Do you think a neet robot can really be groomed into being a loyal, loving...

Do you think a neet robot can really be groomed into being a loyal, loving, and hard working house husband for a mommy gf or do they lack the discipline and caring?

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There's no such thing as a true house husband.

Every scenario I've seen with this occurring the man usually has some insanely high-paying job that hes just put on hold because hes already made a fuck ton of money, or the guy has super-rich parents, or the guy works from home.

You must be young if you think a woman would be with a man who doesn't have a job, I mean shit, 99% of women wont even date a guy that has a lower status or lower paying job than her. I promise you the """""stay at home dad"""" is earning more from some home-online business than the wife is, with far less hours.

>do you think someone who doesnt want to work can be turned into a person who wants to work?

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I could definitely be a house husband. My parents thought me how to cook at an early age and I've been cleaning and looking after my stuff since I was 10. Too bad this is such a niche fetish and near unobtainable

I actually ask because I have a very high paying job in the medical field, saved up most of my money, and semi-recently got a lump sum and a house from an inheritance of a family friend who apparently named me as a benefactor because no one else in her immediate family cared about her so I can definitely support another person. I am seeing a man I met on here. He was a neet and says I inspired him to turn his life around and get a job, etc. We've been together for 2 years. He doesn't know how much money I have saved up but is aware that I make a lot.
I'd very much like to give him a good life because of the hardships he went through and because he has been very good to me as well. The only problem is that he's a little lazy with house work (and said it was the same when was a neet too) and I mostly clean up for him at his place, but has mentioned wishing to be a house husband on occasion, before he even knew I was capable of such. On the other hand, he's very diligent at work so I wonder if he could do it assuming it was his sole responsibility, which is why I'd like more input from robots themselves.
tldr: I am the rich mommy gf, do you think my former neet r9k bf who sucks at cleaning and has never cleaned in his life (but is hard working) do it?

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I'm working on it and I think it is possible. They just need a woman to tell them what to do because they are clueless without instruction. Usually once they know what to do they are very cooperative.

Where you live? I'm good at cleaning and cooking. I'm in Australia.

pavlov him with treats or something and neg him when he doesn't do it correctly. if his sole purpose in life is to house husband for you, he should get with the program.

That's not my question. Location is irrelevant. I love him very much already, he has been my only partner, and I will most likely never consider anyone else even if we break up for some reason.

If you already have a boyfriend why aren't you asking him? Not like "hey do you want to make this lifestyle change" but rather "hey just a hypothetical but if you could would you want to some day."

How do I meet a girl who will love me this much? Every girl I've talked to on here is really immature

Hes not even a real NEET though. You said he has his own place, and a job....literally what?

If you want an actual house-husband that can clean and cook thats actually a legitimate NEET, Im here. 30 years old, never had a job, live with parents, I cook everyday and know how to clean every part of the house and keep it clean year round.

Also, your inheritance isn't that special to me, I have my own inheritance coming from my parents. I am the ultimate NEET.

I have asked almost that exact hypothetical and he has responded positively, but I am afraid to have it harm our relationship because it ends up not working out for one reason or another (him not adjusting to it well, criticism from his family when they find out, etc.), which is why I'd like input from robots while I'm still making my decision. It just seems like a drastic lifestyle change from neet for 27 years, to working full-time for a couple years, to househusband and I'm afraid of it putting strain him. Perhaps I'm overthinking it though, which I do with a lot of things

It's probably just by chance. Sorry, user.

That's why I specified former in my prior post. His place is being paid for by parents and my plan is to have him quit and live with me. It's not like being a 100% NEET all his life and househusband was a hard requirement for me. I love him for more than that.

olivia? olk

>I love him for more than that.
when you eventually lose respect for him and decide to leave him, can you make another thread on r9k about it? i'll see you in 2 years.

I think learning to clean, cook etc. is a hardly difficult or challenging task, and seeing that there is a girl to do it for it should be pretty rewarding.
As long as he is indeed willing and not just playacting, I think he might just blow your mind away.

>That's why I specified former in my prior post. His place is being paid for by parents and my plan is to have him quit and live with me.



t. that thirsty australian faggot
I've been homeless and couldn't even afford toothpaste and toilet paper before but eventually my parents were able to pay for an apartment for me for a couple years. What hardships have you faced? Not having a gf? Living at home all your life, 100% fully supported by them instead while you don't have to do anything about it and try to pick up roasties on r9k?

This, who are you guys trying to kid.

But no, cleaning and housekeeping is the one thing people can't really learn. You either have the personality for cleaning up after yourself, or you don't.

only normalfags think living completely alone is cool. robots prefer the moderate comfort of the familiar, their parents or their autistic bot friend

I would love to be a house husband if it were something socially accepted, who the fuck wants to go to work, but I ever got the chance to be one irl I'd probably be constantly paranoid that my wife would lose all respect for me and start fucking other guys from her job. Men are just wired to be the providers for their women, not the other way around.

You think this is a good idea now, but keeping him around will just make you lose respect for him or get bored of him and dump him on his ass with no real backup plan, maybe you should reconsider.