right now is anti white, anti family, anti male, anti straight, anti Christianity, etc. Conservatism basically gives the system the finger when it supports those things.
>watch out ladies, real man comin thru
Spooky term, but still nothing wrong with this. We define mem as those who at the very least AIM for traditional gender roles.
>i follow all the rules
Not the shitlib rules but I see no problem with this otherwise.
>i worship banks, CEOs, & celebrities
I'm what you'd consider to be a conservative and I don't worship any of that stuff. In fact, I'm quite socialist when it comes to economics, provided the wealth is redistributed only to my race.
>the mainstream media dictates all my beliefs
I don't follow the mainstream media.
>protesting is for commies
You'd be hard pressed to find a conservative against all forms of protest.
>check out my anti-refugee bumper sticker haha you cant even handle this i'm such a rebellious free-thinker
Apparently you can't, considering you've made an effort to convey it in your post. You seem a little triggered, I might say.
>Every news station has a right wing bias since they're deathly afraid to seem like they're left in any way, leading to crazy "bothsides are equally bad!"
All News stations, including Fox, are leftist.
>Poltards cape for tax cuts for the rich, I don't see how "no u" works in that case.
I'm Jow Forums and I'm not in favor of tax cuts to the rich.
>Before the shutdown ended you had news stations even entertaining the idea that Democrats had any part in shutting down the government when trump himself said that he'll shut down the government,
That doesn't make them conservative, lol. Not even close.
This is the best of Jow Forums ladies and gents.
My opinion of race baiting and yours are probably different so it's pointless to bring it up since it'll just be "no u" from you
But it's cool to ignore everything else I say.
about mainstream media
Correct me if I was wrong about anything. The media is afraid to be shown to have a left leaning bias so they'll give weight to outright lies so they can give that spicy "both sides are equally bad, we journalists are above such petty bipartisanship. We are truly enlightened."
>that doesn't make them conservative
It makes them sympathetic to conservative views, and they'll criticize left leaning ideas just because they want to seem neutral
All you're doing is ranting to me about how bad the right is. It really sounds like you're the one sipping on the cool-aid.
I refuse to take part in a petty back-and-forth where we call up specific instances to support a specific side. I already told you I supported neither, and you still attacked me, because you had no idea what to do. You've been completely implanted with this constant left vs right idea, and it really shows in exactly how you reacted to me.
I didn't talk about the shutdown. I didn't do anything to make you think I wanted to talk about some specific instance that one side was bad. The right isn't the issue, most of them are just people like the left. It's the ones at the top (corporations and government) that you have to keep an eye on. Don't lose sight of that like so many people already have.
>It makes them sympathetic to conservative views,
It doesn't do that, either. You're grasping at straws.
>and they'll criticize left leaning ideas just because they want to seem neutral
Or maybe one less batshit leftist realizes that those even worse off aren't correct.
if the shutdown can be ended by the dems then the dems have a part in it...
It's funny how it's categorically wrong now when it was totally ok for Clinton to do much the same in the 90s to push through the funding the democrats wanted for healthcare and for Obama to do it when he was trying to force the affordable care act through. It's even funnier how next time there is a Democrat in office and Republican Congress it will happen again and it will be totally ok for them to use the tactic then becuase trumps administration did it. I know it will play out that way becuase it's the same narrative that arose around the use of the filibuster when democrats abused it to stonewall in the last couple years of the Bush administration and then cried foul when rebublicans did the same during Obama's tenure and then when right back to filibustering when Rebublicans took control.
Imagine getting so wound up that you had to deconstruct and reply to each sentence in the image to make your point.
Or maybe it was the drawing of the fat fedora that wound you up. Image stuck a raw nerve either way.
>The system right now is anti white, anti family, anti male, anti straight, anti Christianity, etc
Nope, that's just your persecution fetish fule by the narrative fox and Jow Forums feeds you. You are ok. Nobody is coming to get you. Its alright user you dont have to be scared.
Boy oh boy do you guys love to be victims.
>We define mem as those who at the very least AIM for traditional gender roles.
Nope. A man is a multiple of things, I would even argue you dont have to be a male to act as a man, I've met some tough as fuck girls before who would out do you in a minute. (This has nothing to do with gender roles they are just tough as nails)
>I see no problem with this otherwise.
I believe you. I believe you dint question what you are told and drink the kool-aid without a second thought.
>I'm quite socialist
>only to my race
You aren't fully conservative and are also a racist. I dint throw that word around but you did in fact make a racist statement.
(Hurr only fur white ppl)
>I don't follow the mainstream media.
Debatable, you dont necessarily have to follow the mainstream media to follow their exact beliefs.
>You'd be hard pressed to find a conservative against all forms of protest
You will when its against their own interests. They will even make shit up about antifa being violent.
>All News stations, including Fox, are leftist.
Loosen the tinfoil hat its cutting off circulation
>I'm Jow Forums and I'm not in favor of tax cuts to the rich
You are an individual OPs post is speaking about the genaral consensus of conservatives.
4/10 you made an effort.
Until we get something like ranked choice voting it'll forever be left vs right, as they don't have to worry about any 3rd party getting in.
Reminder that centrists don't hold any high ground, morally or intellectually.
Centrists are either:
-both sides are equally bad
-the solution is somewhere in the middle no matter what
-I'm apethetic and everyone who cares is wasting time
And all are bad positions to hold.
Until a 3rd party gets a valid ability to win either take a side or commit to being fine how everything is headed.
>publishing lies and Giving them credibility isn't being sympathetic to the views of those who believe those lies
I don't get it
Ive never said it's okay to use shutdowns, no matter who does it. I'm not versed in those shutdowns so I can't give my takes on the specifics.
My opinion is that all shutdowns are bad and the public shouldnt be punished for their lack of ability to have normal debates.
get SIEGE pilled faggs
kill yourself cancerous nigger. no one likes you
>You seem a little triggered, I might say.
jesus christ your lack of self awareness actually made me lol
>"3rd party never gonna happen!"
this isn't about a third party
>"dumb centrist"
this isn't about changing legislature or anything of that nature. did i suggest legislature changes?
you're still missing the point. i'm not sure if you're doing it on purpose. it's frightening how easily people like you give up their privacy and their freedom in the name of security, or in the name of convenience.
the people at the top will do what it takes to stay at the top, and to stay in control. regardless of their political party. countless records kept of your personal, private data. meticulously stored away, right now. it's easier than ever. who is going to stop them? the law? they are the law. all of this occurs while you're baited into fighting another man because of petty differences in political beliefs. don't you see how this is set up? just watch both sides of the news. it'll be pretty obvious then. are you paying attention? or are you just coasting from day to day with your brain turned off?
it's easier that way, isn't it?
your pretentiousness makes me cringe
"I'm too dumb to be able to see multiple issues at once. Being able to pick a side in politics and knowing who is stealing our information is mutually exclusive"
Reminder that one party is for less regulation, and believe that capitalism will solve all issues.
Reminder that the same party tries their hardest to gut anti-trust laws.
Legislation changes are the only things that can alleviate your problems. Otherwise you're a conspiracy theorist who believes nothing will ever get better, if so then I should stop replying.
Make it illegal for tech companies to do shady shit with your information
Actually punish millionaires with proportionally huge fines for committing crimes and don't give them special jails if they're actually arrested.
The term white collar crime sickens me, crime is crime
All we can hope is that this new age of politicians that aren't bought out by big companies stay mindful of their roots.
It's all shitskins and Jow Forumsfags false flagging at once for those (yous) with some exceptions. Still better than traps and their bullshit though.
so basically, you think the left isn't going to be persuaded by money because they're the "good" side? give me a break. the left was never against big corp. money runs the world, you know that. and where is all the money?
they like to tell you they are against big corp, because that's exactly what you like to hear. read that again if you need to really digest it.
>you're a conspiracy theorist who believes nothing will ever get better
i haven't really said anything too radical though
>Make it illegal for tech companies to do shady shit with your information
they have money, and i don't.
>All we can hope is that this new age of politicians that aren't bought out by big companies stay mindful of their roots.
hope isn't a good thing to rely on, user. but i'm glad you're finally seeing things.
i'm only really arguing with you because it makes me angry that people like you are so devoted to a single party and that everyone who doesn't believe what you do is bad. mass media has turned both the ""left"" and the ""right"" into animals fighting over scraps while they fuck you behind your back
Blacked spam is mostly made by one guy I think. Jow Forums has gone periods where we didn't have *that* much of it.
You might have noticed the white supremacist anime girl poster.
There's also Storm that posts some asian-flavored racebait.
And lastly there's the guy that cries about Jow Forums and seems to attempt to brigade Jow Forums into hating them. I'm not saying that's you OP, but there's a poster who has done it a lot.
All we have is hope.
What else do you suggest?
The left is more set on helping people than the right, and it's foolish to dismiss both without some sort of plan.
Otherwise pessimism isn't doing anything good other than just wasting breath.
As I see it, all we laypeople can do is just vote for people who have our interests.
>As I see it, all we laypeople can do is just vote for people who have our interests.
they don't have your interests. they just pretend that they do. oh, and if they do? if they aren't willing to cooperate with the demands of the people who get them funding? well, guess someone else is going to be getting campaign funding next election cycle. guess someone else is going to get that rolls royce """gift""".
it's not pessimism. it's called being realistic. as long as people are fighting each other under mass media and ignoring this, it's going to continue. introduce the internet, data mining, growing apathy toward privacy and freedom, and you have a perfect setting for control of the entire public. there's little that can be done about it, you can't change human nature. people want convenience, even if it means giving up their freedom or their privacy.
it's way worse than you think. it's way worse than you could ever imagine. the younger generation is being cultivated not to care about their freedom, or their privacy. because, who needs privacy, right? as long as you aren't doing anything the government doesn't like, you have nothing to worry about, right? you would be surprised how many people on your ""good"" side hold this opinion.
don't be misguided, the higher-ups of both parties have a lot more common interests than you realize. the best you can do is protect yourself at this point.
>if they aren't willing to cooperate with the demand of the people who get them funding ...
That's the brilliant thing of publicly funded elections that certain politicians are talking about.
Then they'd only be beholden to the people.
Not everything is a lost cause just yet. Big money has no place in politics.
Protecting only myself is a last resort, I'd rather push for everyone to be protected to a specific standard.
Theres a difference between realism and pessimism, user.
You sound like a faggot and a jew, i bet you listen to george c*rlin
this board has been /pol2.0/ for quite some time now.. at least 3-4 years
God I hate NAZI shit so much. So sick of this stupid white supremacist crap. I love women of all races.
who is this even supposed to represent
to starts, stop posting and bumping trap threads, then you can complain about /pol
true that. "muh hope" is too fragile of a thing to rely on really.
Your side couldn't spend five billion which is practically pennies out of the huge budget on border security. Democrats in the Bush era including Obama himself voted in favor of building a barrier which is why some of the southern border has a wall. The only reason they didn't now is to stop trump.
When have democrats ever pushed for this shit? In the Obama era I never heard anything related to the matter. Since tech guys almost always donate to Democrats I doubt they're going to arrest Zucc and put him in prison with all the nigs
>he system right now is anti white, anti family, anti male, anti straight, anti Christianity, etc. Conservatism basically gives the system the finger when it supports those things.
>wahhh i'm a victim
and the sorting hat puts you in... tumblrpuff!
After the "smirking kid" incident how can you not believe it? They envy white kids like him and hate him. He just smirked. Tons of leftists on twitter threatened to hurt or kill him, and almost all said he was guilty of harassment
He's right about socialism though. I hate it but in all honesty it doesn't work for brown people. Like what America's becoming.
Blumpkin original
Fragile white right wingers are upset that Daddy Trump caved into to the big blue femcock.
Democrats didn't want to cave on trumps demands because you don't compromise with people who take hostages.
The whole plan was "fund the government and talk after"
If they caved and gave him 5bn for the wall he would think that shutdowns would always force the democrats hands and use it to get anything he wants.
This man had full control of the government for 2 years, couldn't get a wall then, and waited for Democrats to take the house to make it an issue. He even said he'd take full blame for the shutdown and shit suckers like you ignore that and want a reason to blame dems.
New, young democrats like AOC have been talking about things like
but not punishing big companies and white collar crime more effectively. Hopefully the party gets to that point eventually, I'm sick of the rich being able to sell out the American people for more money and get no meaningful punishment for being found out.
Old establishment democrats are also in the pockets of big corporations and need to be midterm'd out too. They're a lost cause.
>Nope, that's just your persecution fetish fule by the narrative fox and Jow Forums feeds you. You are ok. Nobody is coming to get you. Its alright user you dont have to be scared.
Millions want my people dead, displaced or deprived of our rights. These videos are but a taste of our modern persecution.
>buh-buh I don't like the source its like faux and the pol guy
Why don't you refute these supposedly improper sources instead of denying our lived experiences?
>buh-buh these are only a few examples
I can come up with plenty more, but we both know that you'll hold me to an unattainable, ever widening set of criteria.
At the end of the day it's a matter of perspective. I have the perspective that will ultimately benefit my people if it's given power. You have a picture of a fat guy with a fedora.
>Boy oh boy do you guys love to be victims.
I would sleep a lot sounder if I weren't a victim. I would sleep a lot sounder if I didn't have to fear losing my representation in my former nation. That's why I want an ethnostate. I don't even want to interact with people like you, but the necessity of discourse in places like r9k obligates me to. If we kept to ourselves I wouldn't have a problem.
>Nope. A man is a multiple of things,
What things? You can't even state what your definition of a man is. How can you convince people that it's better than mine? Why should we abide by your undefined pozzed concept instead of the one that built our nations?
>I would even argue you dont have to be a male to act as a man, I've met some tough as fuck girls before who would out do you in a minute. (This has nothing to do with gender roles they are just tough as nails)
If you're not going to define being a man as a series of roles exclusive to males then your definition is even more meaningless then I'd previously thought. Opinion discarded.
>I believe you. I believe you dint question what you are told and drink the kool-aid without a second thought.
That's not what following the rules means. You can follow the rules and still question them, and perhaps the reason why you're following them is that they stand up to your scrutiny to begin with. You're ascribing extraneous bullshit to my statement without any evidence.
>You aren't fully conservative and are also a racist. I dint throw that word around but you did in fact make a racist statement.
There's nothing wrong with being a racist. Everyone should be racist.
You're refusing to acknowledge that someone can be racist and still hold socialist economic positions.
>(Hurr only fur white ppl)
I'll consider your lack of rebuttal a concession. But hey, good on you for fitting your little insult in.
>Debatable, you dont necessarily have to follow the mainstream media to follow their exact beliefs.
The mainstream media is uniformly shitlib/leftist, and even if I didn't usually hold the polar opposite opinions those opinions would not be dictated by them, since I don't follow them.
>You will when its against their own interests.
That's not what OP said. You're moving the goalposts to a meaningless position. Obviously commie protests are for commies.
Even assuming they were against protesting, they wouldn't be against ALL protests like your gay smuggie claimed.
>Loosen the tinfoil hat its cutting off circulation
Not an argument. You need to stop hiding like a "tough as nails girl" and stand by your convictions.
>You are an individual OPs post is speaking about the genaral consensus of conservatives.
I'm an individual that represents the general consensus of conservatives, whether they care to admit that or not.
>Imagine getting so wound up that you had to deconstruct and reply to each sentence in the image to make your point.
Yeah, imagine caring about things, amirite? Who cares about stuff? I should just post my epic jojo pics and laugh from the sidelines instead of trying.
>Or maybe it was the drawing of the fat fedora that wound you up. Image stuck a raw nerve either way.
It was probably both. Do you have a point?
>jesus christ your lack of self awareness actually made me lol
Self awareness is for people that hold themselves to the standards of zoomers and normalfags. No thanks.
>and the sorting hat puts you in... tumblrpuff!
The only thing Tumblr has wrong is who they claim to be victims.
You've spent too many braincells establishing identitiarians as some kind of monolithic boogeyman.
Jow Forums worships banks and CEOs tho
>publishing lies and Giving them credibility isn't being sympathetic to the views of those who believe those lies
You've failed to establish those statements as lies, you've failed to establish that these lies were done to pay lip service to conservative views, and you've failed to establish any of this as the norm rather the exception.
Insert coin
neck yourself kike
Keep sucking that jewish dick alt-goy
You're retarded.
>posts anime girls
>posts about cock
Being gay makes you fabulous and resilient. Whitoid identifiers have an existential crisis every time someone berates the "white race".
>Being gay makes you fabulous and resilient.
Resilient to fucking what, a cock up your ass? Congrats, you can indulge in degeneracy for hedonistic pleasure.
Being gay is the antithesis of resilience. You took the easy way out.
>Whitoid identifiers have an existential crisis every time someone berates the "white race".
Our race is in danger and we care about our families and our self determination. You care about watching children fuck eachother.
>Resilient to fucking what, a cock up your ass? Congrats, you can indulge in degeneracy for hedonistic pleasure.
>Being gay is the antithesis of resilience. You took the easy way out.
Do you defend capitalism even though it exploits hedonism to drive a perpetually growing economy? You don't know what you want darling.
>Our race is in danger and we care about our families and our self determination. You care about watching children fuck eachother.
What race? What's a race? Can you prove races exist? Racial differences aren't proof of race any more than symptoms of an illness are proof an illness actually exists. There's no set of genes that you MUST have to be white (other than those which you must have to be human in the first place of course). You're literally just identifying as "white" and basing all your politics on that. No different from the dumber SJWs, unlike me.
By the way this is a boy (male).
Did you not follow the conversation?
Here's the lie: Nancy, Chuck and the democrats are at fault for the shutdown
Here's the truth: trump says he will take the blame for the shutdown
Here's it in video form, it's only a minute, no excuse not to watch it.
And now here's him blaming the democrats:
This is actual proof of him lying.
Now any news station that says that Democrats have any blame in the shutdown is sympathetic to conservative views, as trump alone decided to shut it down.
Theres no "but if the democrats..." It's all trump, he even admitted it himself. There's absolutely no reason to consider any other options, it came from his own mouth. Unless you're willing to suggest the president shouldn't be taken at his word.
Yet mainstream media refuses to use the word lie when it comes to conservatives.
>Do you defend capitalism
>You don't know what you want darling.
I want a white, anti degenerate family centric ethnostate where the interests of white men are represented. Everything else is secondary.
>What race?
The white race. My race.
>What's a race?
A group of people separated by other groups of people geographically and through genetic clustering.
>Can you prove races exist?
Can you prove any inmaterial things exist? It depends on your concept of proof. People recognize racial differences and organize into tribes based on those differences almost universally.
>There's no set of genes that you MUST have to be white
There's no true boundaries on the light spectrum that define what is purple. Guess what? People still have a general idea as to what is red and what isn't red.
>You're literally just identifying as "white" and basing all your politics on that.
Exactly. I also base my politics on family and self improvement. Can you state what's actually wrong with this choice or are you going to keep acting like stating that it's a choice is a refutation?
>No different from the dumber SJWs, unlike me.
I don't believe SJWs are dumb unless they're against their own race. Supporting your race is admirable.
>By the way this is a boy (male).
Oof. Stop watching porn and start lifting weights.
>This is actual proof of him lying.
That's proof of him being inconsistent. You have zero proof that he lied.
>Now any news station that says that Democrats have any blame in the shutdown is sympathetic to conservative views, as trump alone decided to shut it down.
Wrong. The democrats are at fault for not delivering his funding. This is not a conservative or liberal view. That's your distinction.
>Unless you're willing to suggest the president shouldn't be taken at his word.
I voted for Trump and I'll vote for him again, but I totally don't think he should be taken at his word. Lol.
>People recognize racial differences and organize into tribes based on those differences almost universally.
Yes, the part where people define it is the important part. You are agreeing that race is a social construct.
>There's no true boundaries on the light spectrum that define what is purple. Guess what? People still have a general idea as to what is red and what isn't red.
Exactly, people pigeon holing a nature full of continuums into arbitrarily defined terms. There's really no such thing as "purple" or "red", they're just definitions to describe sensations from certain wavelengths of light.
Race is an arbitrary definition that takes a list of vague genetic traits and says "this is white". According to the one drop rule most "white" people alive today aren't even white. 100 years ago the Irish weren't white. In 2016 Slavs finally became white. It never ends.
>Exactly. I also base my politics on family and self improvement. Can you state what's actually wrong with this choice or are you going to keep acting like stating that it's a choice is a refutation?
Well as long as you're aware of it, then I can't blame you. Sorry for assuming you were a run of the mill Jow Forumstard then.
>I don't believe SJWs are dumb unless they're against their own race. Supporting your race is admirable.
Many people on the left pretend to support things just because they want to keep their 'friends'. Many SJWs are very stupid. I say that as an SJW.
>Oof. Stop watching porn and start lifting weights.
I lied, this is actually a girl (female)
How the fuck isn't that lying?
"I won't blame you"
And then "it's your fault" means that the "I won't blame you" is a lie.
Call it what it is, there's no need to play it down. Calling it a different name doesn't change the facts.
"It's the democrats fault for not giving into trumps demands for a wall even though he had full republican party control of the government for two years and couldn't get it passed"
Question, what ever happened to Mexico paying for the wall? I don't recall ME, an American citizen, being a part of mexico.
I shouldn't have to put my hard earned money to a project that is unpopular and won't work.
And then "you can't take the president of the United states- the most powerful position arguably on this planet- at his word"
I'm clearly being baited and you've 10/10 got me, congrats.
Denial is but the first stage
>Yes, the part where people define it is the important part. You are agreeing that race is a social construct.
>Exactly, people pigeon holing a nature full of continuums into arbitrarily defined terms. There's really no such thing as "purple" or "red", they're just definitions to describe sensations from certain wavelengths of light.
Recognizing red and recognizing race are so universal across human population that in effect they are not arbitrary. I'm always going to side with people similar to me just as I'm always going to side with my family. I wouldn't expect anyone else to choose otherwise.
>According to the one drop rule most "white" people alive today aren't even white.
Yeah, but by and large humans don't identify using the one drop rule. You might find periods of time where groups of people had unique distinctions between races, but I, along with 99% of white nationalists are going to define whites the default way that we're defined across time and geographic region.
>100 years ago the Irish weren't white. In 2016 Slavs finally became white. It never ends.
That's a lot of funny memes user. But that's what they were, funny memes. Apart from actual Nazis, these statements were jokes.
>Well as long as you're aware of it, then I can't blame you.
Why would you blame me if I weren't aware of it? I want to protect my family and my people. What's wrong with this? Why would I be "fragile" for caring about this instead of gay cartoon porn?
>Sorry for assuming you were a run of the mill Jow Forumstard then.
A RUN OF THE MILL poltard believes the same things I believe. They just don't articulate it as well.
>on the left pretend to support things just because they want to keep their 'friends'.
The majority of people regardless of where they stand politically are this way. The majority of people are of average intelligence. It's only when this causes them to ignore things that are obviously harmful to yourself and/or your family that they're stupid.
>tfw Jow Forums comes to my robot board and i literally have no idea what they're talking about and i literally do not care about the white race or niggers or orange man or any of your temporal mortal concerns so i tell them to fuck off back to their containment board like a fucking wizard because i'm a fucking wizard
Abscond Jow Forumsniggers, back to thee containment hugbox forevermore. I banish thee!
>I'm so above politics I ignore it all together
No matter if they're R or D, anyone can tell you that's a fucking stupid stance to take.
You should care what happens to you and your family, policies affect everyone.
You clearly don't know the definition of wizard. As long as they get their NEETbucks, it doesn't affect them
>i'm deeply tuned into the political landscape of america waiting with bated breath for the next landmark tweet from orange man or occasional-cortez
>pff why would anyone want to ignore this riveting stupidity that actually really doesn't have a huge impact on peoples day to day lives
i deny the premise that national politics matters all that much. but what if we like, had a special place for people to go to discuss politics anonymously instead of shitting up other boards with larping, trolling, counter trolling, false flagging, and endless solipsism and infographics?
>How the fuck isn't that lying?
Because you've failed to establish his motivation. Maybe he changed his mind. Maybe he forgot.
>Call it what it is, there's no need to play it down.
There's no reason to play it up, either, other than "orange man bad".
>"It's the democrats fault for not giving into trumps demands for a wall even though he had full republican party control of the government for two years and couldn't get it passed"
Those are two separate situations. It's not the democrats fault for two years. Now that they've refused, it is their fault, and the shutdown is the consequence. I not only stand by this but I hope the shutdown will continue in three weeks unless the democrats give us the funding.
>Question, what ever happened to Mexico paying for the wall?
It didn't work out I guess.
>I don't recall ME, an American citizen, being a part of mexico. I shouldn't have to put my hard earned money to a project that is unpopular and won't work.
Yes you should, because it protects the interests of white nationalists like me. I don't care if you don't like it.
>And then "you can't take the president of the United states- the most powerful position arguably on this planet- at his word"
Does his position make him any more trustworthy? If I put my hand on a bible and got a few promotions would that magically make me someone who can be taken at his word?
>so i tell them to fuck off back to their containment board like a fucking wizard because i'm a fucking wizard
And like any wizard in the real world your powers are useless. Go tell your mom to conjure up some tendies while the adults discuss things. Mmkay?
>i worship banks, CEOs, & celebrities
>the mainstream media dictates all my beliefs
>protesting is for commies
>check out my anti-refugee bumper sticker
Some serious cognitive dissonance went into making this
You're right, I didn't know.
Once their neetbux gets stripped I bet they'll care.
National politics definitely does matter.
You're just lucky enough that you can ignore it.
Congrats I guess.
>I need to prove Donald trumps motivation for lying
Anything I say would be purely speculation because I'm not him and you know it.
I believe he lies because he knows he can get away with it and he won't face any consequences. "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters" and he's right. No matter what he does people who voted for him won't change their mind, so he can do whatever he wants.
This isn't something like "I have been introduced to new facts and decided to update my stance" it's "I can say whatever whenever and my bootlickers will believe me"
>there's no reason to play it up
I'm not playing it up.
I'm just calling it what it is, a lie.
>those are two separate situations
If he was committed to the wall, why wouldn't he do it then? He clearly doesn't care about getting it built, he only cares about "owning the libs epic style".
Governing by shutdown isn't the way a civilized country should do things. And that was the dems point this time " fund the government and we'll talk about border security". Giving into his demands then would just mean he shuts down the government every chance he gets. You don't reward bad behavior with treats.
>it didn't work out I guess
What a fucking copout
That was his whole campaign promise, that taxpayers wouldn't be burdened with it.
>it protects interests of white nationalists like me
Its not that I dislike border security, it's not that I dislike trump, it's that a wall wouldn't even work.
Most illegal immigrants come over through overstaying visas, how would a wall stop that?
Sure, we can do things like hire more border patrol, more cameras, more sensors, but a sea to sea wall does nothing but waste money. How about we nip the actual problem instead?
The idea you need to take sides is based on the belief white genocide is real. If it is real, it's completely self caused, even if you argue outsiders influenced it. All of that hinges on everyone involved agreeing on what is and isn't white.
Even if I am white and not "mutt", it doesn't give me any reason to care about an Italian or Greek, which many people claim are also white. Why care about race more than preservation or expansion of your culture? White Nationalists seem to want to preserve and exclude. Compare that to Islam which wants to conquer and assimilate.
>the system right now is anti white
>trump is president
>Cavanaugh is scj
>black people are still beong denied loans and housing based on race
>Fox is the largest news network
>most of the richest people in the world are white
>police still get away with murdering black people
>black people get longer sentences for the same crimes
>black and hispanic schools get no funding
>black people get stopped and convicted for crimes ehite people do at the same rate (drugs)
So MSNBC and the New York Times are the entire system?
>>police still get away with murdering black people
Lmao no. Blacks don't cooperate with cops
>>black people get longer sentences for the same crimes
Maybe it's because white people behave well in prison and don't rape or join gangs?
>>black and hispanic schools get no funding
They get many times the funding that poor chinks, vietnamese, and eastern europeans get and they're far more intelligent
>>black people get stopped and convicted for crimes ehite people do at the same rate (drugs)
Almost no crimes are committed equally by black and white people. Even white collar crimes like fraud and embezzlement are dis proportionally committed by blacks.
>blacks dont cooperate with cops
Thats not really the issue, blacks wouldnt run so much of there wasnt such a high chance of them getting mauled and shot while being arrested. Besides running from the cops shouldn't be a death sentance to begin with. And I'm not talking about time served, I'm literally talkong about the base sentance given by the judge. And if you want to talk about education most Asian nations spend a very large portion of their budget, 20% in vietnam, adjusted for proportion Asian kids get more funding, and thats not even the point in making. Property taxes fund schools, meaning wealthy whites get more funding just by being historically deathly. Skewed towards whites getting a better education. And yes drugs are used at the exact same rate, yet blacks get arreated at three times the rate for it (targeted policing).
>drugs are used at the exact same rate
I'm calling bullshit. Source?
>I need to prove Donald trumps motivation for lying
You need to prove Trump's motivation for making inconsistent statements to prove that he's lying.
If this is your first sentence I don't think the rest of your post is going to even addressing the right topic.
>Anything I say would be purely speculation because I'm not him and you know it.
I'm not hiding the fact that I know it. You shouldn't be making hard claims that your day long argument revolves around based on speculation.
>I believe he lies because he knows he can get away with it and he won't face any consequences.
Well, saying that you BELIEVE is an improvement. You should've been doing so from the start. I believe Donald Trump wasn't lying because I don't think Trump holds many consistent positions.
>"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters" and he's right. No matter what he does people who voted for him won't change their mind, so he can do whatever he wants.
If he honestly cops out on the wall rather than allowing Pelosi to continue taking the blame, he will lose core voters. Prior to that though I agree with that sentiment. That's the demand of pro white idpol.
>This isn't something like "I have been introduced to new facts and decided to update my stance" it's "I can say whatever whenever and my bootlickers will believe me"
It wasn't a matter of fact to begin with. It's a matter of perspective. Of course hardliners are going to blame the democrats. They expect them to pay up or face the consequences.
>I'm not playing it up. I'm just calling it what it is, a lie.
You believe it's a lie. That's a statement of belief, not fact. For whatever reason you consider this opinion to be very important. I'm asking you why.
>If he was committed to the wall, why wouldn't he do it then?
Too many globalist/corporate rhinos in congress, I reckon. That and despite it being one of his greatest campaign promises he has been more focused on economic affairs. As I've said before I often swing authoritarian left economically, but I've been quite happy with the results regardless.
>He clearly doesn't care about getting it built, he only
"Only"? He cares deeply about a lot of things, even if the wall isn't at the top of that list.
>cares about "owning the libs epic style".
I know, and I love him for it.
>Governing by shutdown isn't the way a civilized country should do things.
>isn't the way a civilized country
>And that was the dems point this time " fund the government and we'll talk about border security".
He's offered them concessions on a silver platter so far, and they've continued to deny him. To the normalfag's eye it will begin to appear that they've been given what they want and still refused, and thus this whole affair is their fault.
>Giving into his demands then would just mean he shuts down the government every chance he gets.
Good. Fuck the government.
>You don't reward bad behavior with treats.
Exactly, you don't reward the democrats for refusing to fund the wall. You sanction them.
>What a fucking copout
How is it a copout? Are you denying that it didn't work out?
>That was his whole campaign promise, that taxpayers wouldn't be burdened with it.
That was one of his campaign promises, and that was far less important to his voters than actually getting it built. Some of them are literally crowdfunding the wall. We want the wall at all costs.
>Its not that I dislike border security, it's not that I dislike trump, it's that a wall wouldn't even work.
A wall won't keep people from crossing the space over which that wall is built? That's news to me, lol.
>Most illegal immigrants come over through overstaying visas, how would a wall stop that?
The wall isn't for those illegal immigrants. It's for the illegal immigrants that cross the border on foot.
>Sure, we can do things like hire more border patrol, more cameras, more sensors,
Why not both?
>but a sea to sea wall does nothing but waste money.
I disagree. Anything that reduces nonwhites from coming here is not a waste of money to me.
>How about we nip the actual problem instead?
The actual problem is accepting nonwhites here to begin with, and I agree, we should nip that actual problem.
>The idea you need to take sides is based on the belief white genocide is real.
>All of that hinges on everyone involved agreeing on what is and isn't white.
No, the idea that I need to take sides is based on the belief that me and my people are being persecuted and entitled to their own destiny.
If you want to claim that "my people" is an arbitrary distinction, I'll refer you to my earlier posts.
>If it is real, it's completely self caused, even if you argue outsiders influenced it.
If outsiders influenced it then it's not completely self caused.
But yes, I do believe that a large part of our current predicament is due to the self defeating nature of liberalism and the fact that it's so intertwined in western culture. Ideally, my ethnostate would seek to prevent such a mentality from taking hold again, and never forget the lessons of the past.
>Even if I am white and not "mutt", it doesn't give me any reason to care about an Italian or Greek, which many people claim are also white.
You don't have any reason to begin with. You appear to value almost nothing. If you valued your family and representation you would recognize Italians and Greeks as your kin and seek to protect them. You would also rather be ruled by Greeks than by Bantus, since they would more likely hold opinions similar to your own that serve your interests.
>Why care about race more than preservation
Race is nearly synonymous with culture for me, so the preservation of both are both incredibly important in my view.
>or expansion of your culture?
>White Nationalists seem to want to preserve and exclude. Compare that to Islam which wants to conquer and assimilate.
I'm not an imperialist or a conqueror. I want other races to have self determination as well. I'd even be okay with integrated western countries continuing to exist, so long as they don't interfere with the ethnostate.
>worshipping the system
>against refugees
Chose one
>the system right now is anti white
>trump is president
>Cavanaugh is scj
>So MSNBC and the New York Times are the entire system?
Neither of these people are white nationalists, and their opposition by fervent anti whites in other power structures is overwhelming.
>black people are still beong denied loans and housing based on race
Because regardless of how you organize the distribution of those things, blacks statistically less worthy to be given them. See this video.
>Fox is the largest news network
Fox is not pro white. It is just more pro white than other news networks.
>most of the richest people in the world are white
Okay, how does that make the system not anti white?
>police still get away with murdering black people
It's only murder by your standards. They failed to comply when dealing with police in a system that's becoming ever more draconian due to the failure of racial integration and the degradation of the ideals whites put in place.
>black people get longer sentences for the same crimes
They're more likely to reoffend.
>black and hispanic schools get no funding
They get plenty of funding, but when your location runs out of money due to the presence of blacks and Hispanics and the displacement of whites, poor little Pedro runs out of gibs.
>black people get stopped and convicted for crimes ehite people do at the same rate (drugs)
That study was based in conjecture.
"He's not lying because I say so, it's on you to prove that the statements are lies instead of mere 'inconsistencies' which are contextually identical"
>too many rhinos in congress
he doesn't want to make the Senate publicly vote for being against the wall and kill re-election chances and would rather blame the democrats
>he's offered them concessions
He offered to keep daca protections for 3 years after gutting it.
You can't take away something, give a piece of it back and call it a fair deal.
I wouldn't want them to take the deal even if it was "fully reinstating daca" because government shutdowns are not the way to govern. Working people are not chess pieces.
>you don't reward democrats for refusing to fund the wall
More of "you don't reward trump for holding the American people hostage"
And again, if funding the wall was so important, he had two years to do it, you cant possibly believe for two entire years he was too busy to have the government vote on wall money, but now that Democrats have the house it's top priority and it's their fault when Republicans could have done it for the longest.
>a wall won't keep people from crossing space
A wall can be outmanuvered by a piece of rope and some upper body strength
Border patrol response time is measured in hours, hell allocating billions for more agents along the border would be more effective.
If they want to get over, they will do it.
>the wall is for immigrants that cross the border on foot
Which is a small fraction of the bigger problem. Why focus on the small group instead of making tighter regulation on visas and keeping track of them which is more cost effective and will lower illegal immigration.
A physical wall will only keep honest people honest
You can get fewer immigrants with way more effective ways, but a wall is just a long trump statue which will do piss to actually solve the problem.
I doubt you actually care about immigration and just want a win for trump and the wall.
Alright pol can be retarded, incredibly racist, schizo, and believe in stupid conspiracies like pizza gate. But CEO and bank worship are two things they consistently never do. Wanting to everyone to pay less in taxes is not the same thing. On top of this they call out wealthy Jewish people as part of a global problem.
Good bait, got me. To reply
>blacks get shot at so blacks don't cooperate
>blacks don't cooperate so blacks get shot at
Sounds like Tyrone is stuck in a bit of circular logic.
Something's got to give in order to end this cycle, and I don't want it to be the people that keep us safe. You know what? It would probably be better if we just stayed apart. How about whites move to their own part of America and form their own nation, and blacks move to theirs? Just don't come to us looking to be oppressed.
>Besides running from the cops shouldn't be a death sentance to begin with. And I'm not talking about time served, I'm literally talkong about the base sentance given by the judge.
I agree, but in order to keep our nation safe we need to keep black thugs off the street. How are we supposed to depopulate our prisons when there are so many of them?
>And if you want to talk about education most Asian nations spend a very large portion of their budget, 20% in vietnam, adjusted for proportion Asian kids get more funding, and thats not even the point in making.
I'd be fine with spending a large portion of my budget on white children, but blacks are not my people. They should be paying for themselves like the do in Africa and the Caribbean.
>most of the richest people in the world are white
>Okay, how does that make the system not anti white?
jews aren't white though
>wanting the rich to pay less in taxes isn't ceo and bank worship
>Jews aren't white
>"He's not lying because I say so, it's on you to prove that the statements are lies instead of mere 'inconsistencies'
I'm not saying he's not lying. I'm saying that you have no proof that he is lying. You have the burden of proof.
>which are contextually identical"
They're not contextually identical. They were said on two different occasions.
>he doesn't want to make the Senate publicly vote for being against the wall and kill re-election chances and would rather blame the democrats
Bingo, and until about a day ago, it seemed like they were playing into his hand. Time will tell if this three weeks business pays off.
>He offered to keep daca protections for 3 years after gutting it. You can't take away something, give a piece of it back and call it a fair deal.
Oh yes you can. I believe it's more than fair.
>I wouldn't want them to take the deal even if it was "fully reinstating daca" because government shutdowns are not the way to govern.
Then the shutdown would be your fault. You want to govern without the shutdown? Take the deal.
>Working people are not chess pieces.
Working people should have accepted the risks of such a career path that came with the benefits. Ordinarily I (white) believe people are entitled to a means of livelihood, but with the wall in mind this is acceptable collateral damage.
>a wall is just a long trump statue which will do piss to actually solve the problem.
>A wall can be outmanuvered by a piece of rope and some upper body strength
>If they want to get over, they will do it.
Sure, they CAN, but rope and upper body strength didn't work well in Berlin, China, Israel, Hungary, or even Calfornia.
>Border patrol response time is measured in hours, hell allocating billions for more agents along the border would be more effective.
>Why focus on the small group instead of making tighter regulation on visas and keeping track of them which is more cost effective and will lower illegal immigration.
Why not both of these things AND the wall?
>I'm Jow Forums and I'm fine with the rich paying more taxes.
Jow Forums's entire ideology is a giant meme because there's no objective way to measure or categorize "race"
>Jow Forums's entire ideology is a giant meme because there's no objective way to measure or categorize "race"
All ideologies are memes. Prove yours is better than theirs.
racebait threads pretty much guarantee replies